Tuesday January 12, 2016

Fun day today after the Tide Rolled last night!

We started with weighted dips

Weighted Dip


Wade got to 3 reps at 123 lbs which was pretty damn impressive.  Good job


2 man teams

Buddy band pull- each guy down and back in the driveway

then Partner 1- 30 shoulder taps

upon P1 completing the 30, P2 does 15 burpees

Continue for 15 minutes AMRAP



Sled Pulls

with 3 45 lb bumpers on the sled

split into 2 teams

Team member 1 pulls sled 50 feet with a rope and then runs the end of the rope to the other end where Team member 2 pulls the sled back. 

Continue this as fast as possible for 10 minutes


Good work