Friday Nov 20, 2015
/We ended the week with a lung burner
1. WHM breathing4 rounds of 30-40 breaths plus an additional round with max pushups
2. Bravo (Yes, named after my new dog)
100 Burpees
100 Double Unders
Run 800 m
100 Mtn Climbers
100 Pushups
For time
3. Back Squat 5-5-3-3-1-1-1
Update on the WHM Breathing. We have about 5-6 of us giving this a regular try. The workout starts a little earlier, about 5:10 and we go through the breathing exercise plus the pushups before the workout.
My retentions were decent this morning but Matt Greenwell shocked us all when he hit 2 over 3 minutes and then one at 5 minutes. Incredible.
I was interested to see if I would be able to do 100 burpees straight and unbroken again and I could. I, once again, finished so quickly that I thought I miscounted so I threw in another 10 for good measure. I finished in 4:20 and then hit the double unders. The whole workout took me 13:32. I was very pleased.