November 30-December 1, 2017


Warm up then a 2k Row for time and potential PR

I actually hit a PR on this today.  7:21.  Still have alot of work to do, but making progress.


Warm up then


5 Rounds:
1:00 Wallballs (20/14) *Females to a 9′ Target
1:00 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
1:00 Calorie Row
1:00 Rest

In this workout, your score is the total repetitions across all rounds.

This one was tough.  My score 306.  Left my legs sore!


November 29, 2017

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.  Im not sure where I left off with documenting the workouts, but as a recap, we didnt miss any days.  On Thanksgiving, we did a 3.5 mile trail run on Stringers Ridge followed by some barbell work. 

On Monday, we were back to the Comptrain Masters programming,  I went fishing yesterday and missed the workout entirely so I made up for it today.

This morning we hit a Hinshaw running track workout:

Run 300 Meter for 00:00:58

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 250 Meter for 00:00:49

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:37

Rest for 00:04:00

Run 300 Meter for 00:00:58

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 250 Meter for 00:00:48

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:37

Rest for 00:04:00

Run 300 Meter for 00:00:56

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 250 Meter for 00:00:48

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:38


I was under the split for each of these and I felt great.

At lunch I met Will Hunt, our best swimmer for a pool workout that I saw Tia Toomey Clair post on Instagram:

We didnt quite get through the whole thing but it felt great...and terrible to be back in the pool again.  I have so much work to do on my swimming!

Back to Comptrain tomorrow.

November 21, 2017

Feeling determined to give it a much better effort today, I put on my Smashin Frog T Shirt that says "Attitude is Contagious" and headed to the garage at 5 AM. 

Some breathing and then some Strict HSPU work followed leading up to the workout.

“On the 4:00” x 5:
12 Toes to Bar
16 Deadlifts (135/95)
12/9 Calorie Assault Bike

I still did not feel 100% this morning, but I altered my mindset and gave it 100%.

I did each round in 2:00 with the slowest round at 2:02.  I might have been able to go faster on another day, but today I feel like I gave it all I could.

The rest of the day has been much better as I am pleased or at least satisfied with my effort this morning.

Do yourself a favor and give 100% effort 100% of the time.  You will feel better as well.

November 20, 2017

This morning was tough. I hate to make excuses so I wont.  I simply let doubt creep in and infect my brain.  This is how a good training session goes bad as it did for me this morning.

It would be easy to say things like

"Well, you cant have it everyday"

but that is not true.  You can have it everyday.  Maybe you dont set a PR everyday, but you can give your best.  I did not give my best this morning and it was all because of what I let go on in my head.

The mental game is the most difficult to master and it takes constant attention in my opinion.  Let your guard down and watch your discipline slip away.

I did not give it my best this morning, I simply survived. 

Dont do this in your own life.  Simply give 100% effort 100% of the time and you will make progress.

Tomorrow is another day and I will show up ready to roll.

RRL Book Club

A few of us decided that we wanted to read a few more books this year.  Using the same mentality of accountability, friendship and fun, we began a small group around reading.  The books that we have gravitated towards are books on mindset, training, spiritual journeys and history.

Since starting we have read the following:

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind,  T Harv Ecker
Relentless, Tim Grover
The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale
The 10x Rule, Grant Cardone
Ego is the Enemy, Ryan Holiday
The Road Less Traveled, M Scott Peck
Mindset, Carol Dweck
Extreme Ownership, Jocko Willink and Leif Babbin
The One Thing, Gary Keller
On Fire, John O’Leary
The Obstacle is the Way-Ryan Holiday
The War of Art- Stephen Pressfield
Daily Rituals-Mason Curry
Rise of Superman-Stephen Kotler
School of Greatness-Lewis Howes
Open:Autobiography of Andre Agassi
Small Giants-Bo Burlingham
Meditations-Marcus Arelius
The Forgotten Highlander-Alistar Urquhart
Never split the difference-Chris Voss
Start with why-Simon Sinek
Fishing for happiness- Joe Simmonds
Stealing Fire-Stephen Kotler
Daring Greatly-Brene Brown
Disrupt You -Jay Sammit
The Oxygen Advantage- Patrick McKeown
Chasing Excellence-Ben Bergeron
The Moral Compass- William Bennett
Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future- Ashley Vance
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Shack-Paul Young
A Million Miles in a Thousand Years-Donald Miller
The Carpenter-Jon Gordon
The Stand-Stephen King
7 Lessons From Heaven-Mary Neal
Essentialism- Greg Mckeown
Man’s Search for Meaning- Victor Frankl
Perceptual intelligence- Brian Boxer Wachler
Legacy- James Kerr

