July 25, 2022

Monday mornings at the RRL are a favorite. Most people dread Monday but I look at it as a fresh start to the week and I look forward to the training after 2 days of recovery. This morning, Mathew was already 1/2 way through his workout when I go tin the garage a little before 5 am. Then, only Rusty and Kim showed up today. Ellie and Moose had a real good time this morning chasing each other and playing.

Today we started with:

Split Jerk



28 Minute EMOM

  1. Row 12

  2. 1 Round DT

  3. Bike 11

  4. Rest

1 Round DT = 12 deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Shoulder to Overhead


Bar hang - Accumulate 3 minutes

Great start to the week!