Friday May 20 2016
/Trevor gave it his all on this Kalsu workout. While I might be able to keep up with him on some workouts Kalsu is NOT one of them.
This is Trevor.
Trevor gives his 100% in every workout and pushes everyone around him to do the same. Trevor and I are very close in many workouts. He is much stronger than me, but I am able to make up for it with some gymnastic movements and running. This puts us in a photo finish on alot of days. He always pushes, always. If I am to stay with him or beat him, I have to push...hard.
Through these daily workouts, we have developed respect, friendship and most importantly trust. I know he will always be there and I hope he knows the same.
Everyone needs a "Trevor" in their life. I am a very lucky man that I not only have the real Trevor, but a group of 20-30 other "Trevors" who push me to be better physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and ethically every single day. Trevor and the rest of my group hold me accountable for the things that I say I am going to do, make sure that I stay humble, prevent me from ever backsliding and make me a better person through their friendship. This friendship is forged daily through sweat and humor.
Today, I planned to take it kind of easy, but Trevor found a position next to me and pushed me to not only give 100% today, but to set a PR on the workout. I did get a PR but I still didn't beat Trevor!
5 AM
Wim Hof Breathing
Death By Pullups
Death By GHD...starting at 5 reps
The "Death By" format is simple and effective. Start a clock. During the first minute, get 1 rep. 2nd minute...2 reps. 3rd minute...3 reps. Continue like this until you can not keep up with the clock. It is a great travel strategy as it can be used with any exercise. All you need is a stopwatch.
I finished 20 rounds and got 18 of the 21st round which was better than I had ever done. Trevor finished the 21st round and got 16 of the 22nd. OUTSTANDING!
If you dont have a Trevor in your life...find one. Find a bunch of them. Your Trevor doesnt have to be able to Overhead Squat 285 like my Trevor can, but they do need to be able to push you to be your best, do your best and never settle for mediocrity.