Next 2:
The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself-Michael Singer
Hillbilly Elegy-JD Vance


Jocko Podcast -All of them but
Ep 12-The Forgotten Highlander


Unbreakable Podcast-Tom Shea


Tim Ferris


Part 2

Feel free to join us in reading any of these.  Post in comments or email to discuss the ones you have read

Nov 16,17, 2017

Yesterday we worked on the clean.  Heavy warmup followed by some EMOM work and then:

27 Calorie Row
21 Power Cleans (155/105)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Rest 4 Minutes

“Doce” Part 2
27 Calorie Row
21 Power Cleans (135/95)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Rest 4 Minutes

“Doce” Part 3
AMRAP 4:00
27 Calorie Row
21 Power Cleans (115/80)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)


Today it was gymnastic work

We combined bar muscle ups with handstand walks, worked on some wall walks and then built to a 3 rm max back squat.  We then did an EMOM of pausing Jerks and Pausing Split Jerks for 6 minutes and then hit this one:

Alternating Tabata x 16 (8 sets at each)
Back Squats (empty barbell)

This workout is conducted in the “Tabata Protocol”, where a single set is 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest. This is an alternating Tabata, which means the first set (20s on/10s off) is completed with back squats, and the second on double-unders. Alternating back and forth a total of 16 times will complete our 8 sets at each.

November 14, 15, 2017

Nov 14, 2017

Alot of snatch work followed by this little guy

5 Rounds:
15 Power Snatches (75/55)
30 Double-Unders
200 Meter Run


Run 800 Meter for 00:03:26

Rest for 00:01:00

Run 150 Meter for 00:00:42

Rest for 00:00:30

Run 150 Meter for 00:00:42

Rest for 00:00:30

Run 150 Meter for 00:00:42

Rest for 00:00:30

Run 150 Meter for 00:00:42

Rest for 00:00:30

Run 800 Meter for 00:03:26

Rest for 00:01:00

Run 150 Meter for 00:00:42

Rest for 00:00:30

Run 150 Meter for 00:00:42

Rest for 00:00:30

Run 150 Meter for 00:00:42

Rest for 00:00:30

Run 150 Meter for 00:00:42

Rest for 00:00:30

Run 800 Meter for 00:03:26

Rest for 00:01:00

Run 150 Meter for 00:00:42

Rest for 00:00:30

Run 150 Meter for 00:00:42

Rest for 00:00:30

Run 150 Meter for 00:00:42

Rest for 00:00:30

Run 150 Meter for 00:00:42

Rest for 00:00:30

Run 800 Meter for 00:03:26

Rest for 00:01:00

Run 150 Meter for 00:00:42

x 4 rounds


November 12, 13, 2017


Another track workout to get my Aerobic Capacity workouts in for this week

Run 2000 Meter for 00:09:11

Rest for 00:04:00

Run 400 Meter for 00:01:39

Rest for 00:04:00

Run 1000 Meter for 00:04:35

Rest for 00:04:00

Run 400 Meter for 00:01:39

Rest for 00:04:00

Run 1200 Meter for 00:05:30




We hit a long warm up that included light rowing and ring muscle ups followed by some clean work and front squats.  Then, we ended with a difficult 20 minute AMRAP

10 Thrusters 135

20 Calories on Assault

16 C2B Pullups

I got 3 rounds + 30 reps I think.  This seems kind of low when I look at the leaderboard.  Some guys are getting 5 full rounds with 155 Thrusters. Studs.

Nov 11, 2017

After traveling to CA to get a check up on my son's eyes, I hit a track workout today

Run 600 Meter for 00:02:24

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 600 Meter for 00:02:30

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 300 Meter for 00:00:58

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 500 Meter for 00:02:00

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 500 Meter for 00:02:01

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:37

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 400 Meter for 00:01:36

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 400 Meter for 00:01:38

Rest for 00:02:00

Sprint 150 Meter for 00:00:51


November 4 and 6, 2017

Saturday afternoon, I hit a track workout

Run 600 Meter for 00:02:41

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 600 Meter for 00:02:41

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 300 Meter for 00:01:05

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 500 Meter for 00:02:09

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 500 Meter for 00:02:09

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:43

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 400 Meter for 00:01:39

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 400 Meter for 00:01:39

Rest for 00:02:00

Sprint 150 Meter


I met all the times easily and was under all but the last one.  Running is feeling pretty good right now.

