June 14, 2017


1.5 mile repeats with the following goals

1. < 11:10

2. < 10:50

3. < 10:30

My splits were 10:35, 10:41, 10:41.  There is some work to do.  

Alan Lebovitz and Kevin Milz ran great today.  Kevin is super fast and can help us all become better runners.

Yesterday, after the workout, I took a step and a shock of pain ran through my lower back.  This was not during the workout at all, but several hours after the workout and only while walking up the stairs.

Today, I warmed up gently and avoided things that seemed to aggravate the injury.  GHDs were not a good movement this morning.  Back extensions were fine.  Jump rope was subbed by Assault Bike and I decided to give running a shot.

On the first run I almost stopped and turned around only 100 m into the run.  At 400 m I was certain that I was not going to continue.  At 800 m, I started to feel a little better, but I was still running awkwardly.  By the end of my first 1.5 miles, I felt much better and now my back feels as if I visited a chiropractor.  

I have experienced this many times with various injuries or tight joints.  Sometimes exercising through an injury is not the right thing to do but other times it is the best thing to do.  At 48 years old, I am, unfortunately,  an expert on this.  Expertise comes from both experience that results in success and failure.  When you fail, learn from your mistakes and figure out how to turn those failures into success.  As an aging athlete, my desire to train is stronger now than at any time of my life but sometimes I ask too much of my body or do not give it enough time to recover.

It is our responsibility to learn as much as we can about how to treat ourselves.  The internet has made this incredibly easy by giving people like Kelly Starett a platform where we can all benefit from his expertise.  The process of becoming an expert on your own body is seeking out the best information possible, trial and error and documenting the successes and failures so they can be replicated or avoided.

If you dont know Kelly Starrett or his work, visitwww.mobilitywod.com

There are many more resources available to you to keep you flexible, healthy and progressing, the key is to find what works for you and use it.

Train hard!

June 13, 2017


In 25 mins do:

Run, 1.5 mi

then in the remaining time, AMRAP of:

11 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

7 Hang Squat Cleans, 155/105 lbs

7 Push Press, 155/105 lbs

United States Army Capt. Benjamin David Tiffner, 31, of West Virginia, died Nov. 7, 2007, when his vehicle was struck by an improvised-explosive device in Baghdad, Iraq, while he was supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom. In 1996, Tiffner was nominated by Senator Robert Byrd to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He graduated from the Academy in 2000. After six years of service, Tiffner graduated from the Special Forces Qualification Course and was assigned to the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne). Tiffner’s mother, Judith, said her son always wanted to serve.

155 is pretty heavy for me so I stuck to the weight but did regular Hang Cleans, not squat cleans.  Very slow but tough workout

June 12, 2017

Back home and back at it.  Lots of work was done on the road, but nothing compares to the intensity at the garage.

Sunday-Get out of the car after a LOOOOOOOOONG drive

20 Assault calories

20 Reverse Hyper

20 Squats

20 GHD

20 Back Ext

x 5 rounds



Help Byron move and run Hell Hill



In 25 mins do:

Run, 1.5 mi then in the remaining time,


11 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

7 Hang Squat Cleans, 155/105 lbs

7 Push Press, 155/105 lbs

United States Army Capt. Benjamin David Tiffner, 31, of West Virginia, died Nov. 7, 2007, when his vehicle was struck by an improvised-explosive device in Baghdad, Iraq, while he was supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom. In 1996, Tiffner was nominated by Senator Robert Byrd to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He graduated from the Academy in 2000. After six years of service, Tiffner graduated from the Special Forces Qualification Course and was assigned to the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne). Tiffner’s mother, Judith, said her son always wanted to serve.

June 8, 2017

After Memorial Day, we did not stop, contrary to the activity on this page.  I appologize for the lack of posts, but the work has not ceased. 

Traveling now and today started with a 3 mile run, work and then I had a little time this afternoon.  I hit 1000 pushups for time

I have done this workout a few times while on the road.  Here is a post about it (click here)

Last time it took me 42:37 by doing sets of 20.  This time, I used a deck of cards and counted out 50 cards.  Each card was a set of 20.  I simply did the 20 and turned a card.  This helped greatly as I didnt even worry about counting the total number, just focused on doing 20 at a time.  This approach is exactly how I get myself through any tough obstacle, whetehr physical or mental.  Break it into manageable chunks and start chipping away.  Before I knew it, I was at 900 and pushed hard to finish strong.  Today, I finished the entire 1000 in 35:47.

I brought a kettlebell with me and plan on a Dan John 500 swing workout as well as just working through some decks of cards with various exercises.  I like to keep it simple when traveling and rarely ever go inside a gym.  If I drive, I usually bring a couple of kettlebells, a sandbag, some bands and mobility tools.  That works for me and leaves me hungry for heavy things when I return.


