June 30, 2022

Another awesome morning at the RRL.

Warm up followed by

Front squat


Clean lift off




Bike 30 cal

Suitcase deadlifts @70 10/10

50 Double Unders

20 Vups

We finished up with 15 arrows on the bow with Mathew

I weighed in today at 171.8. On March 10 I started my plan to drop 20 lbs and Im almost there. Earlier in the year I also planned to pay closer attention to supplementation. I read several books including WIN and The Mineral Fix and The Sodium Fix by Dr James DiNicolantonio. These books have helped me to understand a few things going on with my body and give it what it needs to perform and recover better than ever before. I wish I had known this stuff 40 years ago!

I have used the Carbon Diet Coach to get my macronutrients in check and have seen that I did not need as much food as I previously thought I did. 20 pounds fell off and Im setting PRs. Of course the weight loss is a major contributing factor but I believe that the diet and supplementation are also key elements to this success.

Key things I have done


1st Phorm Micro Factor every day



Much more sodium pre workout and through the day through Re-lytes and LMNT

Beta Alanine





Magnesium Threonate



I feel like I am sleeping more soundly and recovering better. I am going to continue to try to improve the sleep even further by looking into Vitamin D, B and K supplementation and blood testing which comes from Dr Stasha Gominak and her research that she has done to create the RightSleep program.

Here is a shot from post workout today at 171.8 lbs