November 10,2022

Workouts continue through a heavy travel schedule

After my elk hunting trip and heavy rucking up and down mountains, my calves feel about as good as they have in a long time.

I have tried running several times and have begun to run every other day with increasing mileage in an attempt to get my running back.

I have run 5k twice this week which sounds pretty lame but is actually quite an accomplishment for me.

For the last 3 years I have been dealing with a chronic calf injury. Stretching through the Ultimate Human Performance program has really helped and so did a new pair of Hoka shoes

Today I ran 5k on 28:58 which is horribly slow compared to where I once was but lightning fast compared to not being able to run that distance without injury not very long ago.

We are still on the Mat Fraser HWPO program on day 358 I think

October 26,2022

So much time away lately!

Back to back elk hunting trips then a shoot and tomorrow I head to the Ft Lauderdale Boat Show

even though I have not been posting here, the workouts have not stopped.

I’ll just pick up on today

Front Squat


5 @ 165.75lb

Power Clean

1x(2+1) @ 159.9lb

1x(2+1) @ 168.11b

2x(1+1) @ 174.25lb

1x(1+1) @ 180.416

1x(1+1) @ 188.6lb

1x(1+1) @ 205.01b +

Pocket Power Snatch

4x2 @ 108.5lb

Power Snatch

4x2 @ 131.75lb


8 Rounds For Time:

20/16 Cal Row

10 Strict Handstand Push-up

50ft Handstand Walk

35 Double Under



10/10 Star Fish

20 Heels Over

15/15 Flutter Kick

*Rest as needed between rounds.

Supinated Grip Bent Over Row


October 11,2022

I’m finally back in the garage after a long month of elk hunting.

If you are unaware, elk hunting is extremely physical. We walked between 6-20+ miles every day with a heavy pack up and down the steepest hills!

Today was birthday day. Chris, David and Alan and Rusty all celebrated their birthday with 3 partner workouts

  1. Partner - 100 row calories/100 burpees in a 1:1 ratio

  2. Rest 5:00

  3. Run 400/150 pull-ups Tag Team. 1 does pull-ups while other runs

  4. Rest 5:00

  5. Leap Frog - 10 bike cal/10 hang clean/10 wall Ball x 6 total rounds. Each partner does 3 of everything

Great format and great workout!

Kyle and I take the win and the belt!

Sept 14, 2022

Outstanding start to the day and a great way to finish off my training for the elk hunt I have next week.

Taking my own advice from my podcast, I have tapered training this week to insure that I show up uninjured and fresh.

I have been maintaining intensity but decreasing weight and any movement that doesn’t feel quite right. Things that would normally barely even be felt become something that I avoid in exchange for a different movement.

Today, I felt something extremely slight in my left shoulder as I was doing pull-ups so I immediately transitioned to regular push-ups instead.

I took it easy which was hard to do and not as much fun as putting the pedal down. I also subbed ski for the running we did today on the outside chance that I might injure my calf on a simple run.


Squat Snatch

1x3 @ 119.01b

1x2 @ 127.5lb

1x1 @ 130.91b

1x3 @ 136.0lb

1x3 @ 119.0lb

Overhead Squat

1x5 @ 92.5lb

1x5 @ 111.01

1x5 @ 120.25lb

1x5 @ 129.5lb

2x5 @ 120.25lb

Snatch Pull

1x3 @ 153.0lb

1x3 @ 161.5lb

1x3 @ 170.016


4 Rounds:

300m Run (Fast)

300m Run (Slow)

100m Run (Sprint)

*Rest 1:00-2:00 between rounds.


For Time:

1200m Run

12 Rounds:

4 Strict Handstand Push-up

8 Chest To Bar

12 Air Squat

*Wear a weight vest if you are able to.


Strict Pull-up


Band Assisted Strict Pull-up


Barbell Bicep Curl


*For each set of 21's, complete 7 bottom half rep, 7 top half reps,

then 7 full reps.

Sept 13,2022

Been a good but busy week. Great group today and yesterday!


Strict Press

Max Reps @ 138.75lb

2 Sets @ 116.55lb, Match Reps From First Set

Hip Thrust w/ Band Around Knees


Heavy Bulgarian Split Squat w/ 2 Kettlebells or 2 Dumbbells



4 Rounds:

300m Row @ 01:49/500m

300m Row @ Recovery Pace

200m Row @ Add your Personal Record below/500m

*Rest 1:30 between rounds


2/2/2/2 Minutes On / 1 Minute Off

15 Deadlift 225/155

15/12 Cal Fan Bike

Max Rep Toes to Bar In Remaining Time

Sept 9, 2022

Small but mighty group this am.

Mathew showed up at 4:30 then Ben, Steen, Rusty me and moose + June, Jude, and Ellie. Great dog day!