Today, we hit a long warm up which included a 1 minute slow row/3 ring muscle ups x 6 rounds.  My muscle ups felt really good today

Then, the guys were introduced to the Cluster.  A Cluster is a squat clean thruster and it is really effective but really not much fun.

Amraps with rest at :20, :40, :60, :40 and :20


3 Thruster/3 Bar facing Burpee

6/6, 9/9, 12/12, 15/15...

AMRAP 7 minutes

I got through 15 Thrusters and 6 burpees

Good start to a good day!

November 3, 2017

Yesterday I posted the entire workout and I thought I would do the same today.  I wont keep posting all of the work that we are doing, rather just the workout portions.  I am posting today just to give an idea of how these workouts are structured.  I really like the slow warm up, building intensity slowly but steadily.  This increases our volume and warms our old-er bodies.  It is intimidating to look at on the board, but it is really not that bad at all.  If you are interested in getting your own plan, check out Comptrain Masters.


Trap/First Rib Lacrosse Ball Mobilization – 1:00 each side (Video)
Lay on your back with a lacrosse ball high on your trap. Start with the ball closer to the center of the body, and work from the center out. Pinning the ball to the ground, extend the arm up and overhead, keeping the elbow locked out. Reach as far as you can, and repeat this process for 2-3 repetitions on each spot.

Foam Rolling: Thoracic (Upper Back) – 2:00 (Video)
With the foam roller on the ground, wrap your arms as far around yourself as you can, as if you are hugging yourself. This will open up portions of the back that you can isolate pressure on with the foam roller. After 1:00 with arms across your body, complete the second minute with both arms extended above your head, elbows locked out and hands together. Move about through the 2:00 seeking out tight areas.

Banded Shoulder Distraction – 1:00 Each Side (Video)
Lace a stretching band onto a pull-up bar, and with one hand wrapped inside, face the band and step away to create tension. Allow your torso to pitch forward and allow the arm to relax into the stretch. If your right hand is inside the band, take a small step back with your right foot, and slowly rotate your torso to the right. This will further open and stretch your lat.

Pectoral Mash – 1:00 Each Side (Video)
Using a lacrosse ball or a foam roller if a ball is not available, get belly down with one arm behind your back. Bringing the arm behind you back opens up your chest and shoulder in order to allow the ball/roller to find tight areas. Gently move into position, targeting the chest, front of the shoulder, and where the two meet together.

Barbell Assisted Thoracic Opener – 2 sets of 1:00 (Video)
Placing your upper thoracic on a foam roller, bring your hips high in the air and reach overhead for a barbell. Take a wide, snatch grip on the bar, and keeping your abdominals engaged, slowly start to bring your hips closer to the ground. Pause as soon as you feel the stretch, which will be felt in the shoulders, chest, and elbows. Your hips do not need to make it to the ground. Complete two sets of 1:00, resting as needed between. This will improve your overhead range of motion.

Banded Hamstring Distraction – 1:00 each side (Video)

Ankle Flexibility (Dorsiflexion) – 1:00 each foot (Video)
Place your foot on a box, or a bench. Keeping the heel down, shift your body weight onto that foot by driving the knee as far over your toes as you can. You can further load this stretch with a kettlebell/dumbbell/plate. Heel must stay down.



Tempo Bike (or row) – 4 Rounds of :50s light, :10s “fast”
Let our “fast” pace gradually build over the 3 rounds. After each set, come off the rower to complete:
3 Walkouts (Video)
5 Scap Retractions (Video)

2 Rounds, low intensity:
3 Strict Pull-Ups
6 Kip Swings
9 Pushups
12 Slow Air Squats
15 AbMat Sit-Ups


Gradually building week after week, we will be layering in practice sessions labeled “Strict Gymnastics”. The aim of these parts is to use each 5:00 window to alternate back and forth between movements for quality, developing better movement through focused repetition. There is no score. Some sessions will serve as a primer for the work to follow, and as we build throughout the cycle, we will be layering in additional movements that will have up to 20:00 of strict gymnastics work, completed 1-2x week.