Memorial Day Workout AAR

Our 2017 Memorial Day Workout to honor those who served and sacrificed and to wish Mike Drew well on his future endeavors

It is 10:50 am and I have been working at a serious pace since 7:30 am.  So far, we have run 11 miles,  3 sets of stairs, 5 runs up the steepest hill in town, 30 burpees, 30 clap pushups, 200 weighted pullups, 400 weighted pushups, and 600 weighted squats (2 Murphs and a bunch of running). I have already consumed and sweated out over a gallon of water, but right now, I am just staring at a barbell and wondering if I can pick it up.  
The barbell was 155 pounds and was the single implement to a classic CrossFit hero workout called DT. With this single 155 pound barbell, DT calls for:

12 Deadlifts

9 hang power cleans

6 Jerks

x 5 rounds for time.

The workout is simple, effective and punishes athletes who have neglected olympic lifting strength in favor of endurance or gymnastics. DT is hard for me when fresh, and I am anything but fresh right now.  Over the past few years, I have completed this workout and logged 8 results on my digital workout journal, each with steady improvement from the time before, but it still hurts…a lot...every time.  This is precisely the reason that I find myself just staring at a motionless 155 pound barbell in my driveway at this moment.  It was there for a reason, a serious challenge placed strategically within a long workout to see how we would react.
I walked around a bit, drank more water, even changed shoes and tried to find the switch in my head that would allow my mind to overtake my body… but it was hiding.
Finally, I decided to take things one step at a time. I would try to complete just the deadlifts.  I did 11 deadlifts, but each one was brutally hard for me.  My hip flexors were screaming, my knees creaking and my entire upper body revolting in pain.  It was heavy, really heavy.  After a break, I decided to try to deadlift the final rep and go into the hang cleans.  I was barely able to hold onto the bar and dropped it immediately after 8 reps. It was strategic. I did 8 because I knew I would have to clean it the 9th time to get to the jerks.  Patrick was next to me and started on his cleans.  He was not able to clean the Rx weight of 155 lbs and quickly dropped to 135 pounds.  Keith dropped to 95 pounds and was on the other side of me. (I am a little ahead of Patrick, Mike and Keith in Olympic lifting.  To my knowledge, none of them had done a DT at 155 lbs so they scaled back to the weight that challenged them equally to my 155 lbs.)  Doubt crept in.  I did not think I could complete this workout at 155 pounds and thought that I would also drop to 135 pounds.  Matt Green was my swim buddy and he is very strong.  Matt would have no trouble with this workout so I decided to try the Jerks and just make it through 1 round before reducing the weight.  I picked it up, cleaned it and managed 6 ugly jerks before dropping.  1 round complete.  Matt grabbed the weights and moved them like a PVC pipe.  Feeling better, I decided to give the deadlifts for round 2 one more shot and completed them.  
“Ok, that went ok, so Ill try the cleans.”  a voice said inside my head.
Surprisingly, I did get 8 cleans this time.  Then the Jerks.  It was heavy and I really didn’t think I could do it, but I kept chipping away. Any concern over the amount of time it would take me to finish was gone.  This was survival.   Before I knew it, I had turned the corner from serious doubt to acceptance that I was not going to reduce the weight, but complete this as written. Finally, I found the switch.

This moment was the best part of the day for me and the entire purpose of this extreme workout for all of us.  Rarely in today's society do many have the opportunity to voluntarily face something that looks impossible and choose to take on the challenge.  For some people this impossible challenge may have been a 5k run, a yoga class or a single Murph.  I can certainly remember the first time I ever saw "Murph" written and wondered if it would be possible for me to complete it.
“Could I possibly Run a mile and then do 100 pull-ups, 200 pushups, 300 squats and run another mile all while wearing a 20 pound weight vest?” I wondered.
Eventually, I did complete a few Murph workouts which increased our confidence and we later strung 2 of them together. With that challenge complete, I wondered if I could do 3 in a row. I decided to do a Triple Murph for my 45th birthday and a bunch of us, including my 16 year old son completed the entire workout.  We continued adding to the challenge with the hope that we would have the opportunity to be in exactly the same position as I found myself this morning while preparing to lift 155 pounds.  Each of those challenges were completed and with each victory came increased confidence that we could use that experience to accomplish anything using the same strategy as Murph, Double Murph and Triple Murph.  The way to get through all of those is simply one rep at a time.  Never quit, never look at the entire workload, never get overwhelmed.  Simply do one more round, one more pullup, one more pushup or one more squat and soon, you will have accomplished this giant thing that seemed like a complete impossibility just 2 hours before.  A 50 hour camp run by Navy Seals called SealFit Kokoro taught me that when you feel like you have given it all, we are capable of 20x more than we think we can do.  With this philosophy, I have been able to start businesses, win tournaments, build teams, lead my family and make it through 50 hours of training on a cold California beach at an intensity similar to today’s workout.

