June 2, 2020

RRL Warmup Wim Hof Method x 4 + Pushups 10 squats, 10 pushups, 10 Situps, 10 burpees, 10 pullups, 10 overhead squats, 20 GHD, 20 Back Extensions 3 minutes of Jump Rope. Crossover Symmetry. Address any issues with foam roll, mobility tools. Warm up movements for today.

  1. Clean 5-4-3-2-1

  2. Ethan Reeves

    10 power cleans at bodyweight

    10 pushups

    Do 1 set every 2 minutes. Rest is determined by how fast you go. Start on the 2:00 every 2:00 for 20 minutes of 10 sets

This is such a good workout. I have been feeling very tired lately so I backed it off to 135 today. Of course, now that the workout is over, I feel like a little bitch, but it is probably what my body needed. We had 62 burpees to do today as well so I did 2 sets of 10 and one set of 13 during the 1st part of the workout and then got in sets of 5 during the rest periods after the pushups.

135 is too light. 155 at the least and I really should be hitting 175 on this workout. There is plenty of time