April 28,2023

Bedtime supplements

50 mg Apigen

400 mg Theanine

Glycine, Inositol, magnesium

Fell asleep no problem

Bedtime 8:45

Woke 10:50

Woke 3:30

Fell back asleep easily but annoying to wake up 2x

Wake up: 4:34 am

Pee, weigh - 183 lbs

Pre workout- 200 mg caffeine, 3000 mg Beta Alanine, 1000 mg sodium, 200 mg potassium, 60 mg Magnesium (1 LMNT pack)


10g carbs, 10 gr protein


4:50 - stretch - Hippensteel Program - lower body, shoulders

5:25 - warm up Burgener warmup

Light weight warmup

Then hit the workout

Low Hang Squat Clean + Split Jerk

3x2+2\ @111.Olb - 120.25lb

Squat Clean + Split Jerk

3x(2+1) @ 138.75lb, @ 148.0lb, @ 151.7Ib

3x(1+1) @ 166.5lb


5×2 @ 308.2lb - 311.55lb


1) 15/12 Cal Row

2) 15 Toes To Bar

3) 14/11 Cal Ski Erg

4) 60 Double Under

Todays Mobility Flow: x 3

1. Windscreen Wipers | 10 Seconds | 2 x Increase

2. Windscreen Wiper Hold | 20 Reps

3. Seated Hip Rotations | 60 Seconds

4. Barbell Adductor Stretch | 90 Seconds | 3 x Increase

Finish 7:35

Make coffee,

shake (30 G protein powder, 60 carbs, 15 fat) 1.5 scoops protein, .7 oz pecans)

Sauna- 8-9

shower- work

10 mid morning snack-