June 30, 2022

Another awesome morning at the RRL.

Warm up followed by

Front squat


Clean lift off




Bike 30 cal

Suitcase deadlifts @70 10/10

50 Double Unders

20 Vups

We finished up with 15 arrows on the bow with Mathew

I weighed in today at 171.8. On March 10 I started my plan to drop 20 lbs and Im almost there. Earlier in the year I also planned to pay closer attention to supplementation. I read several books including WIN and The Mineral Fix and The Sodium Fix by Dr James DiNicolantonio. These books have helped me to understand a few things going on with my body and give it what it needs to perform and recover better than ever before. I wish I had known this stuff 40 years ago!

I have used the Carbon Diet Coach to get my macronutrients in check and have seen that I did not need as much food as I previously thought I did. 20 pounds fell off and Im setting PRs. Of course the weight loss is a major contributing factor but I believe that the diet and supplementation are also key elements to this success.

Key things I have done


1st Phorm Micro Factor every day



Much more sodium pre workout and through the day through Re-lytes and LMNT

Beta Alanine





Magnesium Threonate



I feel like I am sleeping more soundly and recovering better. I am going to continue to try to improve the sleep even further by looking into Vitamin D, B and K supplementation and blood testing which comes from Dr Stasha Gominak and her research that she has done to create the RightSleep program.

Here is a shot from post workout today at 171.8 lbs

June 29, 2022

Fantastic way to start the day with Josh, Justin, Mathew, Drew, Robert, Matt, Jimmy, Rusty + Ellie and Me + Moose

Warm up followed by

Clean and Jerk 1x5

Deadlift 5x5


Bike 15 cal

Burpee box jump over


Ski 11

1 legless rope climb + 1 Rope Climb


Row 12

Sandbag squats (bear hug) 100 lbs 10

No rest between sets

Drew puked which was cool. Now he won’t be afraid of that anymore

June 28, 2022

This morning was what it is all about!

Josh, Jose, Mathew, Rusty, Kyle, March, Ellie and Moose

We started with

Back squat

1x5 @ 177

3 x5 @ 205


Bench Press

5x 135

5x 155



100 Double Unders

60 Wall balls

30 Chest to Bar pullups

100 Double Unders

60 Wall Balls

30 Chest to Bar pullups

100 Wall Balls

This was a race with Josh. I hit 99 DU unbroken to take the lead and we alternated the lead most of the workout. I pulled ahead on the last set of Pullups and started DU earlier than Josh. He did 70 unbroken and we were tied at 70. One miss allowed him to pull ahead and win by 1 second.

Great race, great push, great effort by both of us.

Great way to start the day with a great workout, great camaraderie, intense competition

I shot 10 arrows at 30 yards to finish…just 40 more today at various distances

June 23, 2022

Great start to the day today!

After Eva yesterday I am sure that people were sore and tired. We lost a few this morning. Rusty + Ellie, Kim, Jody, Mathew, March, Drew, Me + Moose

Today we went back to HWPO program and resumed where we left off

Overhead Squat 5,5,5,5,5 115-135, 115


50’ Front Rack Walking Lunge with 50s in each hand

15 T2B

50’ Handstand Walk

x 5



400 x 6 with 1 min rest between

June 22, 2022

This morning we swapped out a 40 min EMOM on Fraser’s program for a workout of the same time domain. This one is TOUGH and I never look forward to it.


Run 800

30 KB Swings at 70 lbs

30 pullups


I felt pretty good but did not set a PR this morning as I have on the last couple.

42:21 which is a very similar time to many of my times all the way back to 2013. In 2010 and 2009 I did 35 and 38 minutes but I think those were on flat courses at the old house. Our hill makes a difference and when I compare to the ones I know where on the hill this would be my second best time ever.

Hanna and Braden got up at 4:30 am to do it and Turner was here today too! What a group

June 21, 2022

Things have been going great!

I have been throwing in workouts that we have done previously to test the results and see how Im doing. 3 workouts down and 3 PRs at age 53. There are a few things that are going on to contribute to this performance. Sleep, Nutrition, vitamins, and the fact that I have lost 20 lbs recently.

On today’s workout, I scored 16 reps higher than I did 2 years ago.This was such a boost in motivation!

Ill keep putting them in and testing for the next month or so.

This is what Im looking like at 173 lbs

June 14, 15, 2022

Great morning at the RRL.

Split Jerk 2,2,1,1,1 192-205

Every 1:30 x 8 sets

:40 cardio machine (bike)

:30 skill movement (Handstand Walk 10 yards)



30 cal bike

25 Jumping Air Squat

20 2 “ deficit pushups

x4 rounds


Clean and Jerk

1,1,1,1,1 175-205

We replaced the Metcon today with Jake to begin our testing phase. We have been on this program for 248 days. I want to know if it is working! We will redo most of the classic CrossFit Girl workouts because we have a pretty well documented history of these particular workouts and they are all effective.

Today we started with


Row 1000 m

50 Thrusters @45 lbs

30 pullups

For time

My previous best ever…since 2008 was 6:36. I have 7 workouts recorded staring in 2009. Some were during the Goruck and SealFit training days so I may have been wearing a ruck or at least boots and pants. The ones I was looking for were the ones done at my house. 6:36 was my best time on this one previously.

Today I beat it!

Felt great today! HWPO is working. Best time ever. everything unbroken. Not sure there is much time to save on pullups as I was doing them unbroken butterfly and as fast as I could. Thrusters were fast and unbroken, row was 1:48 first 400 then crept to 1:52 and by the end was close to 2:00. I could earn some time there. Transitions could be a little better maybe. Extremely happy with this result

It is such an incredible feeling to know that at 53 years old I am still getting better and fitter. Losing 20 lbs recently has really helped and I will keep it off to continue this performance trend. I also got to ring the bell this morning for an ALL TIME PR!