DT, however, presented a slightly different challenge for me.  Most of the other challenges were endurance related but upon picking up this weight, I did not seem to be physically strong enough to complete 1 round, much less 5 rounds.  I had done this workout many times before… but always fresh.  However, I began to think that if I could do it fresh, there was no reason that I couldn't do it now and I broke it down in my mind as to how this could be possible.  While a 155 lb hang clean or Jerk is very heavy for me, a 155 lb deadlift is not.  So, why not just get the deadlifts out of the way and then see how the cleans go.  If I had focused only on the cleans or become overwhelmed by the looming 5 rounds, I would have given up right then.  Once the deadlifts were complete, I didn’t rush it.  I dropped the weight on the ground, got some water, chalked up and tried the hang cleans.  As with so many other things, what seemed like it was going to be impossible actually wasn’t.  It was certainly difficult but not impossible.  Soon, I was chipping away at a goliath obstacle one rep at a time.  The turning point to this stage of the workout and to so many things in life was when I committed to completing this workout.  No more thoughts about reducing the weight.  It might be slow and ugly, but the work was going to be completed if it was the last thing I ever did.  This is the key to accomplishing anything of value in life and this lesson is amplified in physical training through sweat, grit, pain and misery.  These same feelings are available when starting a business or making a difficult parenting decision, but they are never more clear or obvious than when using your mind to overcome the storm of pain going on inside your body to complete something that seems physically impossible.  It is a cathartic experience.

 With a piece of sidewalk chalk I made another hash mark on the driveway;  four rounds complete…I knew I had it.  The last and final round felt better than the first and I was more confident than at any other time of the morning.  It didn’t matter if it was ugly or slow, I was going to finish … one rep at a time.

At 11:16 am I dropped the barbell onto the driveway for the final time and felt a sense of accomplishment having faced the challenge and pushed through.  I still had a mother of a workload to go to complete today’s workout but it was all downhill now.

By the end of this workout we will have completed:

13+ miles of running
1.3 mile Assault Bike
2000 m Row
2000m Ski
300 pullups-200 of them weighted
600 pushups-400 of them weighted
900 squats-600 of them weighted
155 burpees
60 Deadlifts @ 155
45 Hang Power Cleans @ 155
30 Push Jerks @ 155
30 clap pushups
25 Waterball over the shoulder
8 runs up Woodhill
5 Tire Flips
5 runs up the steepest hill we can find, Kent
3 Stair runs

At this point in the workout, my mind was right, and nothing would stop me.  The experience of overcoming this doubt in myself was worth this entire year’s training and I gained as much out of it as finishing SealFit Kokoro.  A group of friends had come together to wish one of our own goodbye and good luck. There was no better way to say those things than to break down the body so we could open up the mind. The ones who had done the work to prepare their bodies for this test and then overcame all the voices of doubt and insecurity finished this giant physical challenge. Each of us had to face those voices and each of us had to go to a very dark and lonely place to figure out just exactly what we were made. Then, one final step had to be taken and that was to go directly into the fire and commit to finishing, no matter what.

As I accumulate more experience and overcome more self imposed obstacles like this one, it becomes harder to achieve a cathartic experience like flipping that switch on this day. The challenges become bigger, longer, more difficult but the rest of things in life become easier.  So to answer so many of my friends and relative’s questions about “Why are you doing this?”  That is why. 

Today…mission accomplished.  

Gus surveys the schedule for today

I have compiled some notes in an after action review (AAR) of exactly what this workout looked like for those who are interested:

The official start time was 7:30 am, but a few people got started earlier.  Several of the early starters chose to do just a portion of this workout while a couple just got a head start.

I warmed up as usual and by 7:15 I was ready to go.  There were around 15-18 people going for the first part of the workout.  5 of us finished the whole thing.  For those who may be interested, here is my AAR of the event:

7:30 am- Strapped with 20 lb vests or rucks, we left on the first run of the first Murph of the day.  This Murph was done with a 20 lb vest and non partitioned.  This means that we had to do 100 pullups before we moved to the 200 pushups and complete all of those before we move to the 300 squats and then go on the mile run.  All of this is done with a vest.  Non partitioned is definitely the hardest way for me to distribute this workload, it was nice to get that out of the way first.  This Murph took me 41:02 to complete.

8:11 am- We drop the vests and pick up a Camelbak full of water and run 1 mile to the Normal Park Stairs.  This is a common workout for us that includes running, burpees, clap pushups, and stairs.  We simply run 1 mile to the stairs, run up them, do 10 burpees at the top, 10 clap pushups at the bottom and complete this 3 times before running back to the garage.  Today, we took a left out of the stairs instead of a right and ran to another common workout destination for us. is 2 miles.  We ran 2 miles from the stairs to the bottom of Kent Street, behind Publix and then started in on the Kent/Hartman workout which is 5 rounds of running up Kent (the steepest hill we could find in town) and down Hartman.  When finished with the 5 rounds, we ran the 3 miles back to the garage.

