Feb 8-16,2017

I havent posted since February 8 but it is for a good reason. 

Currently, I am shooting my TV show, Saltwater Experience in the Florida Keys.  When I do this, there is virtually no time left over for anything else.  I find it super difficult to get a call in to my wife and kids sometimes before bed.

Despite being busy and running super long days, I did not miss a single day of workouts.  Usually, I will do something before the shoot.  This means a 4:30 am wake up, a quick deck of cards, 500 kettlebell swings, 50 sandbag complexes, or something in the parking lot.  I did bring 205 lbs and a bar, but I cant really be throwing weights around in the middle of a resort at 4:30 in the morning.

The deck of cards is a life saver.  It requires nothing, no thinking, no preparation and it is highly effective.

My day would start like this and by 7;30 most days, 5:45 others, I was in the boat shooting the show.  We fish until 5 or 6 then head back.  There is more work to do at the dock, then clean up, dinner with the crew.  I started something else on this trip which is my new podcast.  After dinner I would hit a 2-3 hour podcast with our guest.  LONG days!

The good news is that I felt fantastic every single day.  My energy levels were very high and I was able to bring enthusiasm and excitment to every show, every interview.  This is because of 2 things. 

First, my training has me in top condition.  This make everything easier.

Second, my diet is on point.  I have completely cut out sugar including fruit sugar, increased my vegetable intake and I have also been taking some vitamins that may be helping.  I take Lysine, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, B Complex, and Alpha Brain.  This seems to be a really good combination for me and I will continue to take them.

Today, I hit a workout that the guys did in the garage.  Im glad I brought a sandbag, because I liked this one and it was ninja quiet:

I really liked this one.  The guys at the garage did it in 16:52.  I only managed 17:26 alone.  I need my guys pushing me. 

Im heading back today and will get to see my son wrestle in the State tournament!

February 4,5, 2017

Yesterday I tried to get creative and come up with a workout for our friend Kevin.  Kevin has so many things that would justify a workout...maybe his sense of style, maybe his constantly changing haircuts, his wonderful personality, his ability to make jokes about something WAY too soon.  These are all good but I may not be creative enough to come up with something for those. 

I settled on his acting career.  Yep, our own Kevin has a Hollywood acting resume.

He was in 42 which was filmed in Chattanooga so I settled on that for the workout theme.

The Kevin Distasio 42
42 Hang Power Cleans @135
420 m run
42 kb swings
420 m run
42 sandbag clean and press
420 m run
42 double unders
420 m run
42 burpees
420 m run

Today, I went fishing and then hit a 90 minute Yoga class I found online.  Pretty good

Feb 1,2, 2017

Pictured above is Kevin, aka The Capn, aka KD, aka Distasio, aka the dude that keeps changing his haircut, aka the dude who really had pretty sweet Lou Diamond Phillips look going (Im talking Young Guns, not Longmire) but cut his hair for more of a Mexican Drug dealer on the streets of Tujuana.  Whatever you want to call him, he is our brother. 

Kevin had a problem the other day which I dont fully understand yet, but it put him in the hospital in ICU for a week.  He is still there.  I have no doubt that Kevin will rebound straight out of this and will be back to sandbagging reps at the RRL way sooner than his Dr will expect.  However, it doesnt hurt to send positive thoughts prayers and love to Kevin and his family.

The guys gave the Capn's salute the other day.  Through your day today, please salute the Capn and ask the man upstairs for whatever help he can offer Kevin and his family.



I am traveling to Florida on an extended trip.  I will recreate countless travel posts here by just saying that I brought the following with me:

1 barbell

205 lbs of bumpers

1 53 lb kb

1 sandbag

2 bands

1 jumprope

2 lacrosse balls

1 portable pullup bar

I can do just about anything with this gear.  So far I have subsisted on Deck of Cards with kettlebell work for the jokers. 

RRL Book Club

For the last 6 months several of us have been meeting every 2 weeks to discuss a book that we have chosen to read.  We have read some incredible books and will continue to add to this list.  If you have suggestions, leave them in the comments.


Secrets of the Millionaire Mind,  T Harv Ecker

This book is one that absolutely changed my life.  I keep a copy of this in my library and have gone back to it many times.  Rereading it with the group was very helpful and motivated me to make some significant changes, stretch myself financially and continue to follow my plan. 

Relentless, Tim Grover

This book is an in your face look at who you are, where you want to go and why you are either getting there or not.  Tim Grover trained Michael Jordan in his prime and stayed around for 15 years.  He has been the trainer and coach for so many top performers in basketball and learned much from his time with them.  This book is full of lessons, take aways and motivation.  Highly recommended.

