March 24, 2022

Great day at the RRL with more muscle ups than we have seen from our group in a while

Josh, Jose, Lucas, Card, Rusty, Alan, Michael, Steen

Started with Squat Snatch - I felt rusty and immobile today. 135 was challenging. Mobility in my left shoulder was not as good as it can be and also my mid back. Seems like the stretching should be helping but I seemed tight.

Then a strange workout from Fraser -

5 Muscle ups

10 shoulder to overhead w 135

15 cal on bike

x 3 rounds but rest 1 min after first round, 2 min after second round and 3 min after 3rd and then repeat the workout again with the same rest times

My first try was better than my second try even though all the movements felt a little better on the 2nd…just slower.

Today is the day we leave for the 1st annual RRL fishing trip. Headed to Louisiana for many guys first experience at something like this. It should be fun. 9 of us going including my dad. I have prizes for most, biggest, most sunburned and most likely to return

March 23, 2022

At 4:45 the rain woke me up. I usually get out of bed at 5:02 but I just got up this morning. I could use some extra stretching and probably a few minutes to see how we might customize today’s workout into something we can do in the rain.

It started with a good 20 min stretch and when I felt like I was ready, I moved to the first movement of the day. Clean and Jerk 5x3x2 @ 155

On round 3 I was pretty sure that today would be the day that the streak was broken. I started this garage gym in 2008 or 9, I cant remember. But ever since the first day, at least one person has come to workout with me. I have never been completely stood up. After the 3rd clean and jerk this morning I was pretty sure that today was the day, but I saw headlights and then Justin Arnold rounded the corner!

Justin hit his clean and jerks and I finished mine and then we moved to the next round of the workout which worked perfectly for only 2 of us in the rain.

10 Bench Press

10 Sandball Shoulder @ 120lbs

5 Bench Press

5 Sandball shoulder @ 120

Hit this every 5 minutes x 3 rounds



25 cal

Rest :30

10 cal

rest :30

10 cal

rest :30

10 cal

rest 2:00

do this x3

Great start to the day. Thank you Justin for saving me this morning!

March 21, 2022

Good group today. Robert, Kim, Card, Will Ensign, Jose, Gage, Josh, Rusty, Alan, Me

Front Squat, Back Squat, Snatch/Row emom followed by bar Muscle up/Devil press and then a 16 min core emom

I read the book Salt Fix yesterday and tried some things I learned. Instead of the 20 gr of carbs coming from Apple juice mixed w 10 gr protein powder I exchanged the apple juice for tailwind that has 330 gr sodium in it. I added a little salt on top of it. Mixed the protein powder in it and did not take Beta Alanine this morning. I felt pretty good and managed 6 bar muscle ups in a row. Maybe I felt a little stronger? I will see if the afternoon nap hits as hard today and I am also going to watch my calves to see if they are twitching as much.

I did not sweat that much this morning. Certainly not like the summer time but I will sauna this afternoon.

Hopefully I can get the balance right.

March 18, 2022

Finished the week with Deadlifts and a 40 min EMOM


The EMOM was good. Had a good group: Lucas, Jody, Josh, Jose, Steen, Will Ensign, Card, Rusty, Mathew, Me, Alan.

The Squat Clean Dumbbell was supposed to be at 95. We don’t have a 95 lb db and Im not sure anyone can even do that. We do have a 75 and I managed to work my way up to that for a few rounds. Lucas did too with surprisingly good form. Looked really good. Mine probably didnt look very good

After the workout and to celebrate Moose’s return we went into the basement and had a Black Rifle Coffee Party. Good times

March 17, 2022

Another awesome morning.

Yesterday was a rainy day that coincided with a day of biking on the HWPO program. It worked out well as we were able to all stay inside and get the work done. It was about a 10 minute warm up of intervals on the bike followed by a 30 minute interval based upon our 20 min max ride. We went 1:00 at 100% of that max, 2:00 at 80% and 2:00 at 60% followed by :30 rest x 5


March 15, 2022

Great morning! Im missing my dog Moose as he is still at manners camp. We did have June and Ellie here today though. Great group with Josh, Steen, Rusty, Alan, Mathew, Me.

Morning weigh in at 184.6 down from 191. The tracking of the macros is working and I feel good.

Great stretching session last night before bed and I felt good this morning in the warm up stretch.

