
My son Turner, 16, and Navy Seal Brad McLeod of SealFit and SealgrinderPT, celebrate after Turner finished the SealFit 20x event in Trenton, GA

My son Turner, 16, and Navy Seal Brad McLeod of SealFit and SealgrinderPT, celebrate after Turner finished the SealFit 20x event in Trenton, GA


Box Breathing 5 minutes

30 overhead squats with PVC

10x each: Pushups, Situps, Dips, Pullups, Burpees

Skill: Jump Rope 3 minutes

Core: Lying Hip Swing x 30

Workout A:

Run 400 m

30 pushups

30 situps

Ruck 400 m with 90 pounds

AMRAP 30 min


Workout B. 

Front Squat 5-3-1

Post times, reps and/or loads to comments

When preparing for Selection, I feel like we need to be able to do a ton of situps and pushups, run, and ruck.  In fact, I am not sure that we can ruck enough in preparation for the event.  Today, I created a workout that had us moving for a 30 minute smoke session and incorporated simple movements that I am sure we will be doing plenty of in Selection.

My calf is still bothering me.  I felt it a bit on round 3 so I immediately went to the rower instead of rucking or running any further.  Laying off running for close to 2 weeks has not solved the injury so I will probably go see Wayne Stephens and see if he can help me. 

Planning a workout for this weekend to include lots of water, mud and long rucks is definitely starting to take shape.  Greenway Farms may be a good spot for good creek access and plenty of trails.  It is also close by which is important.

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Nuts to butts! Kokoro 30

Nuts to butts! Kokoro 30


Box Breathing 5 minutes

30 overhead squats with PVC

10x each: Pushups, Situps, Dips, Pullups, Burpees

Skill: Jump Rope 3 minutes

Core: Lying Hip Swing x 30

Workout: A.

2 Min Max Push-up to Army Standard

Workout B. 

2 Min Max Sit-up to Army Standard

Workout C.

Run 5 Miles


Row 40 minutes for max meters

Workout D.

Push Press 5-3-1

Post times, reps and/or loads to comments

For Selection, the minimum requirements for the pushups are 55 and the situps 65.  The pushups are no problem, but we are all cutting it close on the situps.  The number seems high to me and I think that ALOT of the 275 people signed up for this event may have trouble with this one event.  Fail it...go home.

I will not fail the situp test, I will make sure of that, but I can easily see how someone might overlook it in favor of alot of rucking or other work and end up in a bad spot.  6 or 7 months of training could easily be thrown away on the second event in the first 15 minutes of Selection and I am sure that it will happen to some people. 

65 situps in 2 minutes at Navy standard is not difficult at all, but the Army requires you to keep your hands locked behind the head which makes for a MUCH more difficult and thus far lower rep count.  65 is pretty tough.

My score today was 96 pushups and 69 situps.  I am focusing on consistently hitting 100 pushups and getting my situp numbers to consistently 80's.  I am planning on getting no-repped despite perfect form (mind games) and I want to make sure that I have plenty of time to get in 65 perfect reps.

My calf is still bothering me a bit and I believe it to be a slight tear in my gastroc.  I had a torn soleus 2 years ago and when I ran on it too early it developed into a serious tear that prevented me from running for 8 weeks.  I can not risk that type of injury so I might even lay off again next week despite REALLY needing and wanting to run.

Mike, Jay, Blythe and I rowed 40 minutes today which was challenging but went by quickly because of the company.  I commented to Cynthia about how lucky I feel to have such an awesome group to support the training and to call friends.  These guys are all super solid individuals.

I am trying to plan a 4 hour workout for Saturday to include full submersion with rucks packed with the Goruck packing list contents.  I want to try to see how much that will all weigh and start to refine our packing and waterproof/draining ability with the rucks.  This is very important and could easily be overlooked.  It will not be overlooked by us!  

The Road To Goruck Selection

120 lb Goruck Sandbags ready to crush our souls and make us cry "Uncle"

120 lb Goruck Sandbags ready to crush our souls and make us cry "Uncle"

First post today.  I dont know if anyone will read this but I am going to document my progress towards Goruck Selection on this blog. 

Our workout today:

"Feed the Courage Wolf"

Partner workout.  Each man with a 45 lb ruck

Ruck 1 mile together with 120 lb sandbag and rucks, switch as often as needed...sandbag never touches the ground until pushup/situp or 20 burped penalty
250 pushups with ruck on as a team
250 situps as a team…no ruck
50 pull-ups…non working partner holds sandbag while other partner does pullups
Bear crawl the length driveway x4
Ruck 1 mile with 120 lb Sandbag
50 pushups with ruck on
As many sit-ups as possible in the remaining time

70 minute cutoff

This was challenging but probably similar to something we might encounter in Selection.