The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale

This is an old school but outstanding book that could easily change the lives of just about anyone who reads it.  I highly recommend this book, especially if you are unfamiliar with the Law of Attraction.

The 10x Rule, Grant Cardone

Want to get motivated to live the best life possible?  Want to supercharge your business, your personal life, relationships...anything?  Grant Cardone is a hustler.  He gets after it and shows you how to get after it too.

Ego is the Enemy, Ryan Holiday

Easily one of the best books I have ever read.  Highly recommended to figure out how to understand the role of Ego in your life. 

The Road Less Traveled, M Scott Peck

We got alot out of this one.  In a strange way, it is similar in message to my favorite book on this list...or any list.  "Self-control is the essence of Peck's brand of self-help. He says: "Without discipline we can solve nothing. With only some discipline we can solve only some problems. With total discipline we can solve all problems." A person who has the ability to delay gratification has the key to psychological maturity, whereas impulsiveness is a mental habit that, in denying opportunities to experience pain, creates neuroses. Most large problems we have are the result of not facing up to earlier, smaller problems, of failing to be 'dedicated to the truth'. The great mistake most people make is believing that problems will go away of their own accord.

This lack of responsibility will damage us in other ways. Our culture puts freedom on a pedestal, yet Peck recalls Eric Fromm's book Escape From Freedom, which looked at people's natural willingness to embrace political authoritarianism. It is referenced to support Peck's belief that, when it comes down to it, we shy from real freedom and responsibility."

That is from a book analysis.  I recommend this book is on your list at some point.

Mindset, Carol Dweck

One of the most powerful books ever written.  Dweck analyzes two mindsets; a Fixed mindset and a Growth mindset.  If you are a parent, this is an absolute must read.

Extreme Ownership, Jocko Willink and Leif Babbin

Easily my favorite book that I have read in the last 20 years.  I gave this book to everyone in my office and suggested that they read it because Extreme Ownership is the culture of my company.  If I could only suggest one book, THIS IS IT!  I have read it at least 5 times.

The One Thing, Gary Keller

Super powerful and capable of turning anyone's life into a very successful one.  Follow Gary's advice and watch as your goals become reality.  Gary was probably not an Olympic quality athlete, nor could he pass BUDs but his philosophy is comparable to Jocko Willink and Leif Babbin in Extreme Ownership.  This one should definitely go on top of the list.

On Fire, John O’Leary

John was burned on 100% of his body when he was a small boy.  His life was forever changed.  On Fire is a story of his struggle to regain his life, his independence and achieve great things.  I could never do this book justice in a few lines.  JUST READ IT.


January 27, 2017

One of my favorite and least favorite workouts came around today.

The Chief

3 Power Cleans

6 Pushups

9 Squats

Amrap 3 minutes

Rest 1 minute

x5 rounds


This is such a great workout.  The cleans are the hardest for me so I like it that there are only 3.  Then, I feel like I can push hard for 3 minutes when I know there is a minute rest coming up.  There are some times during this workout that I feel like I am in a pretty dark place and may not be able to get out.  With principles learned from SealFit, I just keep picking up that bar and keep doing the next thing.  Soon, you find yourself on the 4th round.

Workouts like this are good microcosms of life.  How many times do you find yourself in a difficult situation, but just keep trying and absolutely never quit and soon, you are on top of it or looking back at a success.


January 26, 2017

2 mile run followed by 8 hill sprints

My calf has been bothering me since my injury 3 weeks ago.  All other activities have been fine with no thought of the calf. 

Today, I thought I would get back to running with a short run and some hill sprints.   At the end of the 2 mile run, I felt a slight twinge in my calf so I stopped and walked.  I ran a couple of hill sprints and then stopped again.

Rusty had a problem with his calf this morning.  Not sure what is going on.

I stopped early enough so that I did not injure myself, but it is still troubling to know that I cant make it through a 3 mile run without issue.

Im going to look into a running coach and different shoes.

