SealFit from 7/3/14
/Kenneth Leverich at SealFit Kokoro 30. Kenny just placed 1st in the S Cal region beating Dan Bailey and Josh Bridges. We wish him all the best in his quest for the CrossFit Games title. Kenny is a beast both mentally and physically
“You can’t ever work too much because there is no such thing as being in too good condition. You can’t ever lift too many weights because you can’t ever be too strong. You can’t ever wrestle too much, because you can always do better.”
— Dan Gable
Box Breathing 5 minutes
30 overhead squats with PVC
10x each: Pushups, Situps, Dips, Pullups, Burpees
Skill: Jump Rope 3 minutes
Core: 2 minute situp test
Workout: A.
Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM drills.
Row 250m
20x 2-arm KB front squat
Row 250m
20x goblet squat
Workout B.
Front squat – 10 rounds, every 60 seconds, perform 3x front squat. Start at a moderate weight and increase weight by feel. Reps should be fast and explosive.
Workout C.
Work Capacity:
In 10 minutes, perform:
-2,000m row
-Max rep GHD sit ups
Workout D.
Gratitude 14 minutes
Workout E.
PM Session
Chipper, not timed: 100m front rack walking lunge (95#/65#),
50x handstand push up,
3 minute weighted plank (45#/25#).
Post times, reps and/or loads to comments
Good workout today!
Great to see Caleb and Robert come back and some of the new guys starting a regular routine.