April 11, 2022

I was traveling and missed posting here for a bit. Filming Saltwater Experience does not allow me to do the type of workouts that I do when I am home, but I try to make sure to get something in everyday.

For a year and a half, I have been using Joe Hippensteel program, Ultimate Human Performance to try ot regain mobility in my calves…at least that is the way it started. I have achieved flexibility that I have NEVER had in some areas. Others, well, Im still working on it. My calves gave me significant and continuous trouble when it came to running. Despite being able to run a 3:13:00 marathon at one time, I found myself having trouble running 1/2 mile without injuring my calf. When it happened, there was no warning and the torn soleus muscle would make it difficult to walk for a few days and running was out of the question. I became gun shy and took almost 2 years off running so that I would be able to continue to do everything else.

Now, after significant work on my calves and the rest of my body, I am easing back into running and have run the last 6 days in a row. I am going to go slowly and hopefully Ill be able to run distance again.

I did a deck of cards with a short run for Jokers most days but also showed my friend the EMOM style where we picked 4 exercises and chose a time frame to complete. I usually use 2 cardio and 2 strength. A sample day looked like this

Run - 40 seconds

30 pushups

Moutnain climbers - 40 seconds

Handstand walk -30 seconds

This was good and my friend liked the format as well.

Today was the first day back in the garage and we were straight back to HWPO Mat Frasers program.