9:30 am- We return to the garage and put the vests back on to start our 2nd Murph of the day.  This Murph is the same as the first with a 1 mile run, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 squats and run 1 mile and was done with a 20 lb vest, however, the reps were partitioned.  A partitioned Murph means that you can break up the reps in different ways to get the workload done as you like.  The most common way is probably a 5 pullup, 10 pushup, 15 squat round done 20 times to complete the work followed by a run.  Others may like a 10/20/30 x 10.  I did the 5/10/15 x 20 on this 2nd Murph and I was back to the garage at 10:23 am.

The second Murph was tough, but I still felt pretty good at this point.  Many people were having issues with cramping calves, arms and quads and had to walk or stop and work the cramp out.  Cramping is an electrolyte issue that seems unpredictable to many, but can be solved with diet and nutrition.  From my experience in SealFit Kokoro and Goruck Selection, I had ideas on how to fuel for this event.  First, drink a TON of water.  Cadre Bert called Goruck Selection a "water drinking contest" with some work in between to illustrate the importance of hydration when pushing your body to this point.  To give you an idea of how much water we are talking about, I woke up at 6 and drank 2 8 oz glasses of water.  I had a 1/2 gallon Yeti and a full gallon Yeti ready in addition to a full Camelbak with a 3 Liter Source bladder, 6 gatorades and 6 Coconut Waters.  By 10:23 am, I had finished:

2 8 oz glasses of plain water-16 oz

1/2 gallon plain water-64 oz

3 Liters plain water- 100 oz

18 oz Gatorade-18 oz

2 Endurolyte pills-

1 8 oz coconut water- 16 oz

Total= 214 oz

A little of the liquids consumed...certainly not all

I did not cramp the entire workout.  I was sweating heavily but the air was drying my skin off on the runs.  The tell tale sign that I was not drinking too much was that with over a gallon of fluid taken in before 10:30 am, I had not peed yet.  I didn’t pee until 1:30 in the afternoon.

10:49 am- 2nd Murph Completed and the vests are dropped, another coconut water drank, 1/2 a gatorade and I started on my second gallons of water. I left for the next phase which was Woodhill street where we simply run up and down a steep hill 8 times.  Woodhill is about 1/2 mile away and when I got there, I started on the 8 rounds.  I was able to run up and down the hill most rounds but did walk up a few times.  When finished, I headed back to the garage and arrived at 11:16 am.

11:20 am- Changed out of the running shoes and into a training shoe to start DT workout. This was also a good strategy to avoid having to pick up the bar for a few minutes.

I have no record of the time at the end of DT- DT was complete and it was time to move on to the next phase.  I named the next one "Mike" and the one after that "Drew" for our friend Mike Drew that is moving.  Mike is a team workout where the team of 2 has to complete 25 burpees, throw the waterball over the shoulder 5 times and do a 2 man 700 lb tire flip x 5 rounds.  I was ahead of my swim buddy by a few minutes so I went ahead and knocked out the 25 burpees and 2 waterballs.  He finished the waterballs and then helped me flip the tire.  We broke up the burpees 10/15 and alternated each round.  We made it through the 5 rounds and moved on to the next phase.  I did not look at the clock at this point.

The next phase "Drew" was an endurance portion that consisted of

1.3 mile Assault Bike

2000m row

2000m ski erg

This was the easiest portion of the workout for me because we could take it slow and just get through it.  The bike was actually very nice to move the hip flexors and helped me to feel better. I made it through the rest with the rowing being the most painful for whatever reason.  At this point I was almost finished with my full gallon of water as well, putting me at about 350 oz so far. I was sweating heavily and felt good.  No cramps at all.  I still had not eaten anything.  Michael Lebovitz brought 2 dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts for us and as I was leaving for my 3rd Murph, I grabbed 3 of them.  As it turns out, I like running while eating doughnuts.  It is fun.

There was some walking on the 3rd Murph for sure, but I was able to get moving and run down the hill despite serious argument from my knees and hip flexors.  Once back to the garage, I drank as much water as I could get down, 1 gatorade, 2 Endurolyte pills and dunked my head in the ice bath.  I looked at the bar and wondered if I was going to be able to complete it.  The first 5 rounds of the final unweighted, partitioned Murph went brutally slow and were painful.  Everything hurt.  I was light headed and got an Rx bar from the garage which was the first thing I ate besides the doughnuts.  While there, I grabbed another doughnut, why not?  I had not had sugar in 3 months and these things were delicious!  I took a bite, did some pullups and completed a few rounds while chewing.  More water, the doughnut and Rx bar down the hatch and I felt much better.  10 rounds in, I felt better than I did on the first Murph. 15 rounds in, I kept drinking and going 1 round at a time until I was ready to mark the final round of 20 with my sidewalk chalk.

