SealFit HQ Visit
/SealFit HQ Grinder
A work appointment took me to San Diego today. I left a little early and was able to make the trip to Encinitas to make my first visit to SealFit HQ since Kokoro 30. It was great to be there under different circumstances and I was pleased to see Coach John, Coach Lance, Coach David, and Josh from my Kokoro class.
Josh and I were on the mountain together and went through some cool and very difficult experiences together. He was all smiles and looked and sounded as if he was killing it since Kokoro.
Our workout looked like this:
Warm up with various things like inch worms, toy soldiers, squats, etc...
Back Squat at 65%
20 Deadlift at 185
400 m run
15 Deadlift at 185
400 m run
10 Deadlift at 185
400 m run
5 Deadlift at 185
400 m run
then 5 hill sprints-run up and walk down
Great day seeing everyone at HQ. Now I am sitting on Mission Bay preparing for my meeting tomorrow. I will use tomorrow as my day off this week. Calf is sore but not injured.
Train hard and post your workout to comments