January 25, 2017

We borrowed another from Mayhem and it was a good one

Rusty called it Rhabdo Week at the RRL

Wim Hof Breathing x4 + Pushups


20:00 AMRAP:

100 Assault Bike Calories

100 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

100 Front Squats, 135 lbs

100 Kettlebell Swings, 70 lbs


Durante Core

5 rounds of:

10 Hollow Rocks

10 V-ups

10 Tuck Ups

Hollow Hold, 10 secs

Rest 1 min


I partnered with Trevor which was a blessing and a curse.  It was a blessing because Trevor is so strong and fit.  We finished the entire first round and won the workout today.  It was a curse because I had to try to keep up with him...which I did not.  He clicked off 30 calories on the bike and I did 20.  For the 100 calories, he probably did 60 and I may have gotten 40.  On the Pullups, my specialty, I held my own and may have even done my 50 a little faster than Trevor but on the Front squat, he smashed 10 and dropped the bar and I did 5.  I thought I could do better on the next set, but 10/5 again.  I did get one set of 10 during the entire 100, but that was it.  Trevor did almost 2x as many Front squats as I did.  I was able to match the Kettlebell swings and we came in at a photo finish to complete 1 full round in 20 minutes.

I love team workouts for 2 reasons.

1. Interval work is good

2. Partnering with someone pushes you to go much harder than you might have without a partner.  Eventhough I was not on Trevor's level on the front squat, he pushed hard to get 10 reps and I pushed hard to get 5 so I wouldn't let him down.  It was effective for both of us. Once the Front squat was complete, I pushed even harder on the swings to pull my weight.  In the end, we were both wiped out...mission accomplished.

Put in some partner work in your program and see what you think.

January 23, 2017

Storms ripped through Chattanooga last night and the forecast was for more rain this morning.  Since I thought it might be wet, we did a Double Deck of Cards.

We started with the Original Deck of Cards which is a travel favorite:

All Black cards = Burpees

All Red Cards = Pushups

Face Cards= 10

Aces = 11

Today, the Jokers had no value since we did a double deck

Deck #2 was Standard deck of Cards

Spades= Burpees

Clubs = Pushups

Diamonds = Squats

Hearts = Situps

No Jokers today

By my count we did 285 pushups, 285 burpees, 95 squats, 95 situps. 

Great way to start the day!

January 18,19,20, 2017

I have not posted in a few days because I have been on a mission to restore the sight of my son Turner.

A few years ago, we noticed that Turner's eyesight had become a little worse.  We got him new contacts only to find that a couple of months after that, he needed another pair.  We all chalked that up to possibly not getting an accurate eye exam and thought that everything would be ok.  A few months later, his eyesight was worse.  We continued this for a few visits until our Dr said that he thought something was out of the ordinary and sent us to a specialist. 

After a few exams, we learned that Turner had something called Keratoconus which is a degenerative eye disease that can cause complete blindness.  The common belief was that there was no cure and only a cornea transplant would restore any opportunity to see properly.

Keratoconus takes the normal, healthy cornea from a basketball shape to more of a football shape.  This makes it increasingly difficult to fit contacts or glasses and the vision continues to degrade over time. 

Olympic Bobsled driver Steven Holcomb had Keratoconus and was legally blind forcing him into retirement before meeting a Dr who would literally change his life and after returning to the sport would win an Olympic Gold Medal.  Steven's story was told in his book, But Now I Can See. 

In researching Keratoconus, I heard about Steven, bought the book and read it.  I was amazed by his story and had great hope that I could one day get my son to see the Dr who had restored Steven's vision. 

For the last 3 days, we have been meeting with Dr Brian Boxer Wachler in Beverly Hills, CA.  The first day, Turner was measured in many different tests and determined to be an excellent candidate for 3 procedures. 

Dr Brian would place tiny plastic inserts in his eyes that are the equivalent of braces for the Keratoconus.  These support the eye shape and keep it more like a basketball. 

The second procedure was done in his left eye (the one that Keratoconus has progressed further) and is a laser heat therapy which helps to reshape the cornea.

Lastly, he received possibly the most important procedure which is the Holcomb C3R.  Instead of a cornea transplant, Dr Brian Boxer Wachler invented a procedure that has a 99.3 % success rate and a 1 day recovery rather than a massively risky 12 month recovery process from a transplant.  Dr Brian found that a Riboflavin vitamin mixture painted on the eye and then exposed to a special light would strengthen the fibers of the cornea to the point of eliminating Keratoconus completely. 

Turner had all 3 procedures done.  He experienced mild discomfort when we returned home but then felt fine.  He had to wear some swim goggles to sleep in and sunglasses outside, but otherwise, he has already resumed normal activity and says that his vision is much better up close.  As I look across the table, I am watching him read and study normally.

The goal of this procedure was not to improve eyesight uncorrected but rather to stop the further degradation of vision and shape his eyes to fit contacts better, resulting in better vision. 