I grabbed 2 more doughnuts and dreamed of the ice bath that I was going to sit in after this final run.  You could call it a run, but it was more of a walk/limp at this point.  I ran downhill after being passed by Patrick St Charles who looked about as fresh as he did on round 1.  I made it back to the garage at 12:57 which was about 20 minutes longer than I had forecasted for this workout.  I thought that was pretty good.

It's over! 5 of us finished the entire workout!

5 of us finished the entire workout.  Patrick St. Charles, Keith Gray, Mike Drew, Matt Green and me.  Many others completed parts of this monster and all had personal records for volume.  Excellent job to everyone!

I sat in the ice for 10 minutes and finally had to pee at about 1:30.  I kept drinking water until I was peeing regularly through the afternoon.

I laid on the couch for a while and watched Shark Tank.  It was on and I did not have the energy to change the channel.  After a while I moved to the floor because I couldn’t get comfortable and finally to the bed for an hour of rest.

5:30- Party at Rusty's with Beer, BBQ, Banana Pudding and good friends.

I looked around and enjoyed seeing everyone communicating on a different level than in the dark at the garage.  I am so fortunate to have so many good friends and it was so nice to see wives and kids all getting to know one another.  They all had good conversations wondering why their husbands or dads were so crazy.

Next Day- I took the day off and slept til 8.  This really helped the recovery.  I was slow to get out of bed, but I felt better than I thought I might.  My ankles, knees and hips were arguing with me but I made it out of bed and started moving around.  Lower back tightness and the standard soreness from doing over 200 pull-ups was definitely there, but I felt pretty good.  I started drinking a lot of water early and followed that with coffee and my vitamins. I didn't feel like eating anything right away.  After walking around for a while, I felt much better.  Life called and I had to take my son’s boat to the mechanic, mail some packages and go to work.  I took my son, Hayden who completed his first Murph the day before, to Whole Foods for lunch and indulged in way more carbs than normal.  Mashed potatoes, Lasagne, fried chicken, plantains and whatever else looked good went down the hatch chased by a Turmeric milk and another 64 oz of sparking water.  

By now, I was feeling really good and went home and took a 10 minute ice bath followed by another 5 minutes about an hour later.  Light stretching and more water had me ready for a dinner date with my wife and friends at 6:30 pm.  I was even able to stay up and watch an episode of the 3rd season of Bloodline with my wife.  That show is awesome.

Wednesday- I designed a light workout to rid our bodies of lactic acid.  It was simple
1000 m Row
1000m Ski Erg
1 mile Assault
20 KB swings @ 53
100 m Farmers walk with 2 53’s

Not for time…

We concluded with some breath work and 10 minutes of still water meditation.

Back in the saddle!

Memorial Day Workout Announcement

Memorial Day Workout 2017

-to honor those who have fought and died for our freedom and to wish Mike the best of luck in his future endeavors

Official start time 7:30 AM.  Warm up before.  
Chattanooga Chase is coming up Minnekahda Place so park cars IN the driveway or well off the road NOT on hairpin turn.  The first runners should come up the hill around 8:10-15 am.

Notes: This is an extreme workout.  Everyone is welcome to do the entire workout or drop in for any portion of it.  It is not necessary to commit to the entire workout.  Make sure any guest has signed the waiver.

-Make sure you have a swim buddy.  Stay with your swim buddy. 

-Carry a phone on the runs. 

-Bring all food and water that you need for the entire workout.  I plan on having 1.5 gallons of water ready at the start of the workout and some electrolyte replacement on hand as well.  You may need a ruck or Camelbak. 

-Take care of your hands and feet. 

-Come prepared and dominate.

1.  Murph
Run 1 mile
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
Run 1 mile
w 20 lb vest or ruck non partitioned  
Approx 50 minutes-Approx time of finish-8:20

2. Normal Park Stairs
Run to Stairs
10 burpees at top
10 clap pushups at bottom
x 3 rounds
28-32 minutes-approx finish time 8:50-then, instead of running back to garage,  run 1 mile to Kent Hartman start-approx 9 minutes

3. Kent Hartman
Run up Kent and down Hartman x5—10-12 minutes—approx finish time—9:12

4. Run 2 miles back to garage—18 minutes—approx time back at the garage, 9:30 AM

5. Murph
Run 1 mile
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
Run 1 mile
w 20 lb vest partitioned—50 minutes—approx finish time—10:20 AM

6. Run to Woodhill—3 minutes—10:23

Woodhill x 8—10 minutes

return to RRL—rest if necessary.

