Top 6 Travel workouts with little or no equipment
/Here are my 6 favorite travel workouts with little or no equipment for a life on the road:
6. 3 miles/300 pushups- This one is easy. Take your running shoes and get in 3 miles with a running clock. At any time before, during or after the run, complete 300 pushups. You can break this up anyway you want. I typically start the clock, then do 50 pushups and take off on the run. At some sort of landmark like a stop sign, tree, power pole or other mark, I will drop and do 50 more. I try to get them all done during the run and increase the pace at the end of the run. This is my way to do it, but certainly not the only way.
If you can bring a single Kettlebell on the road with you, the Dan John 500 swing workout can definitely get you by until you can get back to the gym
5. If you can bring a single kettlebell or you are staying in a hotel with a gym that has dumbbells, try this one:
Dan John's 500 swing workout
Find a 53 lb kettlebell or a 50 lb dumbbell (scale according to your fitness)
Choose an accessory exercise from this list: Goblet Squat, Air Squat, Pullup, Pushup, Dip
Perform Russian Kettlebell Swings (to eye level, not overhead) and accessory exercise in the following sets for one round. In this example I chose pullups.
10 swings, 1 Pullup
15 swings, 2 pullups
25 swings, 3 pullups
50 swings, rest :30-1:00
Complete 5 rounds for time.
This is 500 swings. Want to make it harder? Do American swings which go fully overhead.
This is a typical crappy hotel gym. If you look at the bottom of the dumbbell rack, there is usally a 45 or 50 that doesnt get much use. Grab a single dumbbell and try the Magic 50
4. Magic 50
If you have access to a hotel gym, chances are pretty good that you can find a single dumbbell. This workout is simple, but surprisingly effective and always painful.
5 snatches each arm
5 swings each arm
10 Burpees
x 5 rounds for time
I like a 50 lb dumbbell for this, but I also use a 53 lb kettlebell if I have brought one. Scale according to your fitness. Make it harder by adding rounds. At hotel gyms that only have up to a 30lb dumbbell, I might do a Magic 100 which would be 10 rounds.
Here is a typical Hampton Inn room. I have done 100 burpees countless times in the space just in front of the bed
3. 100 burpees for time
This one cant get any simpler. Throw yourself onto the floor, get up and jump with a clap overhead. Do this 100 times as fast as you can.
If there is a park nearby and you are lucky enough to find a setup like this, Murph is an excellent road workout
2. Murph
If you can find a pullup bar or a tree limb or anything to pull yourself up on, this is an outstanding workout.
Run 1 mile
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
Run 1 mile
For time
Without a doubt, my go-to road workout is a simple, but effective deck of cards. I never travel anywhere without a deck of cards. If you were to forget, they are readily available at most cash registers, airport shops and hotel gift shops. Always carry one
1. Best travel workout of all time.....
Deck of cards
Here is a link to a post on the Deck of cards, but I will also explain here.
Simply get a deck of cards (I never travel without one) and shuffle.
Face cards =10 reps
Aces = 11 reps
All other cards are face value
Designate an exercise to each suit, flip cards and get moving.
My go to travel deck of cards is this:
Spades = Burpees
Clubs = Pushups
Hearts = Situps
Diamonds = Squats
Joker = 100 double unders ( I also always travel with a jump rope)
If you are on the road for a while and feeling guilty about missing your gym time, throw every key card from your trip into the deck as well and use them as additional Jokers. It gets progressively tougher every day.
All Black Cards = Burpees
All Red Cards = Pushups
Jokers = 400 m run
You can make this as tough as you want to and there are endless combinations. Even if you do the same combination every day, simply shuffling the cards makes it different every time.
There is no excuse for not staying in shape on the road.