October 3, 2023
/Just got back from an elk hunting trip. Tons of walking up hills with a pack which was good for cardio.
Back to the grind of trying to make the CrossFit Games in my age group.
Monday -
Session 1: Warm up: 3 way banded lat stretch, chest stretch, tricep stretch, DB/KB: 5 each - good mornings, front squats, strict press, RDL
Warm up:
3 Rounds
15 Cal Row
10 Air Squats
5 Box Jumps
10 Single-leg KB RDL (light KB)
Back Squat: 5x7 - 65% or RPE 6.5 (Notes: Before your squats... load up the bar to 100% of your 1RM and complete 3x :25s back rack holds, rest as needed between sets. On the sets of squats, control the eccentric, slight pause at the bottom of each squat)
Strict Press: 5x7 - 60% or RPE 6
3 Rounds
10/10 Single Arm DB Front Squat (Heavy)
15 DB Push Press (Unbroken with Moderate Weight)
75' HS Walk
Rest: :90s
Session 2: Warm up: Crossover symmetry, hip halo, ankle/hip mobility, 3 way lat stretch
Warm up:
3 rounds
2 Wall Walks
20 Double unders
Wall Walks
Double Unders
Sprint Work
10 Rounds
Every 2:00
8 Cal Echo Bike
8 Bar Facing Burpees
Session 1: Warm up: pigeon stretch, hamstring stretch, calf stretch, 5 of each with empty barbell: good mornings, elbow rotations, back squats, strict press, RDL, front squats
4 Rounds
500m Row
20 Toes to Bar
Rest 2:00 between round
Rest 5:00
4 Rounds
600m Run
20 Chest to bars
Rest 2:00 between rounds
Total time 44:05
Session 2: Warm up: crossover symmetry, hip halo, tricep stretch, lat stretch
Empty barbell: Clean Grip RDL (Above Knee): 5 reps, Power Clean from Knees: 5 reps, Front Squat with :01 Pause: 5 reps, Front Rack Dips: 5 reps, Push Jerks: 5 reps
Snatch Warm up: 2 Rounds
Snatch Grip RDL: 5 reps
Muscle Snatch: 5 reps
Power Snatch from Knee: 5 reps
Bottom Snatch Press: 5 reps
Overhead Squat: 5 reps
Single Arm DB Overhead Squats:
3x8 per arm RPE 7
Snatch Balance:
3x3 at 70% or RPE 7 (Notes: Focus on fast lockout)
Snatch Pull:
5x3 at 80% or RPE 8 (Notes: Focus on precise positioning)
2x2 at 70%
2x2 at 75%
1x2 at 80%
(Notes: Singles only)
Snatch Grip RDL:
5x5 at 70% or RPE 7
(Notes: Slow and controlled eccentric with a slight puase at the end range... base 70% on your 1RM Snatch NOT your 1RM Deadlift)
For Quality
50-40-30-20-10 - GHD Sit ups
10-20-30-40-50 - Banded Good Mornings