There is naturally a slight amount of variance in the template, or maybe better written, flexibility in so. It allows us to adjust to the demand of the week, ensuring we are hitting our aims for each week, but without overlapping on movements in our conditioning segments.

From 0:00 – 5:00…
5 Inchworms (Video)
:15s Hanging L-Sit (Video)

From 5:00 – 10:00…
5 Strict Toes to Bar (Video)
10 Superman Rocks (Video)

On the strict toes to bar today, the goal is to eventually have the capability to bring our toes to make contact, with the aim for today being bring them as high as we can. Forehead level and chest-level are modifications, and if we are building our capacity to raise beyond parallel to the ground, let’s use a variation demonstrated (HERE), anchored by either a pull-up bar post, kettlebell, or dumbbell.


Every 90s x 5 Sets:
4 Front Squats
X% of Pull-Up Benchmark

Our aim here is to complete the pull-ups immediately after our set of front squats. Challenging ourselves with a technical movement following a strength lift a skill to refine, providing us an opportunity to both train and practice a common movement, under not as common circumstances. Enter two scores below for your percentage work.

Enter estimated/current 1RM Front SquatSubmit

Enter total from 10/27 CTB Benchmark (1on/1off/1on)Submit

Set #1, On the 0:00… 4 Front Squats @ 158# + 8 CTB Pull-Ups

Set #2, On the 1:30… 4 Front Squats @ 162# + 9 CTB Pull-Ups

Set #3, On the 3:00… 4 Front Squats @ 167# + 10 CTB Pull-Ups

Set #4, On the 4:30… 4 Front Squats @ 171# + 11 CTB Pull-Ups

Set #5, On the 6:00… 4 Front Squats @ 176# + 12 CTB Pull-Ups


7 Rounds:
10 Sandbag Reverse Lunges, 5 each leg (Front Rack or Zercher Carry)
10 Sandbag Power Cleans, 5 each shoulder
20 Lateral Hops over Bag (1 Jump = 1 Rep)
200 Meter Row

Rest 1:00 Between Rounds. Record total time (including rounds 1-6 rest periods).
This is a repeat workout from June 12, 2017.

Looking to get our hands onto an odd-object today, with the sandbag being the choice if available. In an ideal circumstance, we are looking for a bag that weighs 70# for males, 50# for females. Another option is a single kettlebell (70/53) to match the stimulus if a bag is not available. Inside the notes, indicate the rough weight of the object you used.

On the sandbag reverse lunges, we are looking to step backwards instead of forwards into the lunge. And as we stand out of so, we are aiming to pull with the lead leg as opposed to pushing. For the “zercher” carry, the bag or kettlebell is held at stomach level, with arms bent by your sides at 90 degrees.

The goal of this session is to get our hands on not only gear, but movements, that are uncomfortable. It’s meant to be odd and challenging, which provides a unique training opportunity to learn, adapt to, and improve movement.

November 2, 2017

I have been following the Comptrain Masters Program lately.  I have included a sample day below.  This is actually what we did today.  I have not been updating the Whiteboard regularly because these workouts are difficult to enter there and it just takes too long.  It takes forever to write all this on the board in the garage too, however, I do like the format very much.  What I see that is different here than what we were doing is primarily in the warm up.  If you read through this day, it starts with some slow moving, rolling and stretching of things that will be used in today's workout.  Then it moves to an Activation phase where we move slightly faster and start to actually move the stuff we are going to use later in the workout.  This activation phase was completely absent in my previous warm up. 

Once through the activation, we use an empty barbell, increasing the weight slightly to a slightly warmer body and move through several of the movements we will use today.

Next is a build up to the weight we will actually use in the workout and it is mixed with some skill/strength work. 

Now we are ready to hit the workout, after 35 minutes or so of a "warmup"

After, there is more accessory work and finally a little quiet time.

I think Ben Bergeron does an excellent job.  If you have not read his book, Chasing Excellence, I highly recommend it.

Trap/First Rib Lacrosse Ball Mobilization – 1:00 each side (Video)
Lay on your back with a lacrosse ball high on your trap. Start with the ball closer to the center of the body, and work from the center out. Pinning the ball to the ground, extend the arm up and overhead, keeping the elbow locked out. Reach as far as you can, and repeat this process for 2-3 repetitions on each spot.