We got all this work done before 7 am

March 14, 2022

Trip to Montana, Trip to Auburn. Time away from this blog but no time away from training.

I also started a new plan to get down to fighting weight. I weighed in at 187 and have been as high as 191. I want to get down to 174.

While I like RP Strength and have had good success with it, I have also tried it many times and fallen off. I think it is too much tracking for me. I decided to try my friend Layne Norton’s app, Carbon. It is easy, provides Zone macro goals and allows bar code scanning. So far, I have remained in calorie deficit but hitting protein requirements. I am predicted to lose 1.5 pounds per week. Hopefully that will continue to work and Ill hit my goal

February 22, 2022

Great day in the garage this morning. Strangely, it rarely rains between the hours of 4:30-7:30. Heavy rain hit last night and rained through the night but by 4:30 it broke and we were able to get the whole workout in rain free. It is strange how often this happens. It started raining as I was finishing at 7:30.

Romanian DL at 185

Snatch balance at 95, 115, 95

Metcon 2 at 185 dropping to 135 to try to get more T2B

No extra work today besides push/pull sled and stretching

Making significant progress on the sit cross leg head on floor which feel fantastic and strangely seems to have opened my hamstrings a bit.

Rusty, Justin, Mathew, Josh, Jose, Steen, Jody, Me, Matt Lawson + Ellie, June and Moose

February 15, 2022

Training feels good right now but I am not sure how my performance would be if I were to test it. I have not competed in a while and with Fraser’s HWPO program there is really not a way to keep track of everything or a leaderboard to compete on each workout. I really like the programming but I do miss the leaderboard from Bergerons program.

I have been staying relatively light on most weights and I do feel good and injury free. Id like to test some workouts and probably will with some open workouts even though I am not competing in the Open this year. Ill do some of the workouts as a test to see where I am.

Hit the strict press at 135, 145, 155. Snatch and squat snatch was 95 and felt smooth. Could have done 115 pretty easily I think. Knee work is paying off


Good group this morning…Josh, Jose, Justin, Jimmy, Rusty, Card, Alan, Me

February 14, 2022

Felt great to be back in the Garage this morning!

Robert, Kim, Alan, Rusty, Josh, Jose, Matt Lawson and JODY all back with me.

Starting to ramp up the weight again. Feeling good. I based my 1RM dead off 315 which is light but just being careful and laying down a good base. Snatch Balance was at 115 and Metcon was at 115 as well. I was moving well with the 115 squat snatches today. Knee work is definitely helping.

Finished the day with 4x push/pull on the sled with 6 plates.

February 13, 2022

I have been out of town on a trip with my wife and 2 other couples. We went to BVI and stayed on a sailboat. It was a fantastic trip and offered a good amount of time to do the 10,000 pushup challenge.

I finished this years challenge in 10 days. I could have just done 1000/day for 10 days but I started out lower and made up some numbers on the boat. I did 2001 on the last day to finish.

Expecting to be sore, I wasn’t. That made me very happy that I could do 2000 pushups and not be even a little sore. I think the key to this was doing 20 on the minute for 94 minutes. The small sets with rest made a big difference.

Now it is time to get back into the garage and back to Frasers program. Looking forward to it

February 2,2022

2nd day of the 10,000 push-up challenge. No push-ups in the workout so I’m a little behind yesterday. Sitting at 360 right now. I’ll do more later this afternoon

I have been going off below max numbers for a while now. I think it has helped me to heal up and be injury free for a bit. Developing the base.
deadlift max is set at 315 right now instead of 360. So today hit the dead’s at 245.
felt pretty good on the burpees row and GHD and ended up with 73 of the target 75. I used a 20” box though

ill need to bump up the weight and hit the standards for the workouts on HWPO to be competitive but for now I’m just trying to move well, focus on mobility and flexibility and get back to running. The running has not improved and I am still afraid of injuring my calf.

heart data

February 1, 2022 1st day of 10,000 push-up challenge

Today is the first day of the 2022 Tom Rowland Podcast/Captains for clean water 10,000 push-up challenge.
I started with my regular warmup which includes stretching and breathing exercises followed by 50 push-ups. Then I hit another 50 before the workout started.
we got 150 more during the workout to put me at 250. I did another 100 while LIVE on IG for 350 so far today


Finished todays workout with 3 sled push/pull