7. DT-approx 10:45 start
12 Deadlifts, 155/105 lbs
9 Hang Power Cleans, 155/105 lbs
6 Push Jerks, 155/105 lbs
—12-18 minutes—approx finish time 11:00

8. 25 burpees
5 water balls over shoulder
1 700 lb tire flip
x 5 rounds

9. Row 2000
Assault 2000
Ski Erg 2000

Approx 22 minutes—11:30 finish time

10. Murph
Run 1 mile
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
Run 1 mile
slick, any way—approx 40 minutes—Hopeful finish time 12:35 PM

Ice Bath, followed by an Ice Bath, followed by another Ice Bath and Beer and Banana Pudding

12+ miles of running
2000 m Row
2000m Assault
2000m Ski
300 pullups
600 pushups
900 squats
155 burpees
60 Deadlifts @ 155
45 Hang Power Cleans @ 155
30 Push Jerks @ 155
30 clap pushups

Party at Rusty's at 5:30 PM BYOB.  Loads of RRL Ice, BBQ, Banana Pudding, Desert, Carbs, and all ingredients for an epic cheat day.


May 26, 2017

As we prepare for our big workout on Monday, I tapered the workout a bit today.

Strongman implements are important around here, but honestly, they dont get used enough.  We have Atlas stones, Waterballs, Sandbags, Yokes, Tires, and other stuff, but sometimes I forget to include them or have a difficult time finding a way for 20 people to train with them.

Today, I simply made a workout around these implements:

Push Jerk 5-5-3-3-1-1-1


25 Waterball (Big Girl or Little Sister) Ground to over the shoulder.  Get this done at anytime during the workout

Big Tire Flips- Flip the 800 lb tire as many times as you feel comfortable.  The video above is an old video of us doing a strongman workout.  WOW...the kids are SO SMALL.  Check this out.  If it doesnt display, click here

280 Club- Carry the 280 lb tire the length of the fence and back (if video above doesnt display, click here)

Little Sister over the pullup bar-Attempt to get it over the pullup bar by any means necessary


Still Water-10 minutes

I will post our Memorial Day workout here later today--stand by

May 24, 2017

Wednesday has transformed into run day


Slow 2 mile warm up jog (I focused on only breathing through my nose as encouraged in the book I am reading called The Oxygen Advantage)


Woodhill x 8

Run up and down a hill as fast as you can 8 times.  The gym record is right at 8 minutes.  Mike Drew ran really well.  Almost lapped me.

I have been reading The Oxygen Advantage and trying some of his exercises.  I think that everyone should read this book as he has some interesting ideas all backed by science that I have never really investigated before.  I have enjoyed learning about the relationship between Co2 and o2 and how you can alter that based on the way you breathe resulting in more or less o2 uptake to your blood stream.  Obviously, if we can get more o2 into the blood, we can perform better.  He has some science that is contrary to conventional wisdom, like deep breaths=more o2. 

While reading this book I am trying to figure out how his program can exist with the Wim Hof method within my training.  I believe there is a place for both, but the question is, how do we use them to increase performance substantially?

Here is an article from his website that compares the two methods:


I dont think that I will quit doing either method, because the ancillary benefits to each are so evident within my life.  At the very least, the Wim Hof Method practiced daily has been the most effective meditation tool I have come across.  My mind goes still or wanders to places previously unknown.  Before, I would sit there and start wondering what I was going to have for breakfast or some silly thought like that.  With the breathing method, all thoughts like that vanish and my head is still for a short period of the day.  In Stealing Fire, Kotler gives scientifically backed proof of the incredible benefits of even very brief moments like these found in meditation.  For that reason alone, I would keep doing it regularly, but I know that it has far more benefits.  I can also see how The Oxygen Advantage can also be used to enhance your training both mentally and physically. 

At 48, I am looking for every advantage I can get.  If I can find a technique or training method that helps increase performance 2%, I am interested in learning.  These breathing techniques have definitely helped my physical training and performance, but they have substantial effects on the mental side as well which easily translates to family, work and other relationships. 

I will write more about these two methods as I continue to learn more about them and incorporate them into the training.

Let me know if you have experience with either method, good or bad.

May 19, 2017

I liked this one this morning.  The format of 4 rounds of a couplet, 3 rounds of another, 2 rounds of a final one followed by an Assault Bike was excellent.

Good group today getting together to take us into the weekend.  Glad to have Wade Priddy back in town!

Here was the Heart Rate graph from today

RIP Chris Cornell.  We have certainly enjoyed your music while doing these working out.  You will be missed

May 17 and 18, 2017

May 17, 2017

I found the highest points near the garage and strung together a run that is 4.78 miles.  It starts with our mile which is a big hill then a 1.5 mile decent to another really big hill that takes us to the top of Folts Circle.  We then return down and back up Crestwoodand descend to the garage.  It is kind of easy to take a wrong turn, and I did it...again.  So did Kevin.  We managed to find our way back.