Foam Rolling: Thoracic (Upper Back) – 2:00 (Video)
With the foam roller on the ground, wrap your arms as far around yourself as you can, as if you are hugging yourself. This will open up portions of the back that you can isolate pressure on with the foam roller. After 1:00 with arms across your body, complete the second minute with both arms extended above your head, elbows locked out and hands together. Move about through the 2:00 seeking out tight areas.

Barbell Assisted Thoracic Opener – 2 sets of 1:00 (Video)
Placing your upper thoracic on a foam roller, bring your hips high in the air and reach overhead for a barbell. Take a wide, snatch grip on the bar, and keeping your abdominals engaged, slowly start to bring your hips closer to the ground. Pause as soon as you feel the stretch, which will be felt in the shoulders, chest, and elbows. Your hips do not need to make it to the ground. Complete two sets of 1:00, resting as needed between. This will improve your overhead range of motion.

Wrist Stretches – :30s in each position (Video)

Couch Stretch – 2:00 Each Leg (Video)
Facing away from a wall in a kneeling position with hands on the floor for support, place one leg so that the shin bone is as close to the wall as possible (the respective foot will be in the air). Slowly bring the opposite foot up in front of you, and keep the heel down for a base of stability. Slowly bring your chest up as you imagine driving your waist forward, and hold at a position that provides a deep, but overwhelming stretch. Focus on your breathing.

Ankle Flexibility (Dorsiflexion) – 1:00 each foot (Video)
Place your foot on a box, or a bench. Keeping the heel down, shift your body weight onto that foot by driving the knee as far over your toes as you can. You can further load this stretch with a kettlebell/dumbbell/plate. Heel must stay down.


2 Rounds:
1:30 Light Row
5 Hand-Release Pushups
10 Slow Air Squats
:30s Alternating Warrior Squats (Video)

2 Rounds:
1:30 Light Bike
:10s Handstand Hold
15 Banded Good Mornings (Video)
20 Abmat Sit-Ups

Modified Barbell Warmup (empty barbell)
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Strict Presses
5 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
5 Deadlifts


Enter Estimated Max Reps Strict HSPUSubmit

On the 0:00… 5 Deadlifts + 10 Strict HSPU

On the 1:30… 4 Deadlifts + 8 Strict HSPU

On the 3:00… 3 Deadlifts + 6 Strict HSPU

On the 4:30… 2 Deadlifts + 4 Strict HSPU

On the 6:00… 1 Deadlift + Max Strict HSPU


5 Rounds:
7 Deadlifts (225/155)
100 Meter Shuttle Sprint*
7/5 Calorie Assault Bike
Rest 1:00 between rounds


3 Rounds, resting as needed between all movements:
:30s GHD Supine Hold (
:30s Unilateral Kneeling Strict Press, right (Video)
:30s Unilateral Strict Press, left
:30s Hip Extension Hold
Straight Bar Dips (Video)

November 1, 2017

Aerobic Capacity is a training program run by Chris Hinshaw. Hinshaw has worked with so many of the top CrossFitters in the World including Froning, Fraser, Davidsdottir, Sigmundsdottir and so many more.  He comes from the world of elite Ironman Triathlons and has a different perspective on training to get faster and how that training can translate to improvements in workouts that do not include running.  His approach is to help the body to learn to process and rid itself of lactic acid quickly.

I have been doing these workouts for 14 weeks so far and today marked the day that I was supposed to test my 1 mile time.  We went to the track near my house which is the same place that we tested the first time.  I ran a 6:37 on this 200 m track 14 weeks ago and today I was able to comfortably run a 6:15.  The training has definitely helped.  I felt like I could have gone faster and saw lots of room for improvement.  Last time I felt like I was simply redlining the whole race.

Overall, I am very happy with the improvement and have set a goal to hit 5:50 on or before Feb 1.  I feel confident.


Oct 31, 2017

After a slight back tweak, I had to back off the Comptrain program and just use a little movement and stretching to get healthy again

Foam rolling and stretching

20 situps

20 vups

200 flutter



1 minute Bike

5 Spiderman + reach

5 Inch worm

1 min row

10 Spiderman + reach

10 Inch Worm



2 man team, leap frog format

10 Assault Bike Calories

10 Row Calories

10 Burpees

AMRAP 15 minutes


Feeling good after this and 10 minutes in the ice.  Back to regular training tomorrow

Oct 29, 30, 2017

Sunday afternoon

Despite not wanting to get out in the cooler temperatures to do a track workout, I did it anyway.  This one turned out to be pretty short and easy

