November 12, 2018

Plans were spoiled with some rain this morning. Instead of the 13.2 CrossFit Games workout that I had planned, the 6 of us made a different workout that could keep us moving and in the garage

Core warmup

20 Grasshoppers

40 bicycles with a pause at the end

20 leg reaches

40 flutters with a pause

x 3 rounds


6 stations

  1. Ski Erg

  2. pushups

  3. 20 KB Swing

  4. Vup

  5. Assault Bike

  6. Situp

All stations are max reps for the time allotted except the KB swing which is 20. The way this one works is that the KB station determines when everyone switches stations. You can train a large number of people with a small amount of equipment with this type of workout. The determining station could be a 400 m run, 20 kb swings or anything really. It is easy to have 2 teams compete with each other while still using a small amount of equipment.

We went through this for 20 minutes.