Friday June 17, 2016

5 AM

Breakthrough today--

After doing the Wim Hof Breathing method daily since October, I have suspected some performance increases but havent been able to really point my finger to one thing directly benefited from the breathing...until today.

100 Burpees is a very simple workout that takes you into a very dark place.  It is the fastest way to judge your fitness.  You need no equipment, just a watch and 6 feet.

I have done 100 burpees many, many times as a stand alone workout or as a part of a larger workout.  I have done them where I jump onto some sort of platform like a tire or bumper plates, simply clapping overhead or with a weight vest or even a ruck on.  The standard burpee calls for a clap overhead and for a jump that gets both feet off the ground.  You should fully extend your hips as you stand.

With these standards, I have raced the clock and my past performances for 15-20 years.  Never, NEVER have I been able to do 100 consecutive burpees until I started the breathing.  This goes for all the time that I was running a ton and my bodyweight was down close to 140 pounds...Burpees were slow then because I was weak.  Fast forward to the times that I consider myself to be in the best shape of my life; training for SealFit Kokoro and Goruck Selection.  I was strong and much heavier and quite used to a 60 pound ruck sack at all times.  Still, I could not complete 100 burpees consecutively with zero breaks.  All through my 20 year history with the burpee, despite my training, despite my weight, despite my diet, I was not able to do 100 consecutive burpees and maintained about a 5:30 PR on the 100 burpee workout.

After doing the Wim Hof Breathing for about 5 months, I did 100 burpees without a need for a break.  My time was 5:15.  This was an all time PR despite getting older and...conventional wisdom would say, slower. 

Today, I did 6 rounds of the breathing exercise + pushups of a full lung and got 91 pushups.  I did some recovery breathing and then we did the following:

Clean 2-2-1-1-1

100 Burpees for time

2:00 work/2:00 rest on Assault Bike

1:30 Work/1:30 rest Assault Bike

1:00 work/1:00 rest Assault Bike

:30 work/  done


I started the 100 burpee workout with full intention of doing them unbroken.  I never felt like I needed to take a break.  I simply kept doing burpees at a steady pace.  I got to 50 and then 60, 70, 80 and I knew i could finish.  90, and finally 100 in 4:55. 

I am 46 (almost 47 years old) and have been doing this workout for 20 years.  I have seen some 5-10 second PRs, but once i got under 6 minutes, the progress has been virtually stopped.  Today, I cut 40 seconds off my time and never felt like I needed to take a break.  The only thing that has changed is the addition of the breathing.

It is such a great feeling to find something that takes any portion of your training to the next level.  It gives me motivation to continue experimenting and working to find ways to improve in other areas.

If you havent tried this, I believe it is worth a shot.  I dont think that 1-2 days will make a big change, but maybe it would.  Let me know if you try it.

Thursday June 16, 2016

I listened to a new podcast yesterday and really liked it. I had heard Ultra Endurance athlete, Rich Roll as a guest on Joe Rogan's podcast and thought he was a great guest.  I thought I would check out his podcast and I am glad I did.  Rich holds a good interview and lets the guest talk.  I first listened to this one with Shawn Stevenson on Sleep.  It is very good.  Then, I listened to Rich interviewing The Ice Man, Wim Hof.  Check it out here

I have written about Wim Hof quite a bit here and have been doing the daily breathing for about 8 months.  Performance has improved, most notably in my burpees.  I was not able to do 100 burpees in a row despite trying for many years.  After about a month of the daily breathing, I did 100 consecutive burpees and set an all time PR.  Nothing else was different in my schedule, diet, sleep or training.  The only thing I added was the breathing. 

This breathing method has many more benefits than just performance.  If you are interested, check out Wim being interviewed by Rich Roll

or Tim Ferris

Click Here for Tim Ferris Interview

Or Joe Rogan

Click Here for Joe Rogan Interview

Or Ronda Patrick

Click Here for Ronda Patrick Interview

Or Ben Greenfield

Click Here for Ben Greenfield interview


Or this Outside Magazine article

If that is not enough info for you, you can watch this Vice documentary



5 am

Wim Hof Breathing

3 rounds + pushups


1. Run 400

15 Back Squats @185lbs

Run 800

15 Front Squats @ 135

Run 1 mile

15 Overhead squats @ 95

For time




Mon, Tues, Wed, June 15, 2016

Getting back into the swing of things is sometimes difficult.  My lack of posting does not mean that I am not in the garage with my friends...actually, just busy catching up.


