Friday 6 Miler
/Ruck 6 miles at 65#
Finished this one in 1:21:00. Felt good, feet good
Daily Mental and Physical Training
The Training blog of Tom Rowland. Father, Husband, Son, Professional fisherman, Television host, Television producer, Athlete, living life with passion. Mental and physical training through SealFit, Goruck Selection and CrossFit.
Ruck 6 miles at 65#
Finished this one in 1:21:00. Felt good, feet good
2 min pushups
2 min situps
5 mile run
12 mile ruck with 45 lbs dry
This was good for me. I learned alot.
Pushups: 85
Situps: 75
5 mile run: Actually 5.48 miles in 39:32 so easily under the time standard
12 mile ruck: 2:57:59
I felt fine before and during. No nutritional issues on empty. I had a hot spot on my right toe that was a little concerning, but no big deal. After, I was tired...very tired this afternoon.
600 step ups with 40 pounds to 16 inch box
Front Squat 5-5-3-3-1-1-1
15 Hang Power Clean @ 135
15 burpees
x 3 rounds
or, be like Mike Drew and go under 20 minutes on the step ups (new record) and then hit the power clean/burpee workout
Great job Mike!
My time was 25:52 on the step ups.
The first time I tried this workout I did it in 25:26, last time, 26:15.
Consistent but not really improving. I felt really good, but just old and slow I guess.
2 minute Pushup test
2 minute situp test
5 mile run on flat ground
Sweat-fest 2014. I drank all this, plus another 2 liters during the 16+ miler, crazy amount of sweat!
did a 16 mile ruck with 70 pounds in the Florida Keys heat and humidity. I know I have been saying this alot lately, but I seriously do not think that I have ever sweated this much! I filled my 3 Liter bladder 2 x, had a liter before leaving, then had another liter after. I really felt like it was coming out of me faster than it was going in.
This was challenging. I started late afternoon because I thought I might actually die in the 94 degree heat. Probably pretty smart on my part. The whole workout took me around 3:45:00. I say around 3:45 because my phone died and I dont know the exact time, but I feel good that it was under 4:00:00. I ran alot, although my running pace with a 70 pound ruck is slow it is still faster than my walking pace.
The Florida Keys are lined with power poles so it was real easy to run one, walk one. I did that through the majority of the run. However, around mile 14, it got real and got very difficult to run. I was ready to put the pack down, but I pressed on and through and made it back to the room to drink some more water. I was actually a little concerned about Hyponatremia since I did not have my Hammer Endurolytes. That is scary stuff and several young football players have died recently. I just kept drinking small sips. It was pouring out of me faster than I was putting it in. I felt fine throughout, but did feel cold when I got back and took a shower. That was kind of weird, but it passed.
This was good training because I watched the sun go down, then the mosquitos came out...and when they came out...they really came out. Good training!
I have to get in 5 x 2 miles at some point over the next couple of days to complete this week fully. It will be quite a challenge with my work schedule, but I will do everything I can to get it in.
This week, I have to travel, so I am mixing up the days a little to try to make sure that I get in all the running and rucking.
Pushup Progression x 5 rounds @ 40% + 1 final max set
Situp Progression x 5 rounds @ 40% + 1 final max set
Run 1.5 miles x 4
Ruck 2 miles x 5 at 60 pounds dry
1. Warm up
2. 150 Step ups with 40 pounds to 16 inches x 5 rounds
3. 10 T2B/15 EO/20 Hamstring Hell/75 sec farmer carry x 4 rounds
4. Jane Fonda/Shoulder Hand Job
Step ups 5:28, 5:30, 5:31, 5:44, 6:20
Did this one straight through..thanks to Rusty and Ben for coming at 5 am.
pushup progression
40% of 2 min max x 5 rounds plus final max set
situp progression
40% of 2 min max x 5 rounds plus final max set
run 1.5 miles x 4
ruck 3 miles x 4 @45 lbs dry
run times were all around 11:00
ruck times between 38-44 minutes
Friday afternoon, I hit a 14.7 mile ruck on Raccoon Mtn. It descended the mtn, then came back up again with some very steep ascents. The guide book said there are places whee the grade was 20%. I dont know, but I can tell you it was steep.
this ruck made me realize just how lucky I am to live where I do. We have 100's of miles of trails like this to amazing places! Thank you to SORBA and the volunteers who built the Live Wire 1, 2 and all the other trails up there!
