January 23, 2018

Excellent start to the day today!

Alternating OTM x 10 (5 Rounds)
Even Minutes – 14/10 Calorie Assault Bike
Odd Minutes – 5 Overhead Squats


3 Rounds:
50 Air Squats
35 Pushups
20 Calorie Row

Post times

I finished this one in 8:41 and we set the standard of the pushups to be touching our chest to an abmat which is shorter than the closed fist in which the Navy uses. 

January 22, 2018

It was Justin's 40th Birthday this morning so he strapped on the 20 lb vest

I searched the archives for a 40th birthday.  The closest I could find was Will Kelley's 41st birthday.  It has been some time since we did this one, so we dialed back all reps to 40 and hit it.

There was a great turnout and the weather was nice and warm for a pleasant change.

Happy Birthday Justin!

We have done this workout 9 times and my results are all over the board.  The first time was August 19, 2009 on my 40th birthday which was before the tradition of weighted vests on your birthday started.  I did it in 22:38.  It has been done on other people's birthdays without a vest but also on my own birthday again with increased weights of a 20 lb vest, 70 lb kettlebell, and 75 lb thruster.  This one took 41:55. 

January 17, 18, 2018

A massive cold front came through town and dropped the temperatures to single digits.  A few inches of snow came with it overnight making the roads a little slick.

In a moment of weakness, I started wondering who might show up on a morning like this.  All the guys from the Mountain areas were likely out, it was a Wednesday which is usually run day and we have a lighter crowd traditionally.  Who would come?  I sent a text to a few of the guys who live close by and got negative responses.  Then, it happened...

I sent out an email saying that for the first time in the history of the RRL we would cancel the morning workout for any reason.  This time it was weather. 

I slept in and it felt wonderful.

Around 10:30 am, emails started flying around about breaking an 11 year streak of never cancelling a workout.  Jody suggested a 4 pm workout to keep the streak alive and we had a good turnout.  Kevin, Jody, David, Michael, Matt G, and I did a rowing workout that was a lung burner.

So, I guess we still haven't cancelled a workout, only postponed.


Today, it was 16 degrees but we had an awesome showing.  Justin brought a friend, Wade brought a friend and Matt Greenwell was back for day 2 in a row.  So many of the regulars were there today getting this day off to an amazing start.

Also, Justin is the KING of the Assault Bike.  Byron, if you are reading, you better keep up the intensity because Justin is coming for you.



5 Rounds, starting every 4:00:
10 CTB Pull-Ups
18 DB Snatches (50/35)
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike

If we are using an Airdyne today, complete 21/15 calories.
If we do not have access to a bike, complete on the rower for equal calories (15/12).

Rounds start on the 0:00, 4:00, 8:00, 12:00, and 16:00.
After completing the work inside the round, time remaining before the next interval is rest.
Score today will be our *slowest* round of all five.

Januray 16, 2018

Wim Hof

Crossover Symetry

Warm up

6 Rounds of a 1:00 Window:
12 GHD Sit-Ups + Max Kipping Handstand Pushups in time remaining.
Rest :30s between each round.

Score is your *lowest* round of kipping handstand pushups across all rounds.


5 x 4:00 On / 4:00 Off:
30/20 Calorie Row
20/14 Calorie Assault Bike Bike
Max 10 Meter Shuttle Sprints in time remaining.

Set two cones 10 Meters apart from each other for the shuttle runs. Each time you move cone to cone (1 length, or 10 Meters), this counts as 1 rep. This is the scored portion. Add the total from all five rounds together

January 15, 2018

Wim Hof

Warm up

Crossover Symetry

10 Hang Squat Snatches (75/55)
30 Double-Unders

5 min rest

On the Minute x 9:
“X” Thrusters (95/65)
“X” CTB Pull-Ups
“X” Barbell-Facing Burpees

Level 1 – 5 Repetitions
Level 2 – 4 Repetitions
Level 3 – 3 Repetitions


I chose 5 reps and was finishing around :45 seconds for the first 7 rounds.  8 and 9 were closer to :50 seconds

January 10, 11, 2018

Jan 10, 2018


Thursday January 11


AMRAP 2:30: Burpee Box Jump Overs
 – Rest 1:00 – 
AMRAP 1:30: Burpee Box Jump Overs
 – Rest 1:00 –  
AMRAP :30: Burpee Box Jump Overs

Rx Box is 24″/20″, and these are open-standards (box facing). Step-Overs would not be considered Rx.

