Oct 11, 2017

Running work on the track today

Run 500 Meter for 00:01:57

Run 500 Meter

Run 400 Meter for 00:01:39

Run 400 Meter for 00:02:11

Run 300 Meter for 00:01:13

Run 300 Meter for 00:02:50

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:46

Run 200 Meter for 00:01:08

Run 100 Meter for 00:00:20

Run 100 Meter for 00:00:33


Rest for 00:05:00

Run 500 Meter for 00:01:56

Run 500 Meter for 00:03:06

Run 400 Meter for 00:01:36

Run 400 Meter for 00:02:31

Run 300 Meter for 00:01:11

Run 300 Meter for 00:01:53

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:43

Run 200 Meter for 00:01:22

Run 100 Meter for 00:00:21

Run 100 Meter for 00:00:44



Oct 10, 2017

Good warm up with mobility, foam rolling and some band distraction leading into

200m light jog

200 m light row or 10 cal Assault bike

5 Superman + Reach/side

x 3


Barbell warm up and then warm up the power clean in preparation for


800 m Run

6 rounds The Chief

400 m Run

4 rounds The Chief

200 m Run

2 rounds The Chief

For time



Accumulate 2:30 of Lsit


Great workout today.  I came in at 13:33.

It was great to have Patrick back and hear about his Selection experience.  He was still moving a little slower than normal but looked great and had a great attitude about the entire experience.

Lee Connell back as well.

Oct 5-8, 2017

Oct 5

After a long warm up we hit this

50 Assault Bike Calories

100 Double Unders

Sandbag Run, 50 lbs, 800 m

100 Double Unders

50 Assault Bike Calories


Oct 6

Another long warm up, OHS and Snatch Balance and then this

15:00 AMRAP:

12 Dumbbell Lunges, 50 lbs

9 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks, 50 lbs

6 Bar Muscle-ups

Tough one.  I got 4 rounds + 21 reps at Rx

Oct 7

Day off

Oct 8

Run 800 Meter for 00:03:07

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 800 Meter for 00:03:04

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 800 Meter for 00:03:12

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 800 Meter for 00:03:13

Rest for 00:05:00


Run 200 Meter for 00:00:37

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:38

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:36

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:35


Oct 4, 2017

Our running program called for a Race Pace 400 m run today. 

Hinshaw Warmup

Sprint 100 Meter for 00:00:16

Run 400 Meter for 00:02:04

Rest for 00:03:00


Sprint 100 Meter for 00:00:17

Run 400 Meter for 00:02:05

Rest for 00:03:00


Sprint 200 Meter

Walk 400 Meter

Rest for 00:08:00


Race Pace 400


I felt pretty good but did feel a slight twinge in my left high hamstring so I backed off a bit.  My benchmark was 1:13 and I came in at 1:14 today.  I am sure that I could run faster if I had more confidence in my hamstring.  I felt great on the warm up and even on the race and felt like I had more in the tank.  Just being careful of the hamstring.  Hopefully, I will be able to push it on the next test day.

Oct 3, 2017


Minutes 0:00 – 7:00
Build to a Moderate Pause Overhead Squat

Minutes 7:00 – 12:00
Build to a Moderate Pausing Snatch Balance


3 Sets of 12 (6 each leg)
Barbell Step-back Lunges

Set #1 – 12 Repetitions @ 35% of 1RM Back Squat

Set #2 – 12 Repetitions @ 40% of 1RM Back Squat

Set #3 – 12 Repetitions @ 45% of 1RM Back Squat


Every 3:00 x 4 Rounds (12:00):
20/15 Calorie Row
12 Barbell-Facing Burpees
Max Push Presses in Time Remaining (135/95)

Sept 26, 2017

Ted Alling made his return to the RRL today and brought his new principal and his wife.  TIm and Hillary have moved to Chattanooga for Tim to be the Principal of the school that Ted is putting together.  He will change 100s of lives and it was a pleasure to get to workout with he and Hillary this morning. 

Ski Erg Man Test x 3

Warm up Thruster 10 minutes


21 pullups


9 Thruster @ 135 lbs

x 3 rounds

We finished with 8 minutes of Gratitude and opened our eyes and looked at a beautiful starry sky.


Great way to start the day!  Make it a good one!

Sept 25, 2017

Warm up

Partner leg throws 3x 1 minute/each

1. In a 4 minute window

Run 400m

15 Assault Bike Calories

15 Hang Power Clean @ 95

In the remaining time: Max Lateral Burpees over bar

Rest 4:00

In a 4 minute window

Run 400m

12 Assault Bike Calories

12 Hang Power Clean @ 125

In the remaining time: Max Lateral Burpees over bar

Rest 4:00

In a 4 minute window

Run 400m

9 Assault Bike Calories

9 Hang Power Clean @ 155

In the remaining time: Max Lateral Burpees over bar

Score= # of Burpees

My score Round 1, 15, Round 2 20, Round 3 19

Sept 23, 2017

Wow, this month has flown by and I have been extremely busy.

