August 2, 2022

Ellie with 3 balls!

The band is back together again! Jimmy is back! Alan rejoins the group after a vacation along with Mathew, Justin, Rusty + Ellie and Me + Moose

Today called for

Squat Clean + Split Jerk

2+1 X 3 @ 193

1+1 x @ @200


Deadlift 5,5,5,5,max reps 251, 268, 284, 268, 215

I did not do any of this lifting today due to the injury.


12 Min EMOM

12 cal row

10 OHS - I subbed 15 regular bodyweight squats and felt good that I could do them


12 min EMOM

14/11 Fan Bike

100” Sandbag Carry - 150/100 lbs - I subbed handstand walk


12 min Emom

14/11 Cal Ski

15 Ring Dips

Then, Shoot some arrows

August 1, 2022

Great start to the first Monday in August with Kyle, Rusty + Ellie and Me + Moose

Kyle and Rusty were having knee issues and I am still recovering from my fall off the pullup bar last week.

We changed up the program slightly today to allow for us to all train together and get in some work despite our injuries.

I feel very strongly that training should continue when injured. Of course, you have to be smart about it but I do not think that inactivity is beneficial to healing or to the mental state around an injury.

If you break your arm you may not be able to do many things like pullups of cleans, but does a broken arm mean that you couldn’t run or ride a bike? Could you do a squat, a sit up, some flutter kicks? The answer is obviously yes.

When I get injured I immediately start to think about the things that I can still do. Torn calf muscle means I shouldn’t run for 8 weeks…Im going to get really good at pullups in those 8 weeks. Hurt shoulder? Bodyweight squats, core work, running and bike. There is always something you can do.

Staying on the path helps the mental game more than the physical, probably. When injured, it is easy to get down and when we feel down often we resort to things that are not healthy. More drinking than usual, binge eating, not sleeping as much. When we stay on the path and never miss a day, it is easier to stay on the eating plan, continue a consistent sleep schedule, stretch, sauna, and feel good on a daily basis despite the injury.

So, to avoid those pitfalls, we have to alter our training sometimes and get in what we can.

Today we changed up the program a bit and got a good one, got the blood flowing and a good sweat.

Every 4 minutes x 5 rounds

25 cal bike

25 pushups


1 minute plank

100 flutters

x 5

Less volume than the program called for but we got it done!

July 27, 28, 2022

Yesterday was a great day right up to the last 1 second of the workout. Ill explain

We started with Strict Press @ 120

Then 2x that number at 100 lbs


2,2,2,2 minutes on/rest 1 minute

12 Dumbbells bench press 50s

12 cal row

Max GHD in remaining time

I got 19,20,21,22



1000 @ 1:53

rest 1 min

1000 @ 1:53

rest 1 min

1000 @ 1:53

rest 1 min

500 @ 1:50


I decided that w would do a finisher to prep for my goal of being able to do 54 kipping pullups on my birthday in August. My record is 53. I videoed the attempt just in case I made it and I wouldn’t have to do it again.

I felt ready and went for it. I did 50 unbroken kipping Butterly pullups and then felt my grip weakening. I readjusted and did 2 more kipping pullups. I had miscounted (after video review) and thought I was on 53 with only one more for the record. I went for it despite my grip being weak.

I pulled hard and my hands slipped off the bar and I went down extremely hard and landed on my left hip. I was very lucky that I did not hit my head at all. Regardless, it was a very hard fall and I had a tough time getting up.

Yesterday was spent with an ice pack and some advil. It was one of the least productive days I can remember.

Today was better and I was not going to let that injury sideline me for complete inactivity.

I was thinking…What can I do rather than thinking of all the things that I am unable to do in this condition.

I let the guys do the prescribed workout today which included Overhead squats, 800 m running intervals and a bike, dumbbell, bar muscle up workout…none of which seemed like something I could do in this condition.

I went through my stretching routine and felt like I could do most things that did not require any squatting or movement of the hip. During the stretch, I do 50 pushups and they felt pretty good and didnt aggravate the area that I hurt yesterday too bad.

I decided on 20 pushups a minute every minute for 50 minutes which is 1000.

No problem and it felt good to get the blood flowing and some sweat.

My back is feeling better than yesterday for sure. I am so thankful and grateful that I did not hit my head and thanks to March who was there immediately to see if I was ok.

More ice today and Ill be 90% by tomorrow.

Lesson learned was …when the grip fails…STOP DOING PULLUPS. This could have been pretty bad and I feel like I escaped with a painful but not serious injury.