3 Rounds:
Minutes 0-2 – 26 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35)
Minutes 2-4 – 30 Wallballs (20/14)
Minute 4-5 – 1:00 for Max Bar Muscle-Ups
Minute 5-6 – Rest

Score today will be total bar muscle-ups completed across all three rounds. There is no additional rest between rounds aside from the final minute (5-6) that must be a rest period. Athletes are allowed to take as many attempts on the pull-up bar as they would like for the bar muscle-ups. They do not need to be unbroken. If we are still training towards our first bar muscle-up, today would be a good day for 1:00 of CTB Pull-Ups.

Happy Birthday Jody

January 9, 2018

Wim Hof Breathing

Crossover Symetry

Warm up

12 minutes Front Squat/ Back Squat

Odd Minutes 3 Front Squat

Even Minutes 6 Back Squats


“Three Wheels” Part #1
AMRAP 3:00
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike
12 Power Cleans (135/95)

Rest 3:00

“Three Wheels” Part #2
AMRAP 3:00
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike
8 Power Cleans (175/115)

Rest 3:00

“Three Wheels” Part #3
AMRAP 3:00
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike
4 Power Cleans (205/135)

January 8, 2018

Icy conditions kept everyone but Reggie at home.  Thank you Reggie for coming!

Wim Hof Breathing


Crossover Symetry

Dirty 30 from Comptrain

"DIRTY 30"

For Time:
30 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
30 CTB Pull-Ups
30 KBS (53/35)
30 Front Squats (95/65)
30 Toes to Bar
30 Push Press (95/65)
30 Deadlifts (95/65)
30 Wallballs (20/14) – Both to a 10′ Target
30 Barbell Facing Burpees
30 Double-Unders

Took me 16:59


January 1, 2018

Hard to believe that I just wrote 2018 in the date line.

We started this year out right with a good one in 18 degrees.

Frogman's New Year

100 Dead Hang Pullups

250 Pushups

500 Abmat Situps

Run 3 miles

It was very cold but Reggie, Young Braswell (6th grade), Wade, Lee, Miles, Jody, Kyle, Rusty, and me...(then Will Hunt later) braved the 18 degree weather and hit this one. 

We had plenty of time to be staring at the sky as we progressed through the 500 situps.  Rusty spotted not 1 but 2 bald eagles circling the driveway.  They came very close, within 200 feet and made a couple of circles right before Sweet Home Alabama played on the stereo.  Wade was dressed head to toe in official Marine sweats and the American flag was standing straight out in the wind.  It was a VERY American scene and a great way to start 2018, surrounded by friends pushing me to get better, thankful for where we live, grateful for my health and happy to be celebrating the health of my body by doing a tough workout like this one.

I hope everyone has a great 2018.  Start it off right.  Finish strong

December 26, 27, 28, 2017

Dec 26, 2017


Run 800

Ski 750

Bike 1.2 miles

Row 750

x 2 rounds--27:42 for me


Dec 27, 2017

10 am start this morning. 

Hinshaw Warm up

Run 30 minutes at conversational pace


100 @ :22

Rest 2:00

150 @ :33

Rest 2:00

200 @ 44

Rest 2:00

200 @ 44




Dec 28, 2017

Warm up

15 minutes to work to a 1rm max Snatch off blocks and then back down to empty bar

Double Decker

15 Power Snatches (75/55)
30 Double-Unders
15 Wallballs (20/14)
30 Double-Unders

December 24, 2017 Christmas Eve

In preparation for a big Holiday brunch at my Mom's house, I decide to move around a little this morning.  I have been working on an RRL triathlon or quadathlon of sorts which will incorporate running, ski erg, assault bike and row.  I think that there can be several versions of this which will hit all different time domains and intensity.

Today I tried this one

Run 1 mile 7:01

Ski 1000m 3:30

Bike 1 mile 2:34

Row 1000m 3:56

This took me 17:52 which was broken down with the approximate times above.  There were a few seconds here and there for transition.  This was a good workout, but I think that I will try it a little different next time.  Id like to find distances on the different disciplines that all come out to about the same time.