There is another surgery that we will consider which places a lens inside the eye and can fully restore vision.  We cant consider this for another 6 months but certainly will when the time comes.

I asked Brian if he would like to be a guest on Saltwater Experience with Steven Holcomb and Turner and he said he would love to.  I am super excited about the opportunity to film with these guys.

The Holcomb C3R was a revolutionary procedure but was not accepted at first.  Dr Brian showed amazing courage and determination to continue to fight for this procedure.  I am so happy he did.

Here is a TED Talk that Dr Brian Boxer Wachler gave.  I really appreciate his story and the courage that he has exhibited in continuing to fight for his procedure that ultimately has helped my son.  I am so grateful and thankful to have the opportunity to get Turner to Dr Brian.  I am thankful for his intelligence, of course, but there are many smart people in this world.  There possibly could be others who have creatively solved problems but may not have had the courage to coninue the fight for many years until their solution became mainstream.  Dr Brian Boxer Wachler is a man who has demonstrated the courage to defend his solution in tough times.  Thank you Dr.

January 16, 2017

Great way to start the day today! 

Surrounded by a group of around 20 guys who show up early to not only take care of their bodies, but to do so in a fun brotherhood with a touch of competition and a good dose of humor.

Every day that I start in this manner follows in a positive direction. 

I am grateful beyond measure for so many things in my life, but this group is something that I hold close to my heart daily.  We push each other to get better physically, of course, but through the difficult workouts we also push each other to be the best possible version of ourselves in business, as a father, as a husband, as a friend and as a man. 

This is an environment like no other that I have created or been a part of and I am always thankful and grateful for each of the gentlemen who come regularly or who have been a part of the RRL.

Today, we hit a long grinding workout named for a Hero who gave it all.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 26 minutes of:
10 pull-ups
15 kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
20 box jumps, 24-inch box

Post rounds completed to comments.

Canadian 1st Class Constable Jennifer Kovach of Guelph, Canada, died March 14, 2013, when her squad car was involved in a motor-vehicle accident while she was responding to a call for service. The 26-year-old fulfilled her dream of becoming a police officer serving her community and the Guelph Police Service for four years before her death. Kovach is survived by her mother, Gloria; father, Bill; brother, Brian; grandparents, Chester and Elvira Janicki; boyfriend, Kyle Schlosser; and many other friends and family.

January 15, 2017

It probably should have been a restful Sunday, but my friend, Tony Murphy is at Wodapalooza in Miami and has sent me several videos.  One came yesterday that showed some 50+ year old guys doing Grace at 185 lbs.  Just a few years ago, Heavy Grace was 155 lbs for the Elite men, now we have 50+ year olds doing 185 in regional competition.  Unbelievable.

I couldn't resist.  It seemed impossible, or at least really tough so I put an email out to my friends and a few showed up to give this a try.  Here is the description off the Wodapalooza website:

WOD 4 & 5 | Beauty & the Beast


WOD 4 - Beauty Complete for time:

"Heavy Grace" - 30 Clean and Jerks*6min Time-cap

At minute 6, begin...

WOD 5 - Beast Complete for time:

  • Handstand Push-ups
  • Calorie Row
  • Axel Hang Power Snatches
  • Bar Facing Burpees
  • Overhead Squats
  • Bar Muscle-ups or C2B + Hand release Push-ups
  • *6:00 to 17:00min Time-cap

Breakdown by Division | 

WOD 4-

Elite- (225, 155lb)

Rx, International Cup, Master's 35-39, Master's 40-44- (205, 145lb)

Intermediate, Master's 45-49 & Master's 50+- (185, 135lb)

Scaled & Youth 16-18- (165, 115lb)

Youth 13-15- (95, 65lb)

Youth 10-12- (55, 45lb)

WOD 5-


  • 36 Strict Handstand Push-ups
  • 36 Calorie Row
  • 24 Axel Hang Power Snatches (115, 80)
  • 24 Bar Facing Burpees
  • 12 OH Squats (225, 155)
  • 12 Bar Muscle-ups

Rx, International Cup, Master's 35-39 & Master's 40-44-

  • 36 Strict Handstand Push-ups
  • 36 Calorie Row
  • 24 Axel Hang Power Snatches (105, 75)
  • 24 Bar Facing Burpees
  • 12 OH Squats (205, 145)
  • 12 Bar Muscle-ups