Here is a recap:



1.  Partner workout.  Both Partners working at the same time.  If you finish first...just rest.

5 rounds of:

30 Double Unders

15 Dips

2.  Partner workout.  Both Partners working at the same time.  If you finish first...just rest.

10 rounds of:

5 Deadlifts, 225 lbs

10 Assault Bike Calories




I borrowed this one from Laird Hamilton,Gabby Reece and Brian MackenzieXPT


LEVEL: Intermediate-Advanced | FOCUS: Functional & Primal Movements | DURATION: 40-50 Minutes


Wim Hof Breathing

3 rounds plus pushups

3 rounds of:
20m Spiderman-Crawl
20m Inch-Worms
15 Pushups (scale to box)
5 Scap Pullups

EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) alternating movements for 12:00 min:
:20 Max Strict C2B-Pullups (minute 1)
:40m Bear-Crawl-Sprint (minute 2)
Rest with remaining time immediately after

15 Tire-Flips (moderately heavy)
2:00 Max Burpees-with-Jump (scale to step up) to Tire
Rest 2:00

12 Tire-Flips
1:30 Max Burpees-with-Jump-to-Tire
Rest 1:30

9 Tire-Flips
:60 Max Burpees
DONE! Record total burpees.

5x Upward-and-Downward-Dog (pause :05 each position)
Foam-Roll-Hamstrings 2:00 per side
Banded-Bully 2:00 per side



Front Squat
5x2 @ 85 %

Sled Push
Assault Bike Cal 10 cal
SDHP 95    10

AMRAP 12 min

Row 10 cal
T2b 10
Squat clean thruster 5@ 95

AMRAP 12 min



All workouts start with the Wim Hof Method of breathing.  35 breaths in then a max hold after the exhale followed by a hold on a big inhale.  Do this 3 times, then 35 breaths, big inhale and a max set of pushups. 


Friday, June 10, 2016

5 am

1. Wim Hof Breathing

4 rounds + Pushups

2. Scooter

30 mins: 


30 Double Unders

15 Pull-ups

15 Push-ups

Sprint, 100 m


Im not sure I understood this workout correctly.  It was a partner team workout that included some deadlifts.  We somehow left that part out and simply did a 30 min AMRAP of one partner going through a whole round and then resting while the other partner does a full round.  I love the intervals and partner workouts, so this was nice.  I would have liked to have done it as prescribed, but I guess I didnt understand.

Trevor and I partnered and did 20 rounds + 30 du + 15 pullups

It was a great workout regardless of whether we did it exaclty right.

Thursday June 9, 2016

So much to catch up on...

My son Turner graduated high school and to celebrate a tremendous amount of hard work, I took he and his brother, Hayden, to Christmas Island in the S Pacific.  It is easy to get there...just fly to Hawaii, spend the night and then fly 3 more hours toward Fiji to the middle of the ocean and land. 

This place is bonefish central.  It is the single best destination in the world for sight fishing bonefish on the fly.  Simply incredible.  We walked 6 miles of ankle deep water one day catching bonefish the whole way.  Every day was a walking day.  Lots of walking. 

It was a great trip and one that none of us will ever forget.

I managed to stay in reasonably good shape with my trusty deck of cards, 6 mile runs and tons of walking. 

In Hawaii, we climbed 2 volcanos, Diamond Head which was nice, but touristy and a far more intense Koko Head Crater, which was a series of 1654 railroad ties laid straight up a mountain roughly 1 mile long.  No switchbacks here, just straight up. 

I loved Hawaii and will spend more time there eventually.  Lots more hiking and exploring to do there!

Upon returning, I spent Friday in the garage and enjoyed every second with my friends. 

