March 2, 2017
/Finishing my 5 rounds of Wim Hof breathing
Team Day
Why We Train Together As A Team
(From Mark Divine's Unbeatable Mind)
Team training builds Kokoro because:
We hold ourselves to a higher standard when training with others
Our teammates also hold us accountable
We are motivated by the mighty effort of our teammates and want to match it
We are encouraged to push harder and succeed by our teammates
We are empowered when we take our minds off our own petty issues, helping our team succeed instead
We are reminded of our own faults and limitations when we see our teammates struggle and fail. Then when we struggle and fail we do not shy from receiving help
A team’s Kokoro, or Team Spirit, will buoy our own personal spirit. We draw strength and courage from a team firing on all cylinders
Today's Workout
1. Team Drills
As a team do:
10 Burpees
10 Situps
This is a drill to enhance teamwork and to realize that slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Reps have to be completed as a team, in unison, or they don't count.
Two Man Teams
2 minutes on, 1 minute off
KB Swings 53 pounds
Sandbag getups 60 pounds
Row for calories
Sandbag lunge steps 60 pounds
Teams work together to come up with the best way to get alot of work done in 2 minutes. Teams do not have to distribute the work evenly. Keep track of reps at each station with chalk on the ground. then, add together for total score