Intermediate, Master's 45-59, & Master's 50+-

  • 36 Handstand Push-ups
  • 36 Calorie Row
  • 18 Axel Hang Power Snatches (105, 75)
  • 18 Bar Facing Burpees
  • 9 OH Squats (185, 135)
  • 9 Bar Muscle-ups


  • 27- Men 12- Women Ring Dips 
  • 36 Calorie Row
  • 18 Axel Hang Power Snatches (90, 60)
  • 18 Bar Facing Burpees
  • 9 OH Squats (165, 115)
  • 9 C2B Pull-ups & 9 Hand-release Push-ups

Youth 16-18-

  • 36 Handstand Push-ups
  • 36 Calorie Row
  • 18 Axel Hang Power Snatches (90, 60)
  • 18 Bar Facing Burpees
  • 9 OH Squats (165, 115)
  • 9 Bar Muscle-ups

Youth 13-15-

  • 27 Plyo Push-ups
  • 27 Calorie Row
  • 18 Hang Power Snatches (65, 45)
  • 18 Bar Facing Burpees
  • 9 OH Squats (95, 65)
  • 9 C2B Pull-ups & 9 Hand-release Push-ups

Youth 10-12-

  • 27 Push-ups
  • 27 Calorie Row
  • 18/18 Hang Power Snatches (25,15)
  • 18 Bar Facing Burpees
  • 9 OH Squats (55, 45)
  • 9 C2B Pull-ups & 9 Hand-release Push-ups

I decided to give it a try at the 45-49 division standards which is a 185 Grace.  The competitors had a 6 minute cut off.  I didnt finish this within 10 minutes.  Trevor did a 225 Grace at the Elite level in 7:35 which is respectable, but the leaders did it in 3:23.  In the 45-49 division, the leader, Brian Deleon completed 185 Grace in 3:23.  At the 6 minute cutoff you are to start the next workout and try to beat the 17 minute cutoff. 

I set the clock for 25 minutes.

I made it through 13 burpees in the 25 minute cutoff.  Very tough workout for me. 

The moral of the story is that LOTS of people are reaching unbelievable fitness levels at all ages.  The weights have gotten MUCH heavier and the volume is extremely high.  Compare this regional competition to the actual CrossFit Games of 2010 and you will see that the weights are heavier in the 50+ division than what was expected of the best athletes only a few years ago. 

Where are we going with this?  How heavy can it get for a 50 year old? 

Congratulations to those competing...you are seriously raising the bar for the rest of us.

January 14, 2017

I was not going to do anything today, but a text from Reggie got me motivated.  Mike D and Reggie dropped by this morning at 8 for:

EMOM 10 minutes

3 Bench Press @ bodyweight


EMOM 20 minutes

Alternate between

2 Clean and Jerk @ 155 lbs

20 Assault Bike Calories


The second one proved more difficult than it looked on the board.  After 10 minutes (or maybe even before) I dropped to 15 calories, then for the last 2 minutes I did 10 cal/4 CJ.

I think that a really good workout for the future might be an ascending number of CJ with a descending number of calories.  Ill work on that


Thanks so much to Mike and Reggie for the motivation and comraderie this morning

January 10,11,12, 2017

Been quite a week around here.  Our neighborhood experienced a real tragedy.  Thoughts and prayers go out to the family.

It reminded me of the power of friendship and exercise.  Weighing heavy on my mind, exercise definitely helped me to clear my mind and feel better.  Surrounded by my friends, I have been able to get back on track.


For time:

Run, 400 m

100 Kettlebell Swings, 53 lbs

100 Push-ups

Run 400m at the top of every 3 minutes. Use the remaining time to chip away at the kb swings and push-ups. Start w the 400m run


Filthy 50 for Jody and Trevor's Bday

For time:

50 Box Jumps, 24/20 in

50 Jumping Pull-ups

50 Kettlebell Swings, 35/26 lbs

50 Walking Lunges

50 Knees To Elbows

50 Push Press, 45/35 lbs

50 Back Extensions

50 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs

50 Burpees

50 Double Unders



50 Sit-up (standard)s

-- then --

6 rounds of:

10 Hollow Rocks

10 V-ups

10 Tuck Ups

Hollow Hold, 10 secs

Rest 1 min

-- then --

50 Sit-ups

50 Trx Atomic Pushups

Plank Hold, 5 mins





5 rounds of:

10 Front Squats, 155 lbs

15 Pull-ups Handstand Walk, 20 yd

25 GHD Sit-ups


January 6,7,8, 2017

Friday concluded a week of Hero workouts with


Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
8 Toes to bar
35 pound Dumbbell thruster, 8 reps
35 pound Dumbbell walking lunge, 12 steps

U.S. Air Force Major Walter David Gray, 38, of Conyers, Georgia, assigned to the 13th Air Support Operations Squadron, based in Fort Carson, Colorado, died on August 8, 2012 from injuries suffered during a suicide bomb attack in Kunar province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife Heather, daughters Nyah and Ava, and son Garrett.

