Sept 19, 2023

Hiring the Coach was a great move. I don’t know if it is sustainable, but I am putting in more time than ever…including Selection training.

I have tried to qualify for 3 events now.

The Masters Online Collective - I did qualify for this one in 6th place but will not compete in the real event as it is in conflict with my elk hunt

The Legends - I also qualified for this one in 16th place and may compete in the real one in Dec in Arizona. They take the top 25

The Wodapalooza - Currently in 8th place after 3 events…2 more to go. The only take the top 5

The extra work has helped significantly. What does the extra work look like? Here is a sample day:

Session 1: Warm up: Crossover symmetry, hip halo, 3 way banded lat stretch, chest stretch, tricep stretch, Barbell: 5 each - good mornings, elbow rotations, back squats, strict press, RDL, Front squats


Snatch Balance:

80%: 3,3 reps

85%: 3,3,3 reps

2 Overhead Squats (from Rack) + 1 Snatch:

73%: 3,3,3 reps

78%: 3,3,3 reps

(Take the bar from the rack and complete 2 overhead squats, drop the bar, complete your snatch and re-rack)

Back Squat:

85%: 4,4,4,4,4 reps (slow controlled eccentric, :01 second pause)

Sprint Finisher: 7 Rounds

10 second Echo Bike Sprint OR Ski Erg Sprint

30 second Rest

Accessory (optional):

4 Rounds

10 Back Extensions: (1 second pause at the top)

:35s Double KB Front Rack wall Sit (moderate weight)

10/10 KB Gorilla Rows (moderate weight)

Session 2: Warmup: Crossover Symmetry, hip halo, Lat stretch, Chest stretch

Gymnastics: 12:00 EMOM

Min 1: 3 Wall Walks

Min 2: 50' HS Walk

Min 3: Rest

Metcon: For Time (20:00 Time cap)

40 Cal Row

30 Toes to bar

12 Sandbag over the shoulder cleans - 125#

40 Box Step overs - 35# DB

12 Sandbag over the shoulder cleans

30 Toes to bar

40 Cal Row

Accessory (optional)

10 Rounds

10 cal C2 Bike - Damper 10

10 V-Ups OR GHD sit ups

I have been really taking care of my body with proper supplementation and a good bit of extra food. Im at about 3000+ calories right now which does have me a bit heavier than I might like, but the performance is good and my energy levels are ok.

LMNT has been crucial to this whole process and I have really embraced what sodium can do for performance. I am taking it pre workout mixed with Beta Alanine and then again through the day due to the excessive sweat from these workouts, plus the sauna sessions I am doing.

I have a code if you want to get some: CLICK HERE for a free sample pack of every flavor they offer which is a $20 value

Later this week, Wodapalooza will drop their last 2 workouts which I will do before going elk hunting next week.