July 16, 2019

I had to go to Orlando for a week to do the annual Cast show. I put it out on my instagram account that I would be working out at 5:30 am every morning and showed the location. I really didn’t think anyone would show. I was surprised when people showed up EVERY morning. It was awesome to meet new people and get a chance to spend some time with them starting the day off right.

Each day was a deck of cards. I picked that because it is easily scalable to all skill levels and challenged each of us. Jokers = stair runs at the parking garage. I changed the exercises when I found a great place to incorporate pullups and step ups too.

Now that I am back home, I shared some time with Mike Drew who blew through town for a visit and then back in the garage today.


Row 2000m time trial

My best ever is 7:26. I rowed a 7:37 today. Pretty happy with that but I can always improve


30 strict HSPU

30 Kipping HSPU

every 2:00 on 2:00 stop and do 15 cal on Assault

10 min cap

I finished in 3:57 with only one stop. Happy with that


Accumulate 1:30 in Lsit. Every break = :20 handstand hold.

July 4, 2019

My good friend Mike Drew sent me a text last night with the workout he planned to do while visiting All Sport CrossFit in New Hampshire. I called an audible and threw in our own version of his workout for a fun theme workout


In a 3 man team complete 1776 reps. One person works at a time. No team can complete more than 200 of any one exercise and it is mandatory that you pick 3 of the 4 cardio choices of Ski, Bike, Row or run a mile which will is 200.

We did it like this

Ski 200 calories

200 Double Under

200 Push Press at 95

200 Situps

200 Calories on Bike

200 KB Swings

200 Pushups

200 Row calories

176 Sandbag over shoulder at 100 lbs

The clock stopped at 55:55 so I think it took us about 1:10:00

Happy 4th of July!

July 3, 2019

Back from Bolivia. Fantastic trip. We had 3 generations of Rowland’s hunting in Bolivia and it was fantastic.

The day schedule ran like this:

Wake up 4:45

Breakfast and leave at 6 am

Hunt til 9:30-10:00 am

Return to lodge

WORKOUT- Deck of Cards, Run 5 miles, Handstand Walk practice, etc…

Lunch - 12:00


Leave for hunting at 3

Hunt til sunset

Return to lodge at 7


Lay on the pool deck and stare at the stars

Bed by 9

Since getting back


For Time:
2K Row
Directly into 10 Rounds:
3 Power Cleans
6 Pushups
9 Air Squats

Barbell Pounds - 135/95
Barbell Kilos - 60/45

Plus lots of accessory work


For Time:
Strict Pull-Ups
Strict Handstand Pushups

12:00 Time Cap

For Time:
21 Deadlifts, 400m Run
15 Deadlifts, 400m Run
9 Deadlifts, 400m Run

Barbell Pounds - 225/155
Barbell Kilos - 100/70


5 Sets, resting ~30-45s between:
3 Muscle Snatches - Video
2 Snatch Grip Push Jerks - Video
1 Pausing Overhead Squat (3s)

Sets #1+2+3 - 35% of 1RM Snatch
Set #4 - 40%
Set #5 - 45%

On the 2:30 x 5 Sets:
3-Position Power Snatch
3-Position Squat Snatch

Barbell load - 55% of 1RM Snatch

On the 4:00 x 5 Rounds:
9 Box Jump Overs (30"/24")
12 Dumbbell Front Squats
12/9 Calorie Assault Bike

Dumbbell Pounds - 50's/35's
Dumbbell Kilos - 25's/15's

June 21, 2019

Great team workout today

Walmart- 3 man teams

one partner working at a time

7 cal bike

10 med ball jumps

5 Clean and jerk

AMRAP 30 min

first 6 rounds @ 95

Second 6 @ 115

third 6 @ 135

Last 6 @ 155

Later today Ill hit this:

Using our recent wave scheme to build to a moderately heavy load, followed by a build to a heavy 3-Rep for the day. All repetitions come from the rack.

Not for time, resting 1:30-2:00 between sets:
3 Reps @ 60%, 1 Rep @ 70%
3 Reps @ 65%, 1 Rep @ 75%
3 Reps @ 70%, 1 Rep @ 80%

Following our single at 80%, we have completed 12 reps at weights that will allow us to move better during the heavier attempts. Take 10:00 following to build to a heavy triple for the day.


A revision of an event seen in the 2017 Games, 2223 Intervals is a work/rest effort of (4) intervals, resting 1:00 between. The task is 75 Power Clean and Jerks (135/95).