The intention of the week of Hero workouts was two fold. 

1. Show respect to these heroes who gave the ultimate sacrifice while defending our freedom

2. Start this year off with a tough week and set the pace for the upcoming year

I believe we did both.  There was a good turnout at the garage this week.  Personally, I had an excellent week in the kitchen making very good food choices and continuing to eliminate sugar and grain from my diet everywhere possible.  This sounds easy, but no amount of will power or desire is enough to eliminate sugar. 

The current food system does not make it easy.  As I have become more aware of how bad sugar can be for my health and performance, I have started looking in all products that pass my lips.  I have been astounded at where sugar is hidden and in staggering amounts. 

Sauces, Ketchup, hamburger meat, vegetable "Green drinks" all contain massive amounts of sugar.  I looked at the ingredients on the Vitamin C packet I was drinking and guess what...Fructose was the first ingredient and this tiny packet of supposed Vitamin C had 5 gm of sugar.  You cant even get Vitamin C without sugar without really trying.  For reference, One Hershey's Kiss has 1.3 grams of fat and 2.6 grams of sugar.

5 grams of sugar is certainly not going to kill you, but I was taking between 3000-4000 mg of Vitamin C per day through the use of these packets.  That is 15-20 grams of sugar.  The recommended daily intake of sugar is 37.5 grams and that has grown over time. 

What is pretty sobering is that I am a guy who is paying pretty close attention to my diet, my exercise and my performance.  In an attempt to supplement some needed Vitamin C in the winter when I am not consuming as much fresh fruit, I decide to buy a supplement only to find that it is LOADED with sugar.  If I can be fooled by this, how does a person who is paying no attention to their sugar intake stand a chance?  How can a kid make good choices when they are absolutely surrounded at every turn with candy, soft drinks, energy drinks, energy bars, and so called healthy alternatives that are packed with sugar or various forms of sugar like High Fructose Corn Syrup, Fructose, or the more healthy sounding options like Organic Cane Sugar.  IT IS ALL THE SAME!

We are being attacked by sugar, literally.

Try going 1 day by keeping your sugar intake to under 20 grams.  Look at every ingredient in every single thing you eat or drink.  It is very difficult to say the least.

There are so many plans out there on how to eat, how to lose weight, how to increase strength or any metric you want.  The bottom line is that we all have to become educated on what is in the food we eat, and understand how this Standard American Diet (SAD) is killing us as a nation and do everything we can to protect ourselves and our families from the metabolic disorders that ultimately come from this way of eating.  This only happens by taking responsibility for the food that enters our bodies.  Do not leave it up to the food manufacturers, they are not doing you any favors.  Shop at the grocery store, around the edges only, cook your food and then eat it together as a family. 

If you are interested in learning more, watch the 2 documentaries that I have seen lately.  Fed Up with Katie Kouric as the narrator is excellent and will show you some shocking and scary things about childhood obesity and the challenges our children face every single day in making good food choices.  Also watch Sugar Coated.  Both of these are on Netflix and very good.  Watch with your kids if possible.

Good luck navigating this challenging landscape.  If you find some things that work, let me know.

January 5, 2017

A full week of Hero workouts continues with


100-calorie row
75 thrusters, 45-lb. barbell
50 pull-ups
75 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball
100-calorie row

If you’ve got a 20-lb. vest or body armor, wear it.

I chose not to go with a vest today because of my calf injury sustained yesterday.  I was pleasantly surprised that none of these movements really hurt my calf.  The row was the worst on it, but the thrusters and wall balls were possible. 

January 4, 2017

7 mile run today for the group.

I started but experienced an injury on Walnut street bridge and had to ask my wife to come pick me up.  This is so frustrating!  I would love to figure out what I am doing wrong and fix it so that I did not have problems like this in the future.

My issue is the calf.  I will be rolling along just fine and then, pop.  I wont be able to walk well for 2 days, and 4 days later I will feel ok and can probably run short distances.   Then, it will likely happen again in a month or so. 

I am going to change shoes and see if that helps.