When preparing for Selection, I feel like we need to be able to do a ton of situps and pushups, run, and ruck. In fact, I am not sure that we can ruck enough in preparation for the event. Today, I created a workout that had us moving for a 30 minute smoke session and incorporated simple movements that I am sure we will be doing plenty of in Selection.
My calf is still bothering me. I felt it a bit on round 3 so I immediately went to the rower instead of rucking or running any further. Laying off running for close to 2 weeks has not solved the injury so I will probably go see Wayne Stephens and see if he can help me.
Planning a workout for this weekend to include lots of water, mud and long rucks is definitely starting to take shape. Greenway Farms may be a good spot for good creek access and plenty of trails. It is also close by which is important.
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