Run 100 Meter for 00:00:18

Rest for 00:01:00

Run 100 Meter for 00:00:17

Rest for 00:01:00

Run 100 Meter for 00:00:18

Rest for 00:01:00


Run 150 Meter for 00:00:26

Rest for 00:01:30

Run 150 Meter for 00:00:26

Rest for 00:01:30

Run 150 Meter for 00:00:26

Rest for 00:01:30


Run 200 Meter for 00:00:36

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:35

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:35


I was able to comfortably hit all the times and come in under most of them


Back to the job of training to get better at all things CrossFit in hopes of having a good Open performance this year.  The Comptrain Masters program by Ben Bergeron had us testing our Muscle Ups followed by a conditioning workout today

Good warm up leading up to the work

2:00 AMRAP Ring MU

1:00 Rest

1:00 AMRAP Ring MU

:30 rest

:30 AMRAP Ring MU

I did not do well on this and it is obvious that I have been neglecting the muscle up.  I scored a total of 14.  I should be able to get over 30 in this type of workout.  There is a lot of work to be done but I expect that with some focus on this movement, I will see quick improvement.

Then, we moved to this one:


“Power Down” Part #1
15/12 Calorie Row, 15 Power Snatches (115/80)
12/9 Calorie Row, 12 Power Snatches (115/80)
9/7 Calorie Row, 9 Power Snatches (115/80)

Rest 5:00

“Power Down” Part #2
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike, 15 Power Clean and Jerks (115/80)
12/9 Calorie Assault Bike, 12 Power Clean and Jerks (115/80)
9/7 Calorie Assault Bike, 9 Power Clean and Jerks (115/80)


Good times this morning as it was really the first day of winter-like conditions.  Temp was 34 and it felt pretty cool. 

Oct 27, 2017

While looking through my Instagram feed, I came across Pat Sherwood's post of the Linchpin CrossFit Test 1.  It looked interesting so I put it in and made sure that Trevor was going to be here as well. 

I have a love/mostly hate relationship with the signature CrossFit workout Fran.  If you dont know the workout, it is a simple, deceptively difficult but short workout that looks like this:



Thruster @ 95 lbs


This is often the first workout that introduces people to CrossFit and it has humbled more people than any other.  How hard could it be?  It looks pretty easy...right?  Actually, it is pretty easy but the idea is to do it as fast as possible.  Upon first try, athletes often come in around 10 minutes.  The elite can do it at or under 2 minutes.  When you pour on the intensity, this workout becomes one of the hardest things imaginable and takes anyone and everyone to a very dark place.  It exposes weakness immediately, it is easy to judge correct movement (your hip must be below your knee on every thruster, then complete lockout with head through the top, full lock out on bottom of the pullup and chin over the bar).  Athletes must show passable form for all reps, which means for those unfamiliar with these movements, you may have to do 35 thrusters to get 21 that count.

While 95 lbs is not that heavy for me, 45 reps as fast as possible makes it heavy.  Thrusters are a favorite for the ability to simply develop strength and conditioning, but also one of my least favorite in terms of comfortability.  They are not comfortable for all.  They are, in fact, a weakness.

The Linchpin Test 1 workout looks like this:

Run 400

Fran @ 75 lbs

Run 400

Fran @ 75 lbs

Run 400

For time

This was attractive to me because of the reduced weight and the addition of the running.  So I put it in the rotation and we gave it a shot. 

Because of the Comptrain Masters workouts that I have been following, I have learned or paid more attention to pacing through all workouts.  Ben Bergeron does a fantastic job of discussing pacing in his descriptions.  I have listened and tried to keep a more even pace through workouts paying attention to the areas where I am most likely to be able to reduce time rather than just going 100% at first and dying off in the later rounds.

On this one, I decided that the run was probably the area that I could make or lose the most time.  In order to do well on the runs, I would need to pace the Fran sections.  On the first run, I went pretty fast but not so fast that I was really winded upon return to the bar.  I broke the work as follows:

Thruster- 11/10




Thruster- 5/4

Pullup- 9

Then I was able to run straight away from the bar and continue on the 400. 

2nd Fran

Thruster- 11/10

Pullup- 11/10

Thruster- 10/5

Pullup- 15


Pullup- 9

I felt good and took off straight to the 400 with no walking. 

My finish time was 15:29 and I was happy with it.  It was hard for me to believe that more rest and more breaks actually made me go faster through this whole workout.  This is a big lesson for me to not only learn, but learn through experience.  More rest=better performance.  Wow.