Squat Clean + Split Jerk

3x(2+1) @ 175.5lb

1x(1+1) @ 189.01b

2x(1+1) @ 200.25lb


3x3 @284.75lb



1) 15/12 Cal Row

2) 50' Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge*

*Switch arms every other round


1) 14/11 Cal Fan Bike

2) 10 Dumbbell Snatch 50/35


1) 14/11 Cal Ski Erg

2) 15 GHD Sit-up

Have a good weekend

Sept 8, 2022

Two good days of training with great groups


All bike…however I did the ski erg because my knee has a touch of vaginitis that I have to clear


Pulled sled which has really helped my knee


Back Squat

1x5 @ 191.75lb

1x4 @ 221.25lb

1×4 @ 236.0lb

1×4 @ 250.75|b

Bench Press

1x5 @ 130.016

1x5 @ 150.0lb

1x5+ @ 170.01b


Every 4:00 x 20:00 (5 Rounds)

24/20 Cal Fan Bike

15 Chest To Bar



3 Parallette Handstand Push-up

3 Front Squat 205/155 (or 50% of 1RM Front Squat)

6 Parallette Handstand Push-up

6 Front Squat

9 Parallette Handstand Push-up

9 Front Squat


Then more knee stretching

Great workout with a great group this morning!

Strangely, we were missing all our “J”s

Justin, Jimmy, Josh, Jody, Jaenicke, Joyner, Jude 🐶, Jay D, Jay E, jordan all missing

What is going on? A J mutiny?

I hope everyone has a great day! Hopefully we will see some J’s tomorrow

Sept 6, 2022

Yesterday was a good workout with the group that started at a leisurely 8 am. We had, Ben and Jaqueline, Mathew and his 3 kids, Robert, Rusty and me + Moose. Ellie is on injured reserve due to a cut paw.

It was a good one yesterday starting with strict press 5,5,5,5


Ski, Sandbag clean and then ski in remaining time 2/2/2/2 with 1 min off

Then some core movements to finish it off


Squat snatch - which was a power snatch for me 5.5.5

Overhead Squat which I subbed for backwards sled pulls due to right knee

then 6 pullups, 500 m on ski, 10 Sandbag Cleans x 4 rounds


400 m run x 6. - I only did 4 but had no discomfort or injury! Ya!

Good day today!

Sept 2, 2022

Travel has been occupying my time lately. A trip to Auburn for my daughter, then Alaska then right to SC. I have not been posting here but I have been able to maintain fitness to a reasonable level as well as staying on my eating plan.

After all the travel I weighed in at 175 which was only up 4 pounds from where I left. I felt pretty good about that. I did a deck of cards (at least) every day while gone which isn’t enough to achieve elite fitness, but it is enough to maintain a level. Mostly, it allows me to keep moving and get a little sweat going anywhere, at anytime with no equipment.

Back in the garage today we did

Back Squat

5,5,5,5,5 135-195

then Bench Press

3x 12 light weight



2 rounds Cindy

5 Sandbag cleans

Max cal on Ski Erg in remaining time

2:30 on/1:30 off x 6 rounds


30 Bicycles

15/15 side plank hip touches

20 candlestick toe touches

Alan brought a new guy, Ben. Welcome. Alan, Josh, Steen +June, Will Ensign, Mathew Nuar, Me + Moose

August 16,17,18, 2022

We celebrated my birthday yesterday even though it is actually tomorrow. I’ll be in Alaska by then so I thought it would be best to do my celebration yesterday.

It was a workout called Tommy Mac

Tommy Mac

  1. 12 Burpees.

  2. 12 Thrusters - 115/75 lb.

  3. 12 Burpees.

  4. 12 Power Snatchs - 115/75 lb.

  5. 12 Burpees.

  6. 12 Push Jerks - 115/75 lb.

  7. 12 Burpees.

  8. 12 Hang Power Clean - 115/75 lb.

X 2 rounds for time

I used 95 lbs + a 20 lb weight vest

We did the lifting as planned before the workout.


Clean and Jerk 1,1,1,1,1



Then 10 min emom

Bike 11

GHD 15

Straight into

10 min emom

Row 12

Touch and go snatch at 45% of max x6

X 2 for a total of 40 min

August 15, 2022

Happy birthday Hanna!

Good start to the week! My knee has resolved whatever problem I was having with it so I’m celebrating already

Good group- Robert, Jody, Kim, Kyle, Jim, March, Rusty, Card, me

Overhead Squat

1x5 @ 120.25lb

1x5 @ 129.5lb

1x4 @ 138.75lb

1x2 @ 157.25lb

1x1 @ 170.216

1x5 @ 129.5lb

Pocket Snatch + Low Hang Snatch

2x(2+1) @Add your Personal Record below

1x(1+1) @ Add your Personal Record below

3x(1+1) @ Add your Personal Record below +

Snatch Pull

2x3 @ 136.0lb

1x3 @ 161.5lb




1200m Run @ 5K Pace

Rest 1:30

400m Run @ Add your Personal Record below/400m

Rest 2:00

3x200m Run @ Add your Personal Record below/400m, 0:30

Rest Between Efforts

Rest 1:00

400m Run @ Add your Personal Record below/400m


20 min core blast

August 12, 2022

Ended the week with a good one

Joined by Jim, Jody, Steen + June and March who was on Central time

Strict Press

Max Reps @ 129.5lb

2 Sets @ 101.75lb, Match Reps From First Set

Heavy Bulgarian Split Squat w/ 2 Kettlebells or 2 Dumbbells


Heavy Suitcase Deadlift

2x15 @ 90.45lb


1500m Row @ 02:00/500m

Rest 2:00

600m Row @ 01:51/500m

Rest 1:00

3x300m Row @ 01:48/500m

*Rest 1:00 between efforts.


