Yesterday was a great day right up to the last 1 second of the workout. Ill explain
We started with Strict Press @ 120
Then 2x that number at 100 lbs
2,2,2,2 minutes on/rest 1 minute
12 Dumbbells bench press 50s
12 cal row
Max GHD in remaining time
I got 19,20,21,22
1000 @ 1:53
rest 1 min
1000 @ 1:53
rest 1 min
1000 @ 1:53
rest 1 min
500 @ 1:50
I decided that w would do a finisher to prep for my goal of being able to do 54 kipping pullups on my birthday in August. My record is 53. I videoed the attempt just in case I made it and I wouldn’t have to do it again.
I felt ready and went for it. I did 50 unbroken kipping Butterly pullups and then felt my grip weakening. I readjusted and did 2 more kipping pullups. I had miscounted (after video review) and thought I was on 53 with only one more for the record. I went for it despite my grip being weak.
I pulled hard and my hands slipped off the bar and I went down extremely hard and landed on my left hip. I was very lucky that I did not hit my head at all. Regardless, it was a very hard fall and I had a tough time getting up.
Yesterday was spent with an ice pack and some advil. It was one of the least productive days I can remember.
Today was better and I was not going to let that injury sideline me for complete inactivity.
I was thinking…What can I do rather than thinking of all the things that I am unable to do in this condition.
I let the guys do the prescribed workout today which included Overhead squats, 800 m running intervals and a bike, dumbbell, bar muscle up workout…none of which seemed like something I could do in this condition.
I went through my stretching routine and felt like I could do most things that did not require any squatting or movement of the hip. During the stretch, I do 50 pushups and they felt pretty good and didnt aggravate the area that I hurt yesterday too bad.
I decided on 20 pushups a minute every minute for 50 minutes which is 1000.
No problem and it felt good to get the blood flowing and some sweat.
My back is feeling better than yesterday for sure. I am so thankful and grateful that I did not hit my head and thanks to March who was there immediately to see if I was ok.
More ice today and Ill be 90% by tomorrow.
Lesson learned was …when the grip fails…STOP DOING PULLUPS. This could have been pretty bad and I feel like I escaped with a painful but not serious injury.