December 22, 2017
/Happy Birthday Robert! Great work. Also notice the small envelope at the bottom left. If you haven't made your donation, please consider
At the RRL, many of us may be getting a little older, but we still get after it. Today, Robert Fisher showed up, strapped on the 20 lb vest and celebrated his 58th birthday with us by doing this workout:
RRL Warmup
1000 m row easy pace
10 minutes to build up to workout weight on Clean and Jerk
"Wiped Clean"
30 Air Squats
20 Cal Row
7 Clean and Jerk @ 135
x 5 rounds, start on the 4:00
This means that if you finish a round in 3:00, you have 1 minute to rest before next round starts. Your score is your slowest round.
Robert crushed this with the vest on and 95 lbs on the bar. Great job at 58 years young.
Never, ever, ever give up!
Rusty wondered out loud how many 58 year olds could complete that workout like Robert did today. I have no science or statsto draw from, but my own experience says that about .005% of 58 year olds could do it. The fact that he can do it, is not an accident. Paying attention to your diet, mobility, sleep, health and hydration are all factors. Robert has kept all this in check over the years. In the wise words of Jocko Willink,
Discipline Equals Freedom
Have the discipline to exercise, sleep well, live on a healthy diet, keep your weight in check, work on mobility, lift weights, get cardio and you will have the freedom to be able to do just about anything that you want to when you are 58!
Good job Robert.