2:00 On, 1:00 Off
9 Wallballs (30/20) Females, 9' Target
9/7 Calorie Erg Bike
Max Clean and Jerks (135/95)

The fourth and final interval is extended to 3:00 of "work" time.
75 Clean and Jerks is the task - work until completion, or time capped.

In the absence of an Erg Bike, complete 7/5 calories on the Assault Bike or Rower.

This workout is 75 clean and jerks for time, where athletes must work inside the confines of 2:00 on, 1:00 off for three rounds, and then have a final 3:00 interval as round #4. And to start each round, we have a "buy-in", of wallballs and a calorie bike. This will challenge our conditioning for the clean and jerk cycling. 

Written out, it looks as follows:
Mins 1+2 - Buy-In of WB+Bike, Max CJ in time remaining.
Min 3 - Rest
Mins 4+5 - Buy-In of WB+Bike, Max CJ in time remaining.
Min 6 - Rest
Mins 7+8 - Buy-In of WB+Bike, Max CJ in time remaining.
Min 9 - Rest
Mins 10+11+12 - Buy-In of WB+Bike, Max CJ in time remaining.

For any clean and jerks remaining at the 12:00 time cap, add :01s to the total.

Stimulus wise, we are looking for an unbroken set of wallballs and a hard paced bike. We are looking to clear the two "buy-in" movements by the 1:00 mark at the latest. If we feel we will not clear these throws and bike calories by that time, let's dial back the volume a bit to ensure we are making our way to the barbell.

On the barbell, we are looking for a a moderate, if not slightly "light" clean and jerk barbell. One that we could cycle for near 20 reps unbroken, when fresh. Inside the workout, we are looking for a barbell that we could cycle for reps, in each interval. Lighter is better here.

Talking through an example round #1, let's say an athlete reaches the first 2:00 time cap with 15 clean and jerks. After the mandatory 1:00 rest, the second interval starts. He completes the buy-in of wallballs and biking once again, and when returning the barbell, he starts on rep 16.

Then a fire and ice session

June 20, 2019

Yesterday I changed the workout to avoid some rain. Today started clear but a quick look at the radar showed a line of storms coming through. We ditched the deadlift portion of the workout and went straight to this

El Nino

Run 1 mile

50 DB Snatch @ 50lb db

Run 400 m with 45 lb sandbag

30 Pullups

20 Burpee Box Jumps @ 24

I finished in 17:02. Tim G did 25 snatches with a 75 lb db. Beastly

It was raining with lightning and thunder…good times

Finisher was

25 ski cal

50 foot Handstand Walk


June 19, 2019

With intentions of following my scheduled programming, I had to call an audible this morning as rain passed through the area. Rarely does it rain between the hours of 5 and 7 am for some strange reason but I can only think of less than a dozen times in the last 10 years that rain causes us to change our plans. Don’t get me wrong…we workout in the rain sometimes. The scheduled programming sometimes has us doing things that are just fine in the rain like running 5 miles or doing things with equipment that can get wet. I alter the plan when there is a safety concern. I don’t like heavy weights going overhead in wet and slippery conditions, I don’t like to have the guys climb wet ropes, not crazy about wet muscle ups and I don’t want anyone on the rig doing anything if there is lightning around. It is important for me to realize and remember that the goal is to leave better than we came and a needless injury caused by the conditions is not anything that I am interested in.

Today called for some OHS and snatches in my scheduled workout so I changed it to this:


On the 2:00 switch stations for 30 minutes




Then we finished with Bring Sally Up pushups

June 18, 2019

Great start to an awesome week. Rusty, Chris and I went to Bonnaroo with our kids. It was a blast. Even at Bonnaroo, we hit a deck of cards

Yesterday, Trevor came over at 5 with Rick and we hit this one

Back squat

3 then 1

x3 building to a heavy single

Escape from Wonderland

75 Double Unders

50 Air Squats

25 Row Calories


11:47 for me



Tabata GHD

rest 1:00

Tabata Hip Extension


The Airdyne Timeline

20 cal on Schwinn

20 cal on Assault

20 cal on Echo


Max Set strict HSPU

Max set strict pullup


Run 400

21 KB swings @ 53

12 pullups


9:22 for me. Kind of slow today for some reason. Run mostly

June 11, 2019

Fantastic start to the day. A cool breeze blew through and had the temperature about as low and cool as I can ever remember for a day in June. So nice and refreshing. It really feels like a fall morning.