65 lbs
1. Warm up
Barbell Complex x 6 @ 65 pounds
Instep Stretch
x 3 rounds
2. Back Squat
Increase every round
Do 2 broad jumps after each set
3. Mr Spectacular (double KB clean, walk out to pushup position, 1 pushup, walk back to stand)
Increase weight each round
1 burpee after each set
4. Work Capacity
5 Back Squats @ 135 lbs
5 burpees
x 6 rounds
5. Stretch
Squat stretch
x 3 rounds
6. still water
1. Pushup progression
35% of 2 min max reps (35)
x 5 rounds + final max set
2. Situp progression
35% of 2 min max reps (24)
x 5 rounds + final max set
3. Run 1.5 miles
x 4 rounds
Try to get all rounds under 10:30
4. Stretch
5. Still Water
Warm Up
1. 150 step ups x 4
16 inch box, 40 # ruck
Try to get each one under 5:50. Mike Drew scorched this one with all under 5 minutes and one as low as 4:33
2. Various durability exercises and physical therapy exercises for calf.
3. Ruck 2 miles x 4
60 # ruck before food or water
Keep each interval as fast as possible. Really they should be around 24-25 minutes.
When I had time to get this workout in, it was 94 degrees. The heat seriously affected me, but I was conscious of making sure to drink tons of water and take Hammer Endurolytes. I drank over 12 liters of water during this workout and I have still not had to pee! At times, I was sweating so profusely that it was as if it were raining.
I have to admit, I do like the feeling of sweating like that, the problem comes if you cant get more water in as fast as it is going out! I did my best to drink as much as possible.
Tough day of training, but the good news is that Allen Bible has my calf feeling damn close to 100%. Hell YES!
1. Bench Press
35% of max bodyweight reps every 90 seconds for 5 rounds
2. Weighted Pullup @ 25 pounds
100% max reps
rest 2:30
rest 2:00
rest 1:30
rest 1:00
rest :30
3. Sandbag Getups (SBGU) 60 pounds
10% max 10 minute score every 90 seconds
1. Pushup Progression x 5 rounds + 1 max set @ 35% OF 2 min max score
2. Situp Progression x 5 rounds + 1 max set @ 35% OF 2 min max score
3. 3 x 1.5 mile runs
4. Stretching and foam roll
Calf held up and there was no soreness from rucking yesterday. Funny injury...just cant quite figure it out. Oh well, figuring it out is not the most important thing...keeping it healthy is.
As of now, looking good!
Last week was a tough one for me. Out of nowhere, I somehow reinjure my calf after a month of hard training. It wasnt an injury that I could pinpoint when it happened or where, it kind of just started hurting and prevented me from running or rucking. Very frustrating.
The injury was so frustrating that I decided to go to the Doctor. I chose a Doctor who helped me get through my torn Soleus a few years ago. He told me about what I thought he would...strained Gastroc, no need for MRI. He suggested Physical Therapy, so I called my PT friend Allen Bible.
Allen did some Ultrasound, massage, and gave me some exercises to try. I have been doing them 2 x day and they have helped, I guess. I also took 2 days off completely and 5 days off of any rucking or running.
Today I felt good and thought I would give my ruck schedule a try.
3 x 3 miles at 45 pounds dry before water
1. 42:52
2. 38:46
3: 40:00
It was 93 degrees, I was in boots and pants. Even in wrestling practice where the heat was turned up high and we wore plastics, I did not sweat as much as in this workout. I was soaked, dripping, boots sloshing, but the calf felt great.
