November 8, 2016
/Field Trip this morning!
We are fortunate to live in a very cool city that continually builds cool things that I like to make into a workout. The picture above is the Tennessee Aquarium and the bridge in the photo has stairs that allow visitors to go up and over. The Aquarium has 3-4 of these. We started below the first one with 10 burpees and then ran up and over 2 of these stair bridges before crossing Market Street and heading up 1st street toward the Walking bridge.
1st Street has a series of stairs that take us up to the top and right next to the Walking bridge. These are pointed out in red above. The Blue arrow shows where you take a left and head to the other stairs that lead all the way down to the River.
The stairs next to the Walking Bridge that take you to the river
At the bottom, we do 10 burpees and follow the exact route back to the start. We do this 4 times with a goal of beating 30 minutes. None of us beat 30 minutes today.
Below is a picture with the red line indicating the exact workout we did. Mike finished in 30:30, I was in at 31:28. Michael was shortly later and the rest filed in.
We will definitely return to this one. I loved it.