Started the day as always with Wim Hof Breathing x3 + pushups

The a good warm up of all movements we will use today

Deficit Deadlifts 3”


The Good Life

500 m Row

12 Burpees

21 Box Jumps (step ups) 24”

x3 rounds

I finished this one in 11:18

Then some odd object training

Farmer Carry 100 m

Sled Drag 200m

rest 2:00

x3. Not for time

Good group, great friends, great training

June 10, 2019

“Greatness is not for the chosen few

Greatness is for the few who choose”

Jonathan Metcalf - Chop Wood Carry Water

I read Chop Wood Carry Water this weekend and it is highly suggested. It is a simple book with an easy reading level that you could read or listen to in a few hours. One of the reasons that I liked it so much was that the author was able to bring together so many key ingredients to success and happiness into one simple story. He did not belabor these ideas for 20 pages like others, he simply told a story that has great meaning.

I highly suggest that everyone read this book. I plan on buying several copies and giving them to people that may find value in them. The audiobook is great because it is read by the author and I put it on 1.25x and breezed right through it.


Wim Hof Breathing x3 + pushups

Warm up movements

From the 0:00-5:00:
2 Snatch-Grip Push Jerks
1 Pausing Overhead Squat

From the 5:00-10:00:
1 Hang Snatch Pull
1 Hang Snatch High Pull
1 Hang Squat Snatch
1 Snatch Balance


In a 10:00 Window starting immediately after the last part (10:00-20:00 on the clock):

3 Sets of 1:
Hang Squat Snatch


10 Hang Squat Snatches (75/55)
30 Double-Unders


On the Minute x 9:
1 Pausing Back Squat
1 Back Squat

Sets #1+2+3 - 60%
Sets #4+5+6 - 66%
Sets #7+8+9 - 72%


For Time, with a 5:00 Time Cap:
50 Strict Pull-Ups
*Every break, complete 5 Strict Ring Dips

June 7, 2019

AWESOME start to the day today. My high school friend, March, came by to see just what it is that we do at the garage in the morning. He tried the Wim Hof Breathing and then settled in for this one:

Power Snatch Primer
9 Sets: 
1 Tempo Snatch Pull
1 Power Snatch
Sets #1+2+3 - 60% of 1RM Power Snatch
Sets #4+5+6 - 65%
Sets #7+8+9 - 70%

Power Snatch
5 Sets of 1:
Set #1 - 74% of 1RM Power Snatch
Set #2 - 77%
Sets #3+4+5 - 80%


Team Gut Check (teams of 3)

Teams of 3, with a 25:00 Time Cap:
200/140 Calorie Assault Bike
... Directly into:
3 Rounds:
50 Toes to Bar
50 Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
50 Power Snatches*

Qualifier Weights:
Round 1 Barbell - 95/65
Round 2 Barbell - 115/85
Round 3 Barbell - 135/95

Open Weights:
Round 1 Barbell - 75/55
Round 2 Barbell - 95/65
Round 3 Barbell - 115/85


Gratitude - 10 minutes

June 5, 2019


10 Sets for Time:
40% of Max Strict HSPU

Last week, we completed 12 sets at 30%, which build on the first week of 10x30%. This week, we are transitioning towards 40% of our max handstand pushups, but reducing back to 10 sets. So that we can compare times previous weeks:
Today - 10 x 40%
Last Week - 12 x 30%
2 Weeks - 10 x 30%

5 Sets:
1 Tempo Overhead Squat
1 Overhead Squat

Set #1 - 60% of estimated 1RM OHS
Set #2 - 63%
Set #3 - 66%
Set #4 - 69%
Set #5 - 72%

Snatch Balance - Video
5 Sets of 2

Workout Definition

"Slap Happy" Part #1
In a 5:00 Window...
100 Double-Under Buy-In
Time remaining, AMRAP:
12 Overhead Squats
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24"/20")

Rest 5:00

"Slap Happy" Part #2
In a 5:00 Window...
100 Double-Under Buy-In
Time remaining, AMRAP:
8 Overhead Squats
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24"/20")

Rest 5:00

"Slap Happy" Part #3
In a 5:00 Window...
100 Double-Under Buy-In
Time remaining, AMRAP:
4 Overhead Squats
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24"/20")

Qualifier Loads:
Part #1 - 95/65
Part #2 - 115/85
Part #3 - 135/95

Open Loads:
Part #1 - 75/55
Part #2 - 95/65
Part #3 - 115/85

Score will be total rounds of overhead squats and burpees in each part. The double-unders do not contribute towards the score in each round. 

