Sept 6, 2022

Yesterday was a good workout with the group that started at a leisurely 8 am. We had, Ben and Jaqueline, Mathew and his 3 kids, Robert, Rusty and me + Moose. Ellie is on injured reserve due to a cut paw.

It was a good one yesterday starting with strict press 5,5,5,5


Ski, Sandbag clean and then ski in remaining time 2/2/2/2 with 1 min off

Then some core movements to finish it off


Squat snatch - which was a power snatch for me 5.5.5

Overhead Squat which I subbed for backwards sled pulls due to right knee

then 6 pullups, 500 m on ski, 10 Sandbag Cleans x 4 rounds


400 m run x 6. - I only did 4 but had no discomfort or injury! Ya!

Good day today!