July 26, 2022

Awesome Tuesday morning with Jose, Mathew, Rusty + Ellie, and Me + Moose

Sleep: only woke up once, 7 hours

Weight 173.6

Great workout this morning that started with a pretty thorough weight session

Front Squat

6,6,3,3 @ 165, 175, 205, 215

Power Clean with pause above knee

3x2 @ 145

Power Clean + Power Jerk

3 (3+1), 2+1, 2(1+1) @ 155-180

Power Snatch 3x2, 1x2, 2x1 @ 120-135


6 x (2:30 work/ 1:30 rest)

20 Wall Ball @ 20 lbs

15 Muscle Snatch @ 65

Max cal Bike in remaining time

My scores were 13, 13, 13, 12, 10, 9


Shoot 20 arrows at various distances

July 25, 2022

Monday mornings at the RRL are a favorite. Most people dread Monday but I look at it as a fresh start to the week and I look forward to the training after 2 days of recovery. This morning, Mathew was already 1/2 way through his workout when I go tin the garage a little before 5 am. Then, only Rusty and Kim showed up today. Ellie and Moose had a real good time this morning chasing each other and playing.

Today we started with:

Split Jerk



28 Minute EMOM

  1. Row 12

  2. 1 Round DT

  3. Bike 11

  4. Rest

1 Round DT = 12 deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Shoulder to Overhead


Bar hang - Accumulate 3 minutes

Great start to the week!

July 23, 24, 2022

Weekends are for recovery for me.

Extra sleep and extra stretching and recovery

Joe Hippensteel is my stretching coach and his program Ultimate Human Performance has been more impactful to my progress over the last year than anything else. Yep…more impactful than the weights, than the rowing, running, swimming, ski erg, bike…you name it.

It is due to this program that I have been able to double down in other areas and increase my durability to train harder than ever. It is literally the fountain of youth.

I did a full session of 2 minutes on/2 minutes off through the entire program. This is about a 2 hour session. On regular weekdays I will go through the entire program daily but I can spend more time on it on the weekends and spend more time in each position. The result is feeling like a million bucks.

I follow this with a few sessions of Fire and Ice which is where I will sit in the ice for

10 minutes then go directly to a 200+ degree sauna for 20 min

5 min/15 min

1 min/ 10 min

This is one of my favorite things to do but it takes time that I may not have during the week.

Ill make sure to follow my nutrition plan as well with no cheat days since March. This has me in a place that I am very happy with. 170 lbs, knees feeling great, sleep is on point, supplements seem to be helping in many areas. My performance in the gym is outstanding and Im still setting PRs at 53 years old in strength, stamina, speed and gymnastics.

July 22.2022

Icast in Orlando draws to a close but I had one final parking lot workout before driving home

Good to see both people from the Icast show as well as one guy there on a medical sales rep trip. Very cool!

Zach was sore In The upper body so he requested a leg heavy deck of cards

Spades - squats

Clubs - split squats

Hearts- sit-ups

Diamonds- vups

Joker- 300 flutters

Finisher - bottom to bottom Tabata squats + 50 burpees for time. I came in at 1:45 and felt good about it

July 19,2022

On the road today at the Icast show.

They have a pretty nice hotel gym here and I noticed that they had spin bikes.

We only have fan bikes so we can’t really do the Fraser HWPO spin bike workouts and sun fan bike.

I hit this one today

It was different than the fan bike but not really more difficult. Maybe a little tougher on the legs

After, I took a 3 mile run to check out where I’ll meet people in the morning to do the group workout which will be a deck of cards.

The IG post can be found here describing the location

July 18, 2022

Amazing start to the week

Kyle, Josh, Alan, Rusty + Ellie, Me + Moose

This one looked easy on paper…

Front squat 8,8,5,5 @ 155, 165, 175, 175


Power Clean + Split Jerk 5 ( 2+1) 145-165



1-3 2 Pocket Power Snatch 95-105

4-6 2 High Hang Snatch 105-115

7-9 Power Snatch 135


8 x 1 min on 1 min off

35 double unders

Max Fan bike cal in remaining time

My score was 118 for the whole workout


Tabata Hollow Rocks

8 x 20 seconds on 10 seconds off


Great sleep over the weekend

Weight: 170

Nutrition: Shake + Vitamins + Alpha Brain

Coffee: Chemex

Long drive today to Orlando

Tomorrow and the rest of the week will be on the road. If you are in Orlando and want to workout Ill post the details here or on @tom_rowland Instagram

July 14, 2022

Good group this morning: Justin, Jose, Josh, Robert, Kyle, March, Michael, Rusty + Ellie, Me + Moose

Total Bike Day

Warm up

1:00@ 60% of 20 min max wattage test

:30 @ 100-115%

:30 @ 60%

x 3 rounds


1:15 @ 110%

1:15 @ 90%

:30 @ 60%

Rest :30

x 8 rounds



:40 Plank on Rings

20 Plank hip touch R

20 Plank Hip touch L


Shoot 20 Arrows @ 60 yards

Today Stats

Weight: 170.4

Sleep: 7 hours

Nutrition : Pre - 1 LMNT + 2400 mg Beta Alanine + 10 gr carbs (apple Juice) + 10 gr Protein

Shake: 523 cal, 42 P, 81c, 2.8F Opti Greens, Phormula One, Ignition, Bananas, Alpha Brain, Creatine

Vitamins: 1St Phorm Micro Factor (Free Shipping) Turmeric,

July 12, 13, 2022

Only Josh, Rusty and me on July 12. No problem. We got it done!