June 4, 2019

Its been a good start to this week! Great workouts, good turnouts and some Fire and Ice in the afternoon.


Clean Primer:
5 Sets:
1 Hang Clean High Pull
1 Low-Hang Power Clean

"On the 1:30" x 5:
1 Hang Power Clean
1 Power Clean

Workout Definition

15 Power Cleans, 600m Run
10 Power Cleans, 400m Run
5 Power Cleans, 200m Run

Qualifier Rx - 155/105
Open Rx - 135/95

Click "Workout Prep Notes" for details and our primer recommendation.


:45 work/:45 rest x 10


On the 2:00 x 6 Sets:
On the 0:00... 3 Reps @ 79%
On the 2:00... 1 Rep @ 89%
On the 4:00... 3 Reps @ 82%
On the 6:00... 1 Rep @ 92%
On the 8:00... 3 Reps @ 85%
On the 10:00... 1 Rep @ 95%

Week three of three in this progression, increasing by 2% from last week.


2 Sets of 12 @ 52%
Percentage based off our 1RM Front Squat. 


Not for Time:
27 GHD Sit-Ups, 25-50' HS Walk
21 GHD Sit-Ups, 25-50' HS Walk
15 GHD Sit-Ups, 25-50' HS Walk
... Directly into:
Strict CTB Pull-Ups
Strict Ring Dips

May31, 2019

Matt Greenwell was the second guy to come to my garage and 10 years later he strolled down the driveway this morning. After a bit of an absence, Matt returned to celebrate his 49th birthday. It was so great to have him back. His most famous and most funny moment was in the video of us getting ready for Tough Mudder by submersing ourselves in ice during the workout. We all stood around the tub looking at it and thinking it was a bad idea and then Matt said “Watch out cameraman!” and jumped in. This made us all do the same.

Happy Birthday Matt. Matt’s best moment is at 2:03…skip to that part.

Todays workout

Wim Hof Breathing

3 Rounds + Pushups

Warm Up Movements

  1. On the 2:00 x 5

    3 Power Clean and Jerk

    2 Thruster

    1 Squat Snatch

    60% of 1RM Snatch building to a heavy complex

  2. Adderall

    In a 10 min window, Run 1 mile then with the time remaining, max reps Clean and Jerk @ 135

    rest 3:00

    In a 7 min window, Run 800m then with the remaining time, max reps Power Snatch @ 115

    Rest 3:00

    In a 4:00 window, Run 400 then max reps Thruster @ 95

I did 15/17/21 on this one. Great workout. Loved it

Happy Birthday Matt Greenwell. Welcome Back!

May 30, 2019

Sorry for the hiatus on this blog. There has been no slow down in actuality.

The CrossFit Open was occupying my time for quite a while. I finished 69th in the World and then did the Online Qualifier and bumped up my standing to 49th. I was pleased with that finish for this year but plan to go hard this year to make it to the Games as a 50-54 Master next year.


Athletes Notes

Alternating OTM x 10 (5 Rounds)
Odd - 5 Weighted Pull-Ups
Even - 5 Front Squats


Death Race

5 Rounds:
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Burpees

I finished this one in 6:29. I would like to be able to push that bike harder, but it kills me.


Gratitude 10 min

February 28, 2019

Yesterday was our run day so we set courses for 3 and 5 miles across the bridges. Take your pick


Clean and Jerk




Max set kipping pullups

I got 50 this morning which made me happy because I have not been able to get to 50 in a while


Death By Clean and Jerk

1 1st minute

2 2nd minute


Until you cant keep up


Plate flip and one hand grab for max weight. Lots of us got the 25, Trey got the 35

Feb 26, 2019

The CrossFit Open is upon us and workout 1 has come and gone.

I tried it twice and for the first time ever, did not improve my score the second time I tried it.

it was:

19 Wall Balls

19 Calories Rowing

AMRAP 15 min

The first time I did 7 rounds + 9 wall balls

The second time I did 7 rounds + 2 Wall balls

I thought my transitions were better and I thought I was moving faster the second time, but apparently not.


Warm up

Snatch ladder up and down



30 Clean and Jerks @ 135 for time


Max Broad Jump x 5


Max Bar Hang for time