There are 12 of these Linchpin tests and some are light and fast like this one and others are heavy and would challenge my ability to do the workout at all.  I would like to try all 12 eventually.

Let me know if you tried this one and what you thought

Oct 26, 2017

I have been filming Saltwater Experience for the last 12 days.  So glad to be back in the garage now.

Today we celebrated Wade's big 5-0 birthday with this one

After a good warm up


For Time:
400 Meter Run, 30 Wallballs (20/14), 30 BJ (24/20)
400 Meter Run, 30 KBS (53/35)
400 Meter Run, 30 KBS (53/35)
400 Meter Run, 30 Wallballs (20/14), 30 BJ (24/20)



For Time:
40 Double-Unders, 25 GHD Sit-Ups
40 Double-Unders, 20 GHD Sit-Ups
40 Double-Unders, 15 GHD Sit-Ups
40 Double-Unders, 10 GHD Sit-Ups
40 Double-Unders, 5 GHD Sit-Ups

While on the trip, I hit multiple decks of cards and worked on my hand walking a bunch.  I also was able to stay on schedule with the Hinshaw program that we have been doing.  I didnt have a track, but the Metron app was good enough to run down US1 and get close to the right  distance and pacing.

Oct 14, 2017

We had a super special guest this morning!  Sophie was back in town and came to visit Gus and get alot of good petting from all of us.  Oh yea...she brought Mike Drew with her.

It was so great to see Mike and Sophie after a few months of being away.  We definitely miss both of them very much. 

The workout started with a nice easy warm up of some foam rolling and smashing of various sore parts.  We moved into a :30 single under jump rope/15 cal on rower/Spiderman + reach and went through this x3 with adding inchworms and walkouts.

Then we did a warm up with an empty barbell before hitting this:

2 pause deadlift (just below knee and then just below hip for 2 seconds) + 2 power cleans.  We gradually brought the weight up to about 70% of 1 RM Clean and Jerk.  X7 rounds on the 2:00


Then, the workout started with this cool format:

ON THE 20:00... "FLAT TIRE"

On the Minute x 12 (4 Rounds):
Minute 1 – 10 Deadlifts (245/165)
Minute 2 – 18 GHD Sit-Ups
Minute 3 – Max Calorie Assault Bike

Any time remaining after the deadlifts and sit-ups is rest, whereas the full minute on the bike can be used to accumulating calories. Score is total calories across all four rounds. There is no break between rounds. Minute 4 returns back to the 10 deadlifts.

I scored 68 reps.  Looking at others results, I see someone with a 103 which is incredibly impressive.  68 was upper mid pack on this leaderboard I was looking at.  Still so much work to do.

Mike and I went to the track and hit the Hinshaw workout after.

Run 400 @ 1:37 x 5 with a 100m rest in between.

Oct 13, 2017

Happy 50th Birthday Alan!

We did his requested birthday workout and Jake threw on a vest as well for his birthday.

There were doughnuts!

Jelly Legs

on one end of the driveway, do your burpees, on the other end of the driveway do your squats.  Approx 50 m

20 burpees/1 Squat

19/2, 18/3, 17/4, 16/5, 15/6....1/20

This turns out to be 210 burpees and squats.  Great travel workout if you are looking for something that requires no equipment and very little space.

Oct 12, 2017

After a good and very thorough warmup, we hit this nice one:


“Freedom Sauce” Part 1
With a 3:00 Clock:
21 Overhead Squats (95/65), 21 Lateral Burpees over Rower, Max Calorie Row

Rest 3:00

“Freedom Sauce” Part 2
With a 3:00 Clock:
18 Overhead Squats (115/80), 18 Lateral Burpees over Rower, Max Calorie Row

Rest 3:00

“Freedom Sauce” Part 3
With a 3:00 Clock:
15 Overhead Squats (135/95), 15 Lateral Burpees over Rower, Max Calorie Row

Rest 3:00

“Freedom Sauce” Part 4
With a 3:00 Clock:
12 Overhead Squats (155/105), 12 Lateral Burpees over Rower, Max Calorie Row

Single score today to the whiteboard – total calories across all four rounds.


I scored 86 calories which seems to be decent.  I moved quickly on the burpees but lost some time on the OHS and I guess I could pull alot harder on the rower.  Some guys were getting over 100 calories on this one.