Sept 30, 2018

Lots to catch up on today. I have been in Venice, LA all week. It was pretty busy so I neglected to post here, but I was active…every day.

On Sunday, I left and drove 8 hours to Venice. In that time I had an opportunity to finish a book I have been interested in reading. Endure by Alex Hutchinson. It is about the elastic limits of Human performance. Particularly interested in endurance and running, Alex goes deep on the limits or perceived limits that we impose on ourselves and what is being done to try and break through those limits. Using lots of studies and science, Alex does a great job with this book. Particularly interesting to me were the chapters on nutrition, hydration and how our mind works. Highly recommended if you are into this stuff.



Deck of Cards- My go to on trips like this. Pushups, Burpees, Squats and Situps with 100 Double Unders for each Joker. I can be done in 20 min. Finished with Durante Core x 5


Deck of cards - A twist to this one. I brought a kettlebell. Pushups for Clubs, Kettlebell single arm snatches for Spades, Side squats for Diamonds, Hearts were flutter kicks x 5


Again with the deck of cards - I did KB Swings for clubs, KB Snatch for spades, Burpees for Hearts and Squats for Diamonds. 100 Double Unders for jokers. This one was tough


I only had a very short window on this day.


Kettlebells swings


finish with Durante Core


Run 5 miles

finish with 200 pushups

I drove home and listened to Joe Rogan with my friend BioLayne, Layne Norton on his show. This was a very good podcast that discussed Keto vs higher carb diets. Lots of great information

I brought back roughly 200 lbs of fresh, organic, line caught, perfectly treated swordfish, yellowfin tuna, snapper, cob and mahi. I had it all vacuum sealed professionally and it is in the freezer. Im set for a couple of months!

Back in the garage tomorrow morning.