May 5, 2017
/UPDATE on Kevin: Jody, Kyle and I had lunch with Kevin yesterday. I was AMAZED at his progress. I chose the picture above (eventhough it is a poor quality picture and someone's finger is on the lens) because it shows Kevin's personality. Yesterday, we saw that Kevin again and it was SO nice to see. He is doing incredibly well, funny as always and has a bunch of new material from his last few months. It made me so happy to see him up, moving, laughing, clear and completely focused on living life to the fullest. At the darkest moments, Kevin had an extremely good attitude focused on gratitude for the things he had. He was grateful to BE HERE. He was grateful for his loving wife, Nicole and their children. He was thankful for his family and his friends. This attitude never faltered and today he has SO MUCH MORE to be thankful for and continues living with his attitude toward gratitude. I am thankful and grateful for his recovery and cant wait to watch him progress all the way back to 100%. We love you Kevin.
Box Breathing 5 minutes
30 overhead squats with PVC
10x each: Pushups, Situps, Dips, Pullups, Burpees
Skill: Jump Rope 3 minutes
Core: Every Minute on the minute (EMOM) do max reps for 30 seconds of Pushups/Situps
Odd Minutes: Situps
Even Minutes: Pushups
Continue for 12 minutes (6 rounds of each)
Workout: A.
“Tailpipe” – Sandbag style
Partner 1 runs 200m, while Partner 2 Holds the sandbag overhead. P1 and P2 switch roles when P1 returns for the run. Do a total of three sets for time. If the partner holding the sandbag drops it, both partners do 10 burpees for each drop.
Ice Bath- >5 minutes
Everybody loves the ice bath...and I miss Bravo