Here is the catchup post:

The Hurricane Irma swept through the Florida Keys and damaged lots of my friends homes.  Our stuff was ok for the most part but I was anxious to get down there and help.  Residents were not allowed in past MM73 so we decided to take a 36 Yellowfin with triple 350's from Tampa to Duck Key to investigate and mitigate damage.  When we got there, it was pretty bad.  Flooding and wind damage were evident all over the island.  However, Duck Key was definitely not the hardest hit.  We cleaned up 2 houses and helped about 20 neighbors.  This included 12+ hours of work on each one for 2 days.  It is incredible what you can do with 6 guys, some tools and 12 hours of hard ass labor.  No one stopped, we pulled out everything wet, all furniture, cut out the dry wall, pulled up floors, created a giant trash pile and got these two houses dry and on their way back to normal.  No workouts needed on these days.

As soon as I got back we hit a few good ones then I had to attend the Wonders of Wildlife Grand Opening in Springfield, MO.  This was an awesome experience and I got to hear 2 former Presidents speak, Kevin Costner, and a bunch of country stars sing some songs.  There were the top NASCAR drivers, Bull Riders, Hunting and Fishing Legends.  I was seeing all my tv heroes everywhere I looked.  While on TV myself, I am a fan of all the sports and all the shows as much as anyone else.  I consider myself a student of the outdoor industry so I know who everyone is and I make it my business to watch the stuff they do.  It was cool to be included as a Legend myself and to be among such a talented group of people.

The museum is really an incredible place and you should go visit.

While there, I hit a Hinshaw workout in the parking lot of the Springfield Superplex 11 movie theatre that looked like this

Run 200 @ 1:04

Run 200 @ :49

rest :15

Sprint 100m

rest 4:00

Do 8 200's on first set, 6 200s on 2nd set, 4 200s on 3rd set and 2 200s on final setI liked the workout and my calf is feeling great since the switch to Hoka shoes.

On another note, I have been following Selection on Facebook.  Patrick St Charles and Adam Levitt did very well and Jonathan Hurtado was among the final 2.  This is the most dificult civilian event in the world and to see these guys in it was amazing.  Great job!

Reggie runs the Ironman tomorrow.  Good luck!

Sept 12, 13, 2017

Irma dumped rain yesterday morning at 5 am so we stayed inside with a small group of Steen Justin and me and hit a Deck of Cards



Diamonds=side to side lunges


J1=30 Vups

J2=30 cal Assault Bike

J3=30 cal Ski Erg

J4=30 Vups



Hinshaw test workout

Run 800 m at race pace

Extensive warmup before

200,400 then the 800 race

I have been doing some work on my hips and also got a new pair of shoes.  The Hoka Bondi.  I was extremely pleased in the run this morning.  It was short, but I ran with zero calf issues whatsoever.  SO HAPPY!

Sept 8,9,10,11 2017

Jordan Gallup returns as he evacuates Hurricane Irma from Amelia Island.  We gave him the honorary World Championship belt

I have been glued to the Weather Channel for days.  I still have so many friends and assets in the Florida Keys and to see Irma bearing down on the area has been tough to watch.

Everyone but one member of our team evacuated and everyone made it through the storm ok.  We are still waiting to hear how the houses, office and boats faired.  Fingers crossed.

In the mean time, the training continues.

Sept 8

We tried a workout from the 2017 CrossFit Games from the 50-54 division.  Bar Fight Masters was a good workout.  I will definitely be trying this one again soon.  It exposed a weakness that can be corrected .  I need to be much more comfortable with 155 lbs.  I finished in 7:02 which I was not happy with.  I can move faster and with a little work, I should be able to cycle the barbell much faster.


Saturday called for the Hinshaw work that we have been doing.

I felt my calf a bit from the last Hinshaw workout so I was careful.  Upon the first twinge of pain, I stopped running.  Since we were on a football field, I decided to work on my handstand walks and did 10 yards at a time for 150 yards.  I like that workout, plus I always can improve on my handwalks.


I met Reggie down at the Ironman 1/2 Ironman World Championships and watched some very impressive athletes cross the finish line.  The Ironman is of interest and I may do one one day.  Reggie will do the full Ironman in 2 weeks.


We tried another from the 2017 Games to see how we might stack up.  I should have watched the video before we tried this one because I could have picked up a tip that could have saved some time.  The Games athletes would snatch the dumbell and then change hands on the way down.  I let the db hit the ground and changed there.  The way they were doing it was much faster.

I will try this one again with the moving across the floor as the Games athletes were doing to get an accurate comparison.

We have some bad weather coming through today as Irma passes south of us.  It may be raining tomorrow so we may be inside.