July 11, 2016

Great morning!

Started off with


Row 500m

40 Air Squats

30 Abmat situps

20 pushups

10 Pullups

for time


Warm up for DT



12 Deadlifts

9 Hang Power Cleans

6 Jerk

x 5 rounds for time

Rx=155 lbs


DT is always a very tough workout.  155 for me is a very tough weight.  Actually, it simply crushes me.

I was right next to Trevor and watched him pull ahead of me doing this workout almost unbroken.  Mine...not unbroken.  I wanted to go under 12 minutes and Trevor was shooting for sub 8.

Trevor actually got sub 8 minutes but I may have gone out too fast and got crushed in the later rounds.  12 minutes came and went and I was still working.  I finished in 14:12 today which was disappointing.  I have alot of work to do and could get much stronger in the hang clean, clean and jerk.

Always something to work on .