April 29, 2020

RRL Warmup Wim Hof Method x 4 + Pushups 10 squats, 10 pushups, 10 Situps, 10 burpees, 10 pullups, 10 overhead squats, 20 GHD, 20 Back Extensions 3 minutes of Jump Rope. Crossover Symmetry. Address any issues with foam roll, mobility tools. Warm up movements for today.

We have had longer efforts so far this week. Today is short, fast and heavy

  1. Push Press 5-3-1-1-1

  2. Sled push/5 burpees x 4 rounds

  3. Leap Frog Format

    10 burpees

    10 KB snatch @ 70 lbs

    10 wall balls

    Amrap 10 min

Teamed with Brandon Clift. No rest

Robert, Rusty, Jody, Brandon and me. Steen stopped by to borrow some weights