Saturday, we jumped in the car and drove from Chattanooga, TN to Badlands National Park which is about 22 hours.  After touring the park in the morning we hit it hard for the 9 hour drive to Bozeman, MT.  A little walking and some pushups were all I could muster along with extended sessions of the couch stretch to fix the incredibly long sitting spells we have had since leaving for Christmas Island. 

The following day we moved to Gardiner, MT and got my son set up with his summer job in Yellowstone National Park.  I did this when I was 20, he is doing it at 18.  It is an incredible opportunity for any young person to experience our National Parks by working in them for the summer...highly encouraged.

In Gardiner, I found a stairway that went down to the Yellowstone river.  There was an 8 foot platform that was just a few feet from the river.  Snaow melt had the river swollen and running hard.  It was the perfect place to do the Wim Hof Breathing and then hit 2:00 max efforts for Pushups, Situps, Flutter Kicks and Squats x 2 each and then sending my results to Wade in Afghanistan.  

We drove through the park and saw some of our favorite things, including my niece who is also working in the Park this summer. 

Another workout with squats, Lunges and pushups took place on the little river platform and then it was time to go home.  My son is all settled in, and it is time to get back.

2 am, we made it back to Chattanooga and I was up at 5 am in the garage with my friends. 

This morning:

Shoulder Press



Run 400 m

15 GHD situps

AMRAP 15 minutes


Ruck 1 mile

45 pounds



Glad to be back!  Glad I went!

Friday May 20 2016

Trevor gave it his all on this Kalsu workout.  While I might be able to keep up with him on some workouts Kalsu is NOT one of them.

This is Trevor. 

Trevor gives his 100% in every workout and pushes everyone around him to do the same.  Trevor and I are very close in many workouts.  He is much stronger than me, but I am able to make up for it with some gymnastic movements and running.  This puts us in a photo finish on alot of days.  He always pushes, always.  If I am to stay with him or beat him, I have to push...hard.

Through these daily workouts, we have developed respect, friendship and most importantly trust.  I know he will always be there and I hope he knows the same.

Everyone needs a "Trevor" in their life.  I am a very lucky man that I not only have the real Trevor, but a group of 20-30 other "Trevors" who push me to be better physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and ethically every single day.  Trevor and the rest of my group hold me accountable for the things that I say I am going to do, make sure that I stay humble, prevent me from ever backsliding and make me a better person through their friendship.  This friendship is forged daily through sweat and humor.

Today, I planned to take it kind of easy, but Trevor found a position next to me and pushed me to not only give 100% today, but to set a PR on the workout.  I did get a PR but I still didn't beat Trevor!

5 AM

Wim Hof Breathing

Death By Pullups


Death By GHD...starting at 5 reps

The "Death By" format is simple and effective.  Start a clock.  During the first minute, get 1 rep.  2nd minute...2 reps.  3rd minute...3 reps.  Continue like this until you can not keep up with the clock.  It is a great travel strategy as it can be used with any exercise.  All you need is a stopwatch.

I finished 20 rounds and got 18 of the 21st round which was better than I had ever done.  Trevor finished the 21st round and got 16 of the 22nd.  OUTSTANDING!

If you dont have a Trevor in your life...find one.  Find a bunch of them.  Your Trevor doesnt have to be able to Overhead Squat 285 like my Trevor can, but they do need to be able to push you to be your best, do your best and never settle for mediocrity. 

Thursday May 19, 2016

5 AM




15 calories Assault Bike

1 Legless Rope Climb

x 4 rounds


For the first time ever, I injured my hamstring on a deadlift.  I guess I have heard of others doing it, but I have never felt any sort of twinge in my hamstrings whatsoever on this exercise.  Today, on my final rep, it popped like someone flicked me with their finger on the back of my leg.  I dropped the weight immediately.  It is sore, but should be ok in a couple of days.  I guess I am getting older.



Tuesday May 17, 2016


7 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
21 walking lunges
15 pull-ups
9 burpees

If you have a 20-lb. weight vest or body armor, wear it.


