SealFit from the archives
/Goruck is in Chattanooga tonight. Good luck to all that are participating!
Box Breathing 5 minutes
30 overhead squats with PVC
10x each: Pushups, Situps, Dips, Pullups, Burpees
Skill: Jump Rope 3 minutes
120 pushups for time
120 situps for time Army standard
Workout: A.
Back Squat 5-5-5-5
Workout B.
SealFit Work Capacity from the archives
Complete the following for time:
60x KB swing (53#/35#)
60x calories on rower
50x KB swing (53#/35#)
50x calories on rower
40x KB swing (53#/35#)
40x calories on rower
Workout C.
Still Waters Run Deep or Fish Bowl
Good workout this morning! Back Squats started light and went to 245 for me because of my calf injury. I just stayed a little light and did not feel any strain.
The Row/KB workout was not as bad as it looked on the board. Ended with a 12 minute Still Water. Clear head...ready to roll
PM Workout:
Warm up:
General warm up
30 minutes of PT. Everyone got in a circle and called out exercises and numbers for 30 minutes. Selection Candidates wore 30 lb ruck.
Pushups, pullups, situps, burpees, bear crawls, crab walks, wall balls, monkey bars, air squats, tabata squats, Russian twists and flutter kicks.
Post workout:
Guys hung out, drank a beer and laughed. Great way to end the week and start the weekend!
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