Today was a field trip day to the Aquarium.  See this post for specifics.

 It was a race this morning and Michael Miller went out strong and fast.  Patrick and Mike D were not far behind and Keith and I kept going back and forth.  Rusty and Alan were right behind and all the other guys were pushing the pace as well.  

Eventually, Patrick left us all and set a new record by smashing the 30 minute mark and getting a 28;34.  I came in at 31:52 which is slower than my last one by a few seconds.  Interestingly, I wore a heart rate monitor today.  Here is a graph

 So this tells me that I kept my heart rate 160-170 for 22:47.  I like this type of workout because my heart rate gets up that high but also drops off as in interval work. 

One day, I hope to get this workout under 30 minutes.  I think I may need to lose 15 pounds and work on my stair running first.

If you are in Chattanooga, give this one a try and let us know how you do.  It is an instant classic.

May 13 and 15, 2017

Saturday May 13, 2017

Reggie suggested this one so we gave it a go on Saturday

Run 100

50 Burpees

Run 200

100 Pushups

Run 300

150 Lunges

Run 400

200 Air Squats

Run 300

150 Lunges

Run 200

100 Pushups

Run 100

50 Burpees

This one took almost 30 minutes and left my quads sore on Sunday despite ice baths.


Today, we had a surprise visit by my daughter and her friend.  They woke at 5:20 and were in the garage ready to get after it. 

Push Press 5-5-3-3-1-1-1


Run 200

1 Rope Climb

x 10 rounds


Then Still Water or Meditation x 10 minutes

May 11, 2017

The waterballs made their way back into the workout this morning.  If you have never seen these, they are pretty cool.  I got the idea from Ross Enamait (If you dont know Ross, you should.  Check him out at Rosstraining.com)  I LOVE the water ball for training wrestlers or anyone who wants to build a strong grip while simultaneously building an iron posterior chain. 

I have 2 of these.  They are cheap and simple and you can make them yourself.  It takes patience and time, but you simply take a Swiss Ball that is probably sitting around your moms house and fill it with water to the poundage you want.  The gray one...aka Big Girl, probably weighs close to 100 pounds while the blue one...aka Little Sister, comes in around 50.  We can do all kinds of stuff with these tools.  Simply pick it up and carry it for distance and build grip strength for wrestling or Jiu Jitsu.  You could pick them up and load them to the top of a jerk box or over one of the Yokes or my favorite move, and the one we did today, is clean it to the shoulder and throw it over the shoulder.  These are hard to hold, awkward and unwieldy, however, they will not smash your face like a concrete atlas ball and also wont punch a hole in my driveway.  

Today's workout

Waterball over the shoulder x 10

Warm up Deadlift

2008 CrossFit Games Deadlift Burpee

5 Deadlift 275 lbs

10 burpees

x 5 rounds

If you go back and watch the Every Second Counts movie, you can see the guys do this workout.  Matt Chan won with a 2:33, Khalipa 2:35 and Spealler 2:44.  I finished this one today at 5:14 which I was actually pretty happy about since I have not been deadlifting much at all.  My dead has never been a strength, but I have neglected it and it is time to get it back.  275 felt very heavy for me this morning, but I managed to get through it.

After the deadlift workout we cleaned up and then spent 10 minutes in meditation.


May 8, 2017

After a restful weekend with a few ice baths, some good food and more sleep than I am used to, I started the week with a feeling of being on fire.  The ice has been very helpful in recovery, but I did read a few articles and listen to a podcast or two by Rhonda Patrick (who is completely awesome, by the way.  She has a way of being able to condense incredibly technical and intensely boring medical journals down to something that I can understand and does it while keeping fitness and longevity goals in mind) that made me second guess the ice bath timing.  I have been hitting the ice immediately after the workout which could be undoing alot of the good work I just did.  After watching the video below and compiling much other data, I think that I am going to postpone the ice until later in the day or at least 1 hour after the workout.  Check the video with Rhonda Patrick and Dr Mercola for the reason why: (The whole video is fascinating, but at 21:37 into the video, she talks specifically about what happens immediately after the workout and why your body needs this time to develop inflammation.  This short time is actually quite responsible for gaining strength from training.)

I highly recommend both Mercola and Rhonda Patrick's podcast as well as finding and listening to her on all of the podcasts that she has done with Joe Rogan and Tim Ferris.

This summer, we are going to build a sauna in our shed out back and we can do contrasting hot and cold.  Until then, I can sit in my attic for a few minutes which is probably hotter than any sauna.  Follow this up with a dip in the ice and we have a redneck XPT course right here.

Today's workout was short, but intense.

