Friday, June 10, 2016
/5 am
1. Wim Hof Breathing
4 rounds + Pushups
2. Scooter
30 mins:
30 Double Unders
15 Pull-ups
15 Push-ups
Sprint, 100 m
Im not sure I understood this workout correctly. It was a partner team workout that included some deadlifts. We somehow left that part out and simply did a 30 min AMRAP of one partner going through a whole round and then resting while the other partner does a full round. I love the intervals and partner workouts, so this was nice. I would have liked to have done it as prescribed, but I guess I didnt understand.
Trevor and I partnered and did 20 rounds + 30 du + 15 pullups
It was a great workout regardless of whether we did it exaclty right.