
After resting through the weekend while watching Hayden play Lacrosse I put Fran on the board for this morning.  Few workouts make my stomach turn like Fran.  It is a simple workout, but because the weight is light and the reps relatively short, it allows for max effort throughout the entire workout.

I looked through my results last night and saw that my first Fran was around 7 minutes.  I fairly quickly dropped that time with better kipping pullups and I got stronger in the squat.  Eventually I hit a 2:58 but have never been able to repeat that time.  I have finished in 3:12, 3:15, 3:17, 3:19 and today, 3:31.  In training for Kokoro and Selection, I would do a long ruck in pants and boots then hit Fran after a 12-15 miler to finish in about 8 minutes.  I have not had a rested attempt in quite sometime.

Some guys tried this workout for the first time today and others revisited it.  We had Chris Curtis return to us this morning and Jody brought his daughter, May, who is getting ready to take her test for Black Belt.  Good luck May!

My feeling on warmup is that the longer the workout is going to be, the shorter the warmup needs to be.  Workouts like Murph or even Triple Murph have sort of a warm up built in and you move slower for a much longer period of time.

A workout like Fran which will require maximum effort for a short period actually requires a much longer and more intense warm up.  So today we started like this

RRL Warm Up

10 pushup, 10 situp, 10 pullup, 10 burpees

30 OHS with PVC pipe

Jump Rope 3 minutes

20 GHD Situps

20 Back Extensions

20 Toes 2 Bar

20 Windshield Wipers

20 LHS


Wall Ball/ Strict Pullup

5/1, 6/2, 7/3, 8/4, 9/5, 10/6




65, 95, 115, 135, 155




Thruster 95 lbs