Danish Army Sgt. René Brink Jakobsen of Vang, Denmark, died Jan. 3, 2013, after being hit by an improvised explosive device while on foot patrol with his unit in Upper Gereshk Valley in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. The 39-year-old was a member of the elite Danish Special Forces Ranger unit called Jaegerkorpet. Jakobsen is survived by his wife, Camilla; three children, Mie, Sara and Thor; and many loving relatives and friends.

Monday May 16, 2016

5:02 am

Wim Hof Breathing

4 rounds + pushups (94) 

Then, we have continued to incorporate the hanging and light weight raises for our shoulder health mixed with our standard workout.  I really like the way my shoulders are feeling and others are getting some relief as well.

Bar Hang :30

15-50 front raise with 2.5-5 lbs

GHD 20

Bar Hang :30

15-50 side raise with 2.5-5 lbs

Hip Extension 20

Bar Hang :30

15-50 rear raise with 2.5-5 lbs

The rep scheme and weight depends on the health of your shoulder.  For those with injuries or creaky old shoulders, start with no weight or just a water bottle or something.  The idea is to be able to build to at least 50 reps of each exercise with 5 lbs and then go beyond to 7 or 10.


Overhead Squat 5-5-3-3-1-1-1


2 man team

Assault Bike 15 calories

8 single arm Kettlebell snatch (alternating) with 70 lbs

AMREPS 15 minutes

Both partners working at a time...alternating.  If you finish before your partner, simply rest a few seconds.

We did not have enough Assault Bikes so we also used rowers on this one and found that a 10 calorie row was about equal to the 8 snatches.  Trevor and I did the Row/Snatch and it was a great workout.  17 rounds + 4 snatch and 5 calories.

Thursday May 12, 2016

“The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field of endeavor.”
— Vince Lombardi

5 am


Run 150 m

7 Chest 2 Bar Pullups

7 Front Squats @ 135 lbs

7 Handstand Pushups (HSPU)

x 10 rounds for time


Canadian Forces Corporal Nicholas Bulger, 30, of Peterborough, Ontario, assigned to the 3rd Battalion of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, based out of Edmonton, Alberta, died July 3, 2009 while on patrol in the Zhari district of Afghanistan when an improvised explosive device exploded near his vehicle. Cpl. Bulger is survived by his wife Rebeka, and daughters Brookelynn and Elizabeth.

Tuesday May 10, 2016

5 AM


Row 1000m

50 Box Jumps - or step ups for old guys

50 Burpees

Run 800 m

X 3 rounds for time

U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Marc Small, 29, of Collegeville, Pennsylvania, assigned to 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died on February 12, 2009, from wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher and small arms fire in Faramuz, Afghanistan. He is survived by his father and stepmother, Murray and Karen, mother and stepfather, Mary and Peter MacFarland, and fiancee Amanda Charney.

Friday May 6, 2016

Today was Wade's last day before shipping off to Afghanistan for a while.  We will miss you Brother!  Be safe.

We said Bon Voyage to Wade and remembered a hero with today's workout:


Run 800

80 Air Squats

8 Muscle Ups

AMRAP 45 minutes

U.S. Army Captain John D. Hortman, 30, of Inman, South Carolina, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, based in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, died on August 8, 2011, in Fort Benning, Georgia, in a helicopter accident during a military training exercise. He is survived by his mother, Brenda Jones, sister Jill Hortman, and brother, Andy Pierce.


Wednesday May 4, 2016

Beep Test today

You can search Beep Test in my search bar on this blog and see the other posts for this test.  I really like it as an occasional test and I like it even more when I improve upon my last today.

The search feature brings up these posts


It is a simple test using a measured 20 m shuttle run and the same recording each time.  We have used this one each time

Today, I beat my previous score of 11.8 and improved to 11.10.  I think it is possible for me to get 12 rounds, but it was becoming incredibly difficult at 11.10.  I know I had another round or so in me today.  I fell slightly behind in the 10th round but was able to catch up and make it into the 11th.

We finished with some core work and mobility.  Great day, awesome weather and better friends!