2/2/2/2 Minutes On / 1 Minute Off

3 Squat Clean @ 183.75lb

15/12 Cal Row

In Remaining Time, Max Rep Burpee Box Jump Over 24"/20"

*Your score should be the number of burpee box jump over reps


I did not do the box jump over because I am working out something in my right knee. Also just did power cleans and only 12 cal

I got 21,21,22,21 burpees

August 11, 2022

Great start to the day with Card, Kim, Michael, Justin, Jody, Rusty + Ellie and me + Moose

Front Squat

1x5 @ 178.5lb

1x3 @ 204.016

1x2 @ 229.5lb

1x2 @ 242.25lb

Above Knee Pause Power Clean

3x2 @ 143.5lb

Power Clean + Power Jerk

3x(3+1) @176.25lb

1x(2+1) @ 192.716

3x(1+1) @211.5lb - 216.2lb

Pause High Hang Power Snatch

3x3 @ 108.5lb - 111.6lb

3x2 @ 116.25lb

3x1 @ 119.35lb - 127.1lb

Power Snatch

3x2 @120.9lb - 127.11b

1x2 @ 131.75lb

2x1 @ 136.4lb


5 Rounds For Time:

20/15 Cal Row

15 Dumbbell Thruster 35's/25's

15 V-up

Rest 3:00

1 Round For Time:

40/30 Cal Row

30 Dumbbell Thruster 35's/25's

30 V-up



20 Star Fish

20 Heel Overs

30 Flutter Kick (total)

*Rest as needed between rounds.

Single Arm Kettlebell Deadstop Row


Burnout Set w/ Lighter Kettlebell

August 10, 2022

It’s evident that summer is over and school is back in session by our guest list. A few people have resurfaced and we are happy to see them return

Mathew Nuar showed up at 4 am, Justin, Card, Jody, Matt Lawson, Kyle, March, David Elliott, Rusty + Ellie, Me + Moose

Interesting workout today. I liked the format of the metcon

clean and jerk 1,1,1,1,1

Deadlift 3,3,3,3,3,


24 min EMOM

Row 12

15 T2B

Bike 12

12 Box jump over

2 min break

6 min AMRAP

Deadlift 225 x 5


2 min break

8 min EMOM just like the first one


Shoot arrows and tune bow for broadheads

August 9, 2022

It must be close to the first day of school because we had quite a reunion today!

Steen + June return from Wyoming, Will Ensign returns, Card Steel on his 2nd day of the return, then the regulars, Mathew, Jody, Jim, Rusty + Ellie and Me + Moose enjoyed a great workout while we celebrated the career of Olivia Newton John RIP.

With Grease soundtrack playing loud, we did this

Back Squat 5,4,3,3

Bench Press 3,3,3,3,max reps at light weight



25 ft Front Rack Walking Lunge

8 bar facing Burpees

25 ft front rack walking lunge

8 bar facing burpees

8 Bar muscleups

x 4 rounds

It called for 115/85 but I scaled this back to 55 due to the hip injury from falling off the pullups bar 2 weeks ago today. Its getting better but that is a tough movement right now.


Cardio finisher

1:00 on/1:00 off x 10 rounds

10 cal bike sprint then finish the minute at 1 mile pace.

Great start to the day.

Ethan Suplee on the podcast today!

August 3, 2022

Mid week awesomeness started at 4:30 am.

Mathew Nuar was here at 4:30 and I got downstairs shortly after.

Mathew, Kyle, March, Jim, Rusty + Ellie, Me + Moose today

Front Squat 5,4,3,2,1 165-230

Above knee pause power clean


Power Clean + Jerk

2=1 x 3, 1 + 1 x3

Pocket Snatch

3,3,3,2,2,2 102-115


20 Min AMRAP

20 Ski

20 GHD

10/10 Goblet Lunge

50 Double Unders


Stretch finisher

I felt a good bit better today. It has been exactly a week since I fell off the pullups bar and finally, I am able to do a few things that my body wasn’t allowing until now. I hope this means that I am close to getting back to 100%.

I was surprised to be able to front squat the empty bar today because any sort of squat has been out of the question, so there is some improvement there.

Then, I thought that a GHD would not be a good movement at all but I was able to do them.

Double unders were very tough 2 days ago but today I was able to get 50 unbroken.

I am certainly not 100% but making progress. A bruise finally showed up on my hip after 5 days which seems like there is some changes and maybe healing going on.

Take home value… Don’t fall off the pullups bar…it is not good…Busting your ass (literally) hurts and sets back training significantly.