Kokoro Prep
/AJ Hickey or 037 doing overhead work in Selection. 037 was one of the most badass people I have ever met in my life. He was the strongest candidate but was medically dropped as one of only 2 remaining. 037 suffered serious kidney issues but has since recovered.
Matt Lawson is headed to Kokoro in Oct so I thought I would design a little prep workout for him today. One of the worst things I encountered in both Selection and Kokoro were overhead ruck or sandbag holds. They are tough and can break you when simply standing with the bag overhead, but they are made far worse when asked to maintain an overhead hold in a deep squat.
Our workout was really very simple but looked more complicated on the board:
Run 400 round 1, 800 round 2, and 400 round 3
After running, Complete:
16 Burpees
8 kettlebell swings at 70 pounds
4 straight bar muscle ups
2 Turkish Getups at 70 pounds
1 double rope climb with no legs (this is a 15 foot climb with one rope in each hand)
x3 rounds
"Rest" exactly 2 minutes between rounds by maintaining a 45 pound sandbag in the overhead position on round 1, in full squat on round 2 and in overhead position on round 3.
Many, including myself, found it to be difficult to maintain the overhead position for the whole 2 minutes so we did an accumulated 2 minute hold, counting only the time the bag was held in an overhead position with arms locked out.
For Matt Lawson, he incurred an additional 10 burpee penalty for every time the bag touched his head. Ouch.
At one time, I rated workouts in the summer with a sweat index. I cant remember exactly what the standards were, but a 10 was completely soaking shoes and socks, like we had jumped in a pool and a 1 was a small ring around the collar. I give this one about a 7. Pretty good, completely covered, all clothes soaked but shoes and socks not completely drenched and I could not ring out my shirt.