Tomorrow we will try another one of the girls. Probably Helen.

June 13, 2022

Awesome start to the day with Patrick, Josh, Jose, Matt Lawson, Mathew Nuar, Kim, Jason, Rusty + Ellie, Me + Moose

Good warm up and stretch then straight into

Back Squat

6,6,3,2 - 197-265

Front Squat

5,4,2,2 - 165-204

Snatch 3,2,1 - 116-137



4 x 500 m with :30 rest in between

then 1:30 rest


2x 500 with :30 rest



15,12,9 - Burpee box jump overs Rx is 30 “ I did 20 inches today

5,5,5 100 lb sand bag clean

GREAT way to start the day

Weight: 175

Hydration: Good

Sleep: Good

Supplements: On point

Salt - Preworkout Relyte

June 10, 2022

Great morning with Jody, Josh, Jose, Jimmy, KEITH GRAY returns, Steen + June and Me + Moose

Started with a Deadlift for time

2,4,8,10,15 decreasing from 255-115


40 min EMOM

13 Cal Row

15 GHD

12 Cal Bike

20 pistols

We scaled the pistol today by sitting on a 20 inch box. It was much better on my knee and I feel like I can continue progressing towards a full pistol by simply dropping the box height a little each time until I can hit full depth.

Weight - 172

Sleep - Good

Hydration - Good

Salt - Redmond Relyte preworkout + LMNT during the day

Overall feeling - Excellent

June 9,2022

Back in the garage today with better sleep but sore legs

back squat 6,6,6,6,6 185-245

Front squat 5,5,5,5,5 155-205

12 min ascending amrap

2 dumbbell snatch

2 box jump/step overs

20 double unders

4 snatch

4 box

40 double unders

Continue adding 2,2,20 for the 12 min

I made it to the 12s and almost finished the double unders. Josh was pretty far ahead of me

Oh and it was raining today!

June 6, 2022

Greetings from Montana. We came out to be here when my son asked his girlfriend to marry him.

Surrounded by both families and in the most powerful place on Earth, Yellowstone National Park, he asked and she said yes! It was incredible. We even saw a bear on the way out.

The prospective groom and I were supposed to go to MTN Tough to workout with the 5 am class but his alarm didnt go off. I did a deck of cards on the front porch while the rest of the family slept. Ill probably get in a hike later as well.

Get after it today!

June 3, 2022

We celebrated the end of a very tough training week (in my opinion).

Today started with a thorough warm up


Every 1:30 for 7 rounds

12 cal on fan bike

1 power clean @ 79% - 165 for me



This one was fun/also not fun

30 Thrusters 95/65

30 Toes to Bar

30 Handstand pushups

Rest 3:00

2 rounds of

15 Thrusters

15 Toes to Bar

15 Handstand Pushups

Rest 3:00

3 rounds of

10 Thrusters

10 Toes To Bar

10 Handstand pushups

For total time

This one was interesting because you did the same 90 reps in each set but they were split differently. one big set, 2 smaller sets and 3 small sets. The idea is that we should be able to move faster on the smaller sets but I think I was moving slower. I chose 65 pounds so that I can go unbroken in all sets which I did but the 90 thrusters 90 T2B and 90 HSPU just kind of caught up to me I guess.

I like this format though. We did something similar yesterday.

Off to Montana this week so Ill spend some time at MTN TOUGH

June 2, 2022

The week is winding down but the workouts are not


Split Jerk

3,3,2,2,1,1,1 From 175-215


An AMRAP style interval workout. The way this one worked is that we have 4 5:00 minute blocks with 3:00 rest in between. During the 5 minutes you do as many rounds as possible of the following exercises:

Goblet Squats @ 53 lbs

Knee Tucks

Bike Calories

Here is where it got interesting. In the first round the rep scheme was 20 of each, 2nd round dropped to 16, 3rd 12 and 4th 8 reps of each. This made the transitions more frequent and kept the intensity up. Nothing else changed.

I have released some really good podcasts with some spectacular guests lately. Check out this one with UFC Fighter Michael Chandler on the Mindset of a Champion and what the Walk On Mentality is.

Episode # 618 with Michael Chandler

Episode # 612 with Dan Staton of Elk Shape

May 30, 31, June 1

Memorial Day Murph-

Each year we do a special workout to remember those who have sacrificed their lives so that we can enjoy the freedom offered to us in the greatest country on the planet.


Run 1 mile

100 pullups

200 pushups

300 squats

Run 1 mile

Wear a 20 lb vest

I set a PR on this one after losing 17 pounds and feeling at my best. 36:06

May 31, 2022

Many would take a day off after Murph, but we hit this one


Deadlift 1x8, 1x6, 1x4, 1x3, 1x2, 1x2, 1x2, 1x15 - from 177-265 and then 15 at 135

40:00 EMON

  1. 15 cal row

  2. 15 toes to bar

  3. 10 cal bike

  4. 1 legless rope climb

Then today, June 1, 2022

Back Squat 8,6,4,4,4 - 187-255

Front Squat 5,4,3,3 - 178-230


Every 1:30 x12 minutes (8 sets)

Row 200 m

1 power snatch at 115



15-12-9 Hang Squat Clean

15,15,15 Ring Dip

50-50-50 Double Under

Been a great week of training. Weight held at 174-175 and Ill continue to drop to 164 just to see how that feels. Ill probably settle somewhere around 170-174 depending on performance and sleep