One idea was

Run 800m

Ski 1000m

Bike 1.2 miles

Row 750 m

This would be a sprint and I expect it would take about 12 minutes.  The intensity would be ramped up.  Id also like to try those same distances at 2 rounds and try to get under 25 minutes


Another idea was

Run 3 miles

Ski 5000 m

Bike 6 miles

Row 5000 m

That one would be significantly longer.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

December 22, 2017

Happy Birthday Robert!  Great work.  Also notice the small envelope at the bottom left.  If you haven't made your donation, please consider

At the RRL, many of us may be getting a little older, but we still get after it.  Today, Robert Fisher showed up, strapped on the 20 lb vest and celebrated his 58th birthday with us by doing this workout:

RRL Warmup


1000 m row easy pace

10 minutes to build up to workout weight on Clean and Jerk

"Wiped Clean"

30 Air Squats

20 Cal Row

7 Clean and Jerk @ 135

x 5 rounds, start on the 4:00

This means that if you finish a round in 3:00, you have 1 minute to rest before next round starts.  Your score is your slowest round.

Robert crushed this with the vest on and 95 lbs on the bar.  Great job at 58 years young.

Never, ever, ever give up!

Rusty wondered out loud how many 58 year olds could complete that workout like Robert did today.  I have no science or statsto draw from, but my own experience says that about .005% of 58 year olds could do it.  The fact that he can do it, is not an accident.  Paying attention to your diet, mobility, sleep, health and hydration are all factors.  Robert has kept all this in check over the years.  In the wise words of Jocko Willink,

Discipline Equals Freedom

Have the discipline to exercise, sleep well, live on a healthy diet, keep your weight in check, work on mobility, lift weights, get cardio and you will have the freedom to be able to do just about anything that you want to when you are 58!

Good job Robert.


December 21, 2017

Warm up

3 Rounds:
:20s Jump Rope Reps (Singles or Doubles)
1-2 Ring Repetitions (Ring MU or Ring Dip)
7 Barbell Repetitions
– Round 1, Good Mornings
– Round 2, Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
– Round 3, Deadlifts

Take 5-7 minutes to build to your starting weight on the deadlift to start our first part today.


4 Rounds:

3 Bar Muscle-Ups
15 GHD Sit-Ups
5 Deadlifts
Rest 2:00


For time:
1,500 Meter Row
100 Double-Unders
50 Calorie Air Bike (30 Calorie Assault Bike)
100 Double-Unders
1,500 Meter Row

I finished this last one in 19:52 and could not understand how the leaders were doing it in 16 minutes.  Upon reading closer, I see that it calls for 30 cals on the Assault Bike.  We did 50.  16 is still a very good time, but at least I see where some of my time went.

Good day!

December 18, 19, 2017

I had to go out of town to film some tips in Hilton Head, SC but the guys were hard at work at the gym


This morning we did a series of short efforts with 3-5 min rest between

100 burpees

100 Knees 2 Elbows

100 Double unders

100 Empty Bar Lunges

The workout of 100 Burpees is a deceptively difficult task.  You simply throw yourself on the ground and then get back up to standing, add a slight jump and do it again...100 times.  Of course there is some technique that can help you go faster at this movement, but for the most part it is a max effort gymnastic movement that will test your cardiovascular system and ability to purge lactic acid. 

When I do the 100 burpee test, I always make sure that I make a note of the standard.  For the most general, I just make sure my chest touches the ground and then upon standing, that my hips are open and that I jump off the ground enough for my entire foot to come off the ground.  I have also used a bumper plate to jump onto each time, go over a barbell or rower, jump onto a box or even do it for distance with a broad jump between the burpees.

Today, I used the most general standard which I have recorded 14 times over the last few years.  My scores are all over the place because some of these efforts were done with a 60 lb ruck while preparing for Selection.

A few years ago, I started doing the Wim Hof breathing and noticed some performance benefits but nothing that I could really put my finger on as being a result of the breathing.  The first time I did the 100 burpee test on Jan 17, 2016, I was surprised and amazed to be able to do them straight through, unbroken.  At that time, I had never been able to complete more than 50 without a break.  I did 100 straight and set a new PR of 4:55 which was more than a minute better than I had ever done before.

Since then, I beat that time with a 4:35 and then today, beat it again with an all time PR and Gym record of 4:27.  At 49 years old, I am feeling so great about this accomplishment!

The first time I ever did 100 burpees for time was in 2007 and I remember my time being around 8 minutes.  Over time my technique definitely improved but so did my conditioning and strength.  I hovered around 6 minutes for a couple of years and made some improvement but once I started doing the Wim Hof Breathing regularly, the time dropped on the burpees and lots of other things as well.

This test can be done anywhere you have a 6 foot area and will improve your conditioning or act as a test to allow you to see if you are making improvements or backsliding.  Write down your results and the standards you used so you can repeat the test in the future.