Warm Up

Deadlift 5-5-3-3-1-1-1

My weights 225-245-265-285-305-325-345 (miss)


100 Burpees for time

I was ecstatic to look at the clock after 100 straight and see 4:35.  This is a new and all time PR for me.  It is so exciting because PR's are funny.  There are so many factors that go into a PR.  Temperature, time of day and other such factors can definitely influence a few seconds here or there, but on most things, you could be doing the work slightly different from the last time.  Several things remain consistent though.  100 burpees is 100 burpees.  We do it the same every time; simply flop down on the ground, get back up, jump and clear the ground and clap overhead.  I have tried this simple workout on a clock since 2006 and have logged all attempts.  Last year, I did 100 straight through for the first time ever and attributed it to practicing the Wim Hof method every morning. On that day, I was shocked to look up at the clock and see 4:55 as that was the first time I had ever broken 5 minutes. 

Today, I was nervous about this attempt because I wanted to at least measure up to the last one.  I started slow and relaxed and at about 30 I thought I would need to take a break.  I hit 50 and felt good. 60, 70, 80, 90 and I knew I had it.  I finished 100 today in 4:35 which is an all time PR for me and an all time gym record.  This comes from the whiteboard:

I started keeping my workouts on Beyondthewhiteboard.com in 2009.  This graph shows a steady decline in the time it takes me to complete this workout.  There are a few spikes which are when I have done this either with a 50 lb ruck or a 20 or 30 lb vest. 

With all this training and attempts at recovery, the goal is the same for me.  Continue to get better, stronger, faster despite getting older.  It is definitely working.  I will say, for sure, that as I age, I am spending more and more time on warm up, accessory movements, mobility, recovery, sleep quality, supplements and paying more attention to diet and hydration than ever before.  It is clear to me that if I want to continue to improve, all of this has to be on point and dialed in.  Even 5 years ago, I was able to just go workout and call it good.  Maybe I would stretch my hamstring a little.  Now, by focusing on all of these factors, I am seeing big improvements as I crowd 50 years old. 

Anyone can do this.  Anyone can be in their best shape at 50 years old.  It does take alot of work and time, but it is totally worth it in my opinion.  Today, I feel like I am in the best shape of my entire life and it is an amazing feeling.  I am not restricted by any physical task. 

Thanks for being on this journey with me.  Let me know your story of success as you age.

May 5, 2017

UPDATE on Kevin:  Jody, Kyle and I had lunch with Kevin yesterday.  I was AMAZED at his progress.  I chose the picture above (eventhough it is a poor quality picture and someone's finger is on the lens) because it shows Kevin's personality.  Yesterday, we saw that Kevin again and it was SO nice to see.  He is doing incredibly well, funny as always and has a bunch of new material from his last few months.  It made me so happy to see him up, moving, laughing, clear and completely focused on living life to the fullest.  At the darkest moments, Kevin had an extremely good attitude focused on gratitude for the things he had.  He was grateful to BE HERE.  He was grateful for his loving wife, Nicole and their children.  He was thankful for his family and his friends.  This attitude never faltered and today he has SO MUCH MORE to be thankful for and continues living with his attitude toward gratitude.  I am thankful and grateful for his recovery and cant wait to watch him progress all the way back to 100%.  We love you Kevin.


Box Breathing 5 minutes

30 overhead squats with PVC

10x each: Pushups, Situps, Dips, Pullups, Burpees

Skill: Jump Rope 3 minutes

Core: Every Minute on the minute (EMOM) do max reps for 30 seconds of Pushups/Situps

Odd Minutes: Situps

Even Minutes: Pushups

Continue for 12 minutes (6 rounds of each)

Workout: A.
“Tailpipe” – Sandbag style
Partner 1 runs 200m, while Partner 2 Holds the sandbag overhead. P1 and P2 switch roles when P1 returns for the run. Do a total of three sets for time. If the partner holding the sandbag drops it, both partners do 10 burpees for each drop.


Ice Bath- >5 minutes


Everybody loves the ice bath...and I miss Bravo



May 4, 2017

Laird Hamilton knows whats up.  He uses ice as a regular part of his workout and recovery.  With the new ice machine, we can now do it any time we want, as many times per day as we might like.

FINALLY!  I have a working, functional ICE MACHINE!  Even better...it produces pellet ice like Sonic uses.  I LOVE it and today was the inaugural ice bath day.  To make the ice bath super effective, of course, we needed to stimulate the system.

1. Wim Hof Breathing x 3 + pushups

2. Warm up Front Squat and Deadlift

3. Bell

3 rounds for time of:

21 Deadlifts, 185/135 lbs

15 Pull-ups

9 Front Squats, 185/135 lbs

4. 5 minute Ice Bath followed by 2 minutes up to knees

5. 10 min quiet time (meditation/focus)


I'm so excited that I can now hit an ice bath any time I want and so can anyone else.  Recovery NOW!