Strict Press

Max reps at 120 lbs

then 2 sets at 100 to match the max reps



500, 750, 1000, 750, 500

1 min rest between


2/2/2/2 on / 1 min off

10 burpees over box 20”

15 cal bike

Max rep thruster in remaining time @ 95 lbs

July 13,

Overhead Squat 5,5,5,5,3, 111-135 lbs


400 m x 6

1 min break



50-40-30-20 calories on bike

5-4-3-2 rounds of Cindy

  • 1 round of Cindy = 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats

July 11, 2022

Jose, Josh, Robert, March, Kim, Kyle, Rusty + Ellie, Me + Moose

Great start to a Monday

Front squat 6,6,3,2 167-215

Power Snatch 2,2,2,2,1,1 120-135

Power Clean + Jerk 3 x (3+1), 3+1, 2+1


24 cal bike

16 GHD situps

40 Double Unders

x 6 rounds


20 vups

20 candlestick toe touches

x 3 rest as needed


Shoot Bow

Certainly feeling more confident with the bow at 60 yards. I will be getting my sight tape soon which will allow me to shoot 70,80,90 and even 100 yards. Hopefully I can get dialed in at 80 and be confident.

July 8, 2022

Josh, Kyle, Jody, Rusty + Ellie, Me + Moose

Clean and jerk 5 x 1 building to a 90% 1 rm

I didn’t feel this this morning. I did a couple and decided that I might just not do this lift today because I wasn’t feeling very ready for it despite stretching before the workout. Yesterday’s really fatigued me more than expected.

Maybe it was my inner bitch or maybe it was experience speaking and saying…this is where you usually hurt yourself. Live to fight another day.

I chose to go easy on that lift this morning.

Don’t worry…there was plenty left…

24 min EMOM

Row 14/12 cal

15 T2B

Bike 14/11 cal

60 double unders

2 min rest

6 min AMRAP

3 strict pull-ups

6 Handstand push-ups

8 Pistols

2 min rest

8 min EMOM

Row 14/12 cal

15 T2B

Bike 14/11 cal

60 double unders


Shoot 20 arrows at 60 yards

Coffee, stretch, morning shake

Dominate the day!

July 7, 2022

Drew, Kyle, Jose, Josh, Kim, Rusty + Ellie, Me + Moose

Back Squat 5,5,5

Bench Press 3,3,3



Devils Press @ 50/35

Dumbbell box step over @ 20 inches

I did this at 50 and it was surprisingly hard. I had expected the Devils Press to be the most difficult but I found out that the box step overs were no joke on the 1st round of 10.

This was a tough combination that was very grip intensive. I had a tough time holding on to the dumbbells after a while and had to break the sets. It was a mental win when I did 10 straight, then 9, then 4/4. I was able to hold the 4 for the rest of the workout which was a big win in my head. so I went 4/3,4/2,4/1,4/3/2/1

I love/dislike this format. It is beautifully simple yet surprisingly difficult. Doing no more than 10 reps allows for something pretty heavy or for a skill movement like a muscle up to be added to it.

This one took most people about 10-12 minutes. With the 50s I finished in 18:57

Sweat index - 9. I might as well have jumped in the pool. My socks and shoes were dripping. Good day for LMNT

Weight - 171

Sleep - 8 hours

Workout start 4:40 am

Stretch, warm up then go.

July 6, 2022

Slim crowd the last 2 days. Yesterday only 3 and today only 4. Rusty + Ellie, Jose and Matt Lawson, Me + Moose

Today was


40 cal slow and steady

10 cal sprint

Amrap 30 min


Sled pushes/Pulls


Ruck 1 mile w 60 lbs in new boots


Shoot 30 arrows at varying distance

Preworkout - Relate Preworkout + 1/2 cup apple juice + 10 gr Phormula 1 protein

During workout - Drink 1/2 gallon water

Post workout -

Morning shake

2 scoops Phormula 1 - 40 g protein

2 banannas

1 scoop Ignition

1 scoop Creatine

1 scoop Glutamine

2 scoops Opti Greens

1 Alpha Brain Instant

Then Vitamins

1 pack Micro Factor - 1st Phorm

2 fish oil

2 Turmeric

3 MasterBrain - 1st Phorm



Weight today 171 —-down from 191 on March 10

Sleep, 8 hours

Total workout time this morning - 3 hours 15 minutes