38:46 is as fast as I have ever rucked 45 pounds for 3 miles. It is amazing how a little victory like that can improve my attitude. Last week I was down. I was not able to complete the training that I needed to and it really brought me down. It was hard to rest when I knew what I needed to do. There were several moments that I questioned whether or not I could even do Selection at all due to the injury.
Setting a PR brings the spirits up, restores confidence in my conditioning and strength. I am back to my original confidence.
Now, I just need to figure out how to keep the calf healthy and strong.
Garrison and Turner. Turner is not drunk...really....just a bad picture
I cant really think of another example of 4 generations of friendship, but I saw it today. My grandmother's best friend lived across the street from her and they were lifelong friends. They both had sons (my Dad, Gary's Dad) close in age who were best friends growing up and still remain in contact, they both had sons (me and Gary) who were in the same class at McCallie and became friends. Today, Gary's son Garrison, came to the garage for a workout. Garrison is in Turner's class at McCallie making this 4 generations of friendship. The families have moved away from one another, but it is McCallie and fitness that are keeping the relationship alive. Really cool!
Our workout today:
wall ball
clapping pushups
Row 500
overhead walking lunge at 60 pounds (sandbag)
x 3
Gratitude 7 minutes
Headed to the Dr this morning to discuss my calf injury and get an MRI. I am still not recovered and the clock is ticking on Selection. Maybe he can help me to get healthy.
Simple workout today:
600 Step ups with 40 pound ruck to a 16 inch box
for time
Still Water 12 minutes
The last time I tried this workout I did it in 25:26, this time, 26:15. Mike Drew completed it under 22 minutes. That is incredible to me. Good job
46 today! Feeling better than I did at 26.
Warm Up
Bench Press- Max reps at bodyweight
Pullups- Max reps with 25 pound vest, any way over the bar (kip or deadhang)
Sandbag Getup- Max reps in 10 Min with 60 pound bag
My bench press went down since last time, from 14 to 10 at 180 pounds.
Pullups went up from 27 to 31
SBGU went down slightly from 103 to 91. I think I could possibly have miscounted last time...who knows.
2 Min Pushup Max-55 minimum
2 Min situp max- 65 minimum
5 mile run-40 min max
10 mile ruck @ 45 pounds dry
Recent 20x class clowning around and having fun towards the end
10 mile ruck/run at 60 pounds dry (before food and water)
Time hack 2:30:00
Gus and I had a great ruck this morning. Beautiful day and tons of people out exercising and using the Riverwalk. It is so great to meet people while they are exercising. Without exception, everyone greets one another with a smile and "good morning". I am lucky to live here, but there are so many great places in this country. Returning from Encinitas, Coronado and San Diego, I realize that I could easily and comfortably live there as well. Great place!
I came in on the 10 mile ruck at 2:25:30 which was very comfortable. I only ran about 1.5 miles total as I was protecting the calf.
All good.
Post your times
The blog of Tom Rowland. Father, Husband, Son, Professional fisherman, Saltwater Experience Television host, Television producer, Athlete, living life with passion. Mental and physical training through SealFit, Unbeatable Mind, Goruck Selection and CrossFit.
Stats: 53 year old Male, Husband, Father of 3, 5'8, 170 lbs, SealFit Kokoro 30 graduate Class 30, Goruck Selection Class 15 top 10 but DNF, GRT, lots of runs, obstacle races, CrossFit stuff. Professional TV Host, Fishing Guide, Tom Rowland Podcast
Age: 55
Deadlift: 355
Back Squat: 365
Front Squat:285
Clean and Jerk: 245
Snatch: 175
5 mile run: 36:47
12 mile ruck @ 55 lbs: 2:57:59
100 burpees: 4:27
Max Pullups: 53
Training for:
LIFE, FISHING, Elk Hunting, CrossFit Games Age Group, Goruck Selection, SealFit, Olympic lifting, Endurance, Life in general
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