August 15, 2016
/Great Monday Morning today! First of all, it is my daughter's 13th birthday! Congratulations Hanna
How does it get better than this? A fish on, the Tetons in the background and a hug and a kiss from my favorite girl...all at the same time!
Instead of the Hanna workout, which is a favorite travel workout but requirespair of dumbells for each person doing it, we settled for this awesome one after we did Back Squats 5-5-5-5-5
This is a 2 man team workout. I had Trey Joyner as my partner. He stayed Rx throughout, but I had to drop the snatch to 135.
Only one partner works at a time, except for the partner wall balls, which one partner throws to the wall, the other catches.
We finished in 15:05